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1 answers

"During the refining of sugar cane and sugar beets, the juice squeezed from these plants is boiled to a syrupy mixture from which sugar crystals are extracted. The remaining brownish-black liquid is molasses.

Sorghum molasses is the syrup produced from the cereal grain sorghum.

Soy molasses is generally considered to be the soy solubles removed from soy insolubles by washing with alcohol or aqueous acid."

Haven't been able to find out anything about who named it and when -- it just seems to be a name that was attached when "molasses" were made from something other than cane sugar, such as the sorghum molasses.

2006-10-16 05:10:57 · answer #1 · answered by Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever 7 · 0 0

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