I had to do it on my own because I didn't want people telling me what to do. I cut down drastically to about 5- 10 a day and then I quit all together. I bought some Nicotrol INhalers, as I thought they would be like having something in your hand just like a cig and puffing on it. They helped dramatically!! But now I am not even using them, but still feel the urge for them because of the nicotine. I don't miss the smoke and the smell, which is good, just the affects of the drug I think. Another thing is I quit drinking so I wasn't in "bars" and hanging around others that smoked..So that helped tremendously not being around it.!!! Hope this helps and you get stopped.. GOOD LUCK !!! Had to add that I am 3 months smoke free...
2006-10-16 05:22:10
answer #1
answered by chazzer 5
From reading the answers you have gotten already, none of these people are smokers.
I have been smoking since I was 12. I "quit" for 5 years, and have been back smoking for 7 years.
The first thing you must have is the want to. If you don't want to quit, it will just about be impossible. I "quit" because I was pregnant and it made me sick -- thus I wanted to. But the longer it went on the more I wanted to smoke. So know that it is possible to "fall off the wagon".
I had allergic reactions to the medications the doctor gave me to quit (wellbutrin) as well as the patch, so that won't work for me. I have tried a "smoking diary" in the past. Write down every time you light up, and what you are doing. After about 2 weeks, figure out an average of how many cigarettes you smoke a day. Then divide by 24 hours, and smoke on a schedule (if you smoke 24 cigarettes, smoke one an hour, etc). Then take one away. Two days later, take another away. Adjust how far apart your cigarettes are as you take them away. Eventually, you will not be smoking. If you fall off your schedule, start over. Use the gum or patch if it helps you, but if not quit using them, cause you are just getting more nicotine using them (and I have issues with using them cause it is just replacing how you get an addictive substance, not addressing the addiction).
Talk to your doctor. They have many ways to help you. But before you do anything, get the first step down -- want to quit.
2006-10-16 12:21:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think the best way to quit smoking is using the nicotine patch or just go cold turkey. Let me tell you right now its going to be a long hard process. But you can do it!! You will start having withdrawal symptoms and your body is going to want that cigarette and at times your gonna want to light up but fight that urge! If you can last for 2 weeks then the hardest is over. For the first two weeks you will feel really sick and will want to give up just hold on!! After the two weeks you will begin to breathe better and will feel like a whole new person. Hang in there!
2006-10-16 12:10:11
answer #3
answered by thisiswhatisay! 3
1. Use the words "Stop Smoking". If you say
I quit smoking, that means you will never
smoke again and you don't know if that is
true. I stopped for 9yrs., and 11mos. and
started up again in 2001 and am still smoking
those sticks today.
2. If you have it in your head that you are
serious about stopping, then you will be
able to stop.
When I stopped smoking my Mom was sick and we thought she had cancer. I made a promise to myself that if everything was okay I would finish out the cigarettes I had and then stop. Mom was okay and I kept my promise.
Nine years and Eleven months later my Dad was dying from cancer and I got extremely mad and just started smoking again.
By the way, when I stopped I used nothing but my own willpower, no patches, gum or drugs.
Good luck to you!
2006-10-16 12:37:57
answer #4
answered by alli42454 1
The best thing to do is wean yourself off. Start by cutting back and then come up with a plan. The most effective plan that I have seen work is once you have cut back to less than a pack a day then start limiting yourself. When you think you want a cigarette tell yourself that you are going to wait ten minutes before you have one. And each time you want one add ten more minutes. Pretty soon you will find yourself going most of the day without a cigarette. It is a lot easier on your body to cut back. It is a shock to the system to just quit cold turkey and it usually leads to upper respiratory problems such as bronchitis. But first and foremost you have to make the decision that you are ready and then stick to it. It also helps to remind yourself frequently why you are quitting in the first place.
2006-10-16 12:11:07
answer #5
answered by Laura D 3
The best way is to really be committed to quitting; knowing that you don't want to continue a slow suicide. I quit after 40 years of smoking after developing shortness of breath and asthma. Every time I would even look at a cigarette I would tell myself "It's not even an option in my life anymore". The message finally just sunk in my brain until I completely consider myself a non-smoker. Don't even miss it, and I'm breathing so much better. Go for it. It is so worth it.
2006-10-16 12:16:46
answer #6
answered by danaluana 5
Definitely read "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" - by Allen Carr along with whatever method you choose. While not a smoker myself, I've had two friends who smoked for years and never lit up again after reading it. Cant say it works for everyone, but I was impressed.
2006-10-16 12:17:21
answer #7
answered by AGNY 3
I got a really good friend to stop by being her smoking coach. For the fist week you get 5 a day. The second 4 and so on and so on. If she was on her 4th week and was smoking her 5th one for the day I would take it out of her mouth and step on it. You basicly just need someone to be on you to stop all the time. My friend stoped in only 3 weeks.
2006-10-16 12:12:21
answer #8
answered by wlissa_sweet 2
My mom quit smoking.... she did it by taking Wellbutrin though. I think it is trading one addiction for another but hey i guess if you want to get the job done, it works. She has beeen smoke free for over a month now, and she said she hardly gets craving, but when she does she said its usually when shes out drinking with her buddies and evryone is drunnk and lighting up cigarettes. but you just gotta be strong. i guess taking a pill is better than smoking cigaretted though ( on a healthy scale )
2006-10-16 12:10:40
answer #9
answered by bbevans2006 2
Simple answer is "don't light up". Find something else to do with your time. Go to the library, keep busy, get a hands-on hobby. Get the patch or gum or whatever.
Cancer & emphysema certainly cure smoking if all else fails.
2006-10-16 12:09:18
answer #10
answered by snvffy 7