Christina, I use a moustache tint for men, to do my eyebrows. There's one called For Men Only, I believe. It's together with the other hair colors. The up side is that you have one small tube of color, one small tube of developer. You put a pea-size amount of each and swirl them together to mix. Then with the tiny eyebrow (moustache!) brush, you brush it on, leave on 5 min. and rinse, and voilá. I do it prior to my shower as I'm laying out what to wear, and by the time I undress and jump in the shower it's time to rinse off. No time wasted. This is to keep up the eyebrow color, since I seem to lose it several times in-between hair colorings. The first time, of course, you can do it with your regular hair coloring since you'll have it mixed anyway.
2006-10-16 02:29:29
answer #1
answered by Orquidea 2
You can dye your eyebrows the same color as your hair, but you should get a professional to dye your eyebrows. I guess you would have to have your eyebrows dye every 2 to 3 weeks, since you have them plucked or waxed so often. Consult with a professional and he/she will give you the pros and cons of having your eyebrows dyed.
2006-10-16 02:25:06
answer #2
answered by GlamourGirl 2
Just For Men Eyebrows
2016-11-12 04:17:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
This Site Might Help You.
is it okay to color your eyebrows? with hair dye? how often do you need to color them?
i have light brown hair, i am planning on going to a dark dark dark brown. however, i cant stand my eyebrows being such a different color.
will it be okay to put some hair color on them? also, how often will i need to color them? it seems like i would need to do them more often than my hair,...
2015-08-18 05:04:50
answer #4
answered by Maire 1
Funny enough, that Just For Men stuff has metallic dyes. Which, if you listen to your stylist, can lead to some fun stuff happening like breakage, melting, burning when in contact with other chemicals, it's amazing stuff, really. That's why stylists don't recommend box colour at all. But on the bright side, there's dye made specially for eyebrows and eyelashes!!!
Try that instead of risking going blind or missing eyebrows. Trust me, I'm a hair dresser.
2014-04-04 16:06:06
answer #5
answered by Miku Takahashi 1
Yeah you can I always used a q-tip to apply it. But as everyone keeps mentioning be VERY careful. And most are right you will probably have to have a professional mix a color up for you every few weeks, because you can't save your dye for a month. Y'know?
2006-10-16 02:33:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
theres no problem with you colouring your eyebrows... you can get them to use the same dye that they used on your hair but if you say that you keep doing your eyebrows just see if you notice they colour has changed coz you don't have to keep doing it unless you feel that it is time again and people will notice your eybrows.. however depending on how light the colour of your eyebrows will be after applying the dark colour i'd say leave your brows coz sometimes it goes with they dye and looks natural but thats your choice.
2006-10-16 03:18:19
answer #7
answered by Crazy_German 2
listen to me, I am a beauty therapist (or I used to be anyway, before I broke my arm and had to give up) DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE HAIR DYE ON YOUR EYEBROWS OR LASHES. You have been warned, just don't do it, i is not the right dye for eyebrows and the hair there takes dye so quickly you could end up looking really stupid. Go to a salon and have it done properly, you will regret it big time if you use hair dye on your eyebrows, please please listen to me, I do know what I am talking about for a change!!!!!
2006-10-16 02:32:16
answer #8
answered by sparkleythings_4you 7
The reason most home hair coloring says on the label not to use on eyebrows is because they do not want to be responsible if you get any in your eye and do damage or go blind. So be very careful. It might be better to have a pro do it so you can keep your eyes totally closed.
2006-10-16 02:23:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yeah it's okay to put hair dye on them just use strong caution to keep from getting it in your eyes, my hair dresser has put it in mine but I started telling her not to, even with lighter brows I think it looks better rather than dying them for some reason that looks goofy to me like they are standing out, dye only as often as your hair in between you can use an eye brow pencil that matches your hair if you'd like, to darken them a bit hope this helps
2006-10-16 02:26:43
answer #10
answered by sweetme 3