I had something once when I was a teenage. I wasn't angry, but I was playing in the street on our couldasack and I guess I needed to release some built up energy. I had a sudden urge to run barefoot down the street. I always had tough feet then from being barefoot all summer. I had an adrenaline rush and ran so fast that I can remember my feet barely touching the ground and my strides were effortless. I ran the full leangth our our street in nothing flat. My best friend was there when I did this and he still testifies he has never seen anyone run that fast. I guess adrenaline is very powerful stuff.
2006-10-16 02:50:13
answer #1
answered by jgbarber65 3
If you know other people prone to losing their temper and going into a rage, you must have noticed they too can/will do some extraordinary things.
At that moment you can feel like the 'Incredible Hulk' and invincible. Also in a rage, things don't seem to matter any more, the whole world is against you, so 'stuff the consequences!'
At those moments your are probably prepared to do anything.
I was once mugged late at night after taking money out of a cash point. As the guy began to lose it I knew I could not tackle him so fished out some notes from my pocket and gave it to him telling him it was all I had, I lied of course.
The reason I couldn't take him on was because I wasn't angry then, had I been it would have developed into a fight. I'm just glad I am not like that. You see, it is not how strong you are normally, it is how crazy you are at the time and what you are will to do.
The real question is what are you willing to do to release your anger as a more positive energy and contain your behaviour? I bet these rages are not pretty!
2006-10-16 02:44:14
answer #2
answered by Jon Boy 2
It is unlikely anything else will happen at this point (L-U-C-K-Y), but they probably put your names into the system so your luck might not be so great if there is a next time. Be glad you didn't get an enormous fine or worse. And don't smoke that stuff in your car!! Even if you don't have any with you, the car can still maintain that odor to non-pot smokers for quite some time... or at least invest in some ozium LOL.
2016-05-22 06:10:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There was a friend of my dad's who had a similar situation. He had just witnessed an accident and a little girl was pinned down beneath the car. So my dad's friend lifted up the front part of the car and turned it and picked up the girl. He later explained he didn't know what came over him but just knew he had to get her out from beneath the car.
Unfortunately, that had dire consequences. The sudden intense pressure caused increased intraocular pressure leading to glaucoma. Poor guy.
2006-10-16 02:37:37
answer #4
answered by Liz^24 4
Adrenaline is a very powerful thing.When I was in High school my friends & I used to lift cars & turn them in thier parking spaces so that people would have issues getting out of thier parking spots.I personally have seen people so angry they have lifted great amounts of wieght without a thought to how heavy something acttualy is.Remember that an object no matter it's physical wieght is lighter in water.
2006-10-16 02:34:38
answer #5
answered by doccizpagan 2
There was a TV program on about this the other day, a bloke was hypmontised to think that his mate was under a car and he managed to pick it up. We have limiter type muscles in our arms that stop up from tearing our muscles, we do have the strength to pick up much heavier objects but we might cause damage to ourselves by doing so. In times of great need our brains can bypass the limters and lift extrordinatley big objects.
2006-10-16 02:31:57
answer #6
answered by andham2000 3
My husband has had this happen to him before in a fit of rage. But your stalling issue may be from needing a new fuel filter.
2006-10-16 02:37:00
answer #7
answered by jenniferlynnfyfe 2
I really think you need some help with your anger issues. I'm not trying to
be mean but seriously man this is not good. We all deserve to live a happy
life without the baggage that causes such rage. Please call your local
hospital to see if they can get you some counselling. peace.
2006-10-16 02:31:58
answer #8
answered by sunnymommy 4
I can not say that the situation you described has ever happened to me. Yet I have heard of other people doing this usually in moments of crisis. The adreline boost is the one responsible for such super human strength.
2006-10-16 02:31:21
answer #9
answered by WarWolf 3
Not me, but I have heard of a woman that had a child trapped under her car and she lifted the car up by herself. It's like you use more of your strength when you are mad or scared.
2006-10-16 02:31:43
answer #10
answered by Billys girl 3