stick with the guy you are interested in who lives close by you. you didnt' say who you liked better.....only that you kind of like the mexico guy. if the guy in mexico is willing to come to you and spend time in your own turf then check it out. it not worth it to waste your time going all the way down there. least as a woman on your own turf with your family you would be safe. in mexico away from everyone you would have noone there for you.
2006-10-16 09:16:23
answer #1
answered by Jody SweetG 5
My Guess is that your friend down in Mexico is going to be there for about two years, and that he is not available to date during this time. If this is the case, your choice is easy. Help him keep his heart locked by continuing to be his good friend. Anything more will destract him from his purpose in Mexico. Dating someone else is totally ok while he is down there. If you are free when he comes home, go take it from there.
You have nothing to lose getting to know the guy in town better.
2006-10-16 16:34:37
answer #2
answered by Advisor4U 1
For a good relationship a couple should be close to each other... if you prefer the guy who lives in mexico: are you prepared to move down or will it be cyberlove?
If you aren't convinced of the guy who goes to church with you just keep looking!
2006-10-16 16:16:16
answer #3
answered by julesloveslife 3
That's strange...I was just thinking you would probably have a better chance with the guy here....since the other guy is in Mexico. But..if you are using the distance as a way to stay a virgin or to keep an emotional and physical distance it could be good.....
2006-10-16 16:16:49
answer #4
answered by Me 3
Mexico is a bit far for a relationship. I would start with the church going one first.
2006-10-16 16:14:57
answer #5
answered by Mike 6
you need to pray about this first... then talk to the guy in mexico.. don't jump before you know theres a cushion to fall into, we are just hoping it'll be the arms of Mr. Missionary in Mexico... I bet someone who devotes time like that to people and to God is so much more worth it...
2006-10-16 16:15:48
answer #6
answered by lily 5
The choice will ultimately be yours, however...despite civilization's newest over-reliance on text messaging, instant messages, e-mails, etc., nothing beats a face-to-face relationship. My advice is to not throw away a potential relationship with someone you are able to spend live, personal time with over an e-mail friend. The e-mail friend may, indeed, be a nice person. However, there are things about a person that you will not pick up on or be aware of until you know them face to face.
2006-10-16 16:16:54
answer #7
answered by MEC010 1
Long distance relationships rarely work out...but it sounds like you aren't all that interested in the local guy or you'd show a preference for him over the don't waste local guy's time...
When you meet someone you really want to share your time with, you'll know...until then you can keep chatting with the long distance guy...I'm sure he appreciates that someone far away is thinking about him (but then, he may have found himself some female company over wouldn't be that difficult)...
2006-10-16 16:15:41
answer #8
answered by . 7
If Mexico is far away from you, the relationship won't work out as most long distance relationships don't work.
You should probably go for the guy that lives near you.
2006-10-16 16:14:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If you date the one that goes to church with you you'll get to see him. If you date the one in Mexico you won't get to see him much.
2006-10-16 16:14:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous