Good question :)
There are small cells in an onion that has this gas which makes you cry. One good way to avoid this problem is to cut the onion in half and than rinse it to get rid of the gas. You can also put it in the fridge and wait couple of minutes.
But somehow if your eyes still burn and get irritated, open your freezer door and hold your head inside for a while. Cold air really helps the irritation. Relieves the burning.
2006-10-16 05:03:59
answer #1
answered by Cilek 3
It is from the fumes/gases that the onions give off when cut. I burn a candle next to the onions and it seems to help absorb the fumes. You can always just wear some protective glasses, that really works! Good luck!
2006-10-16 05:01:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Cut the onion in halve and soak them in cold water for atleast 30 to 45 mins.Preferably the cut sides facing the water.As its difficult to completely get the onion under the water,(as they float) put something on top of the onions so the whole halve is in the water.Trust me this wrks.No more tears and no more runny nose.Let me know if it works out for you or not.
2006-10-17 05:16:18
answer #3
answered by jazz 1
I'm not sure if chewing gum stops crying, but when you have been crying and want to brighten your face up again, I splash cold water on my face and if I have been crying a lot I leave a wet rag on my eyes for a few minutes.
2006-10-16 06:43:39
answer #4
answered by Ash 2
If you dont want to tear up when cutting you onion , then toss the onion in the freezer for about ten minutes before you cut it, this will freeze the juice that makes you cry ,and you will be happy again ...........try it then come back and give me the ten points ........
2006-10-16 05:02:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Put a spoon in your mouth, then swimming goggles on your eyes. Then take a roll of shrink wrap and wrap your hair in it. Then get a full body nuclear fallout type suit and thick rubber gloves....actually just breathing through your mouth instead of your nose helps, but the above is guaranteed to work.
2006-10-16 07:02:25
answer #6
answered by Empea 3
i know this sounds stupid but if you block your nose holes with some tissue you will not be able to smell them,its a myth that your eyes are to blame,when your nasal passages send messages to the brain saying onions time to cry.its all to do with the strength of the onions and their smell makes you cry. or wear swimming gogles when you peel and chop them.
2006-10-19 11:36:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Buy ready chopped frozen onions for Asda. Saves the hassle.
2006-10-16 05:36:26
answer #8
answered by daisymay 5
Wear those wrap around sunglasses and put a peg on your nose or buy large Spanish onions or get someone else to do it!
2006-10-16 05:08:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Cutting up onions doesn't bother Contact Lens wearer's. (Because of less oxygen.) So I get stuck with cutting up onions!
2006-10-16 05:08:57
answer #10
answered by upsadaisy22 2