It's been a confusing issue since the Council of Nicea voted on it in 425 A.D. After that meeting, anyone who considered Christ as the son of God instead of God the son was considered a heretic or apostate. This doctrine has stumbled many over the ages and has pushed away Jews and Muslims from ever accepting Christianity. Many use John 1; 1 to prove this doctrine, but Jesus himself always referred to God as Father and never claimed equality with him. The most famous verse we know is John 3; 16 which states that God gave his only begotten Son as a sacrifice to save all those who exercise faith in him. Compare this to the Genesis account at chapter 22 where God asks Abraham to give up his son Isaac as a sacrifice.
2006-10-15 16:37:53
answer #1
answered by jaguarboy 4
Jesus said, "The Father is in Me, and I AM in the Father. the Father and I are ONE."
God The Father(who is a perfect spirit, has no sin, flawless, has no space or time, unlimited resources, all powerful and can be everywhere at once).
God The Son, Jesus(same as above, except Jesus does have a glorified body)
God The Holy Spirit(does not have a physcial body, read God The Father)
They are three separate, but their role is ONE.
Just like any sports team. There are a bunch of individual players, but they all make up a team. A team is not about one specific person, for one person does not make up the whole team.
Might I add that with God anything is possible. Nothing is too big or too small for God, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!
Also note, that Satan has his Trinity as well, since he mimics everything that God does or how God has everything set up
Satan's imitation as God the Father = The Antichrist
Satan's imitation as God the Son = The False Prophet(who's job is to promote the antichrist and get people to follow the antichrist)
Satan's imitation as God the Holy Spirit = Image of the Beast, which will most likely be a cloned race or something considered superior to mankind, could be some race that Satan conjures up before the final battle
2006-10-15 16:31:28
answer #2
answered by sanctusreal77 3
You are referring to the Holy Trinity. Catholics believe in the Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Many are confused like you. God the Father is very present in the Old Testament. God the Son, Jesus Christ, in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit was also mentioned there. You need to read a lot about it to fully understand and answers you will read here are not sufficient.
Well, if one is a God, then you can do anything you want since you have the power to do so - just a simplified answer.
2006-10-15 16:38:44
answer #3
answered by ? 7
I would be lying if I said I fully understood it since I don't. In fact even wiser men than I will admit they don't understand the trinity. I will do my best to explain it but I have a feeling I may mess up so please bear with me. The example of the eggshell is a simplified way of explaining it but it does leave some things unexplained. The best way I understand is that Jesus is simply the physical manifestation of God. In the Bible you find several references to God as a spirit. It is why Christ took on human flesh so that we could feel like we had a God who understood our pain. It is sort of like dealing with light. You cannot actually see the whole spectrum of light and yet you know it is there. The comparison to the trinity is that the light you see and the heat you feel on earth is simply the physical manifestation of the sun. You obviously cannot look at the sun or else you would go blind. The Holy Spirit would be like the U.V. rays that come with the sun's rays. You cannot see them but you can see the effects. It is the same with God. We cannot look directly at the Father but we can approach through the sun. I hope this has cleared away some of the fog for you and I am sorry if it hasn't. I wiil be honest that I don't fully understand it either which is why it is one of those things I take by faith. I may not be able to see God but I belive I see his handiwork around me as proof he exists.
2006-10-15 16:36:38
answer #4
answered by West Coast Nomad 4
As Jesus has said many times and many ways I am Gods Son not God this is stated in many places in the Bible even his enemies acknowledge that this is Gods Son they are two different people a Father and A Son Nowhere does Jesus claim to be God Gorbalizer
2006-10-15 18:42:26
answer #5
answered by gorbalizer 5
This is kinda a weird thing that many who are not christian find hard to understand-atleast from a literal standpoint. Many christians beleive that God and Jesus are the same being, yet seperated. I like to think of it as marriage. There is a bond but nothing physical.
It is deeper because they are still the same person. (maybe a better word is spirit)
Usually the Holy Spirit is included in that too (atleast for catholics) That is where you hear the "3 in 1" or a small prayer that goes "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit".
2006-10-15 16:26:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
>If God and Jesus are the same person,
>then why do Christians refer to Jesus as separate from God?
Who told you that God and Jesus are the same "person"? If it was a Christian, then probably a not especially articulate personl
>Does this make sense?
>Either Jesus is God or he isn't.
There is ONE God Who has revealed Himself existing as THREE "Persons"
So, Yes, Jesus is God.
No, Jesus is not "the same person" as the Father.
He is the second "person" of the Trinity.
>There can be not in between.
The Father is God.
The Son is God.
The Spirit is God.
The Father is not the Son
The Son is not the Father.
They are Three Persons, all of the same "essence", God. But not ONE person, rather, THREE "persons" .... unless, of course, you want to believe the view of modalism; which is not art of the Historic Christian Faith, once for all time delivered to the "Saints".
2006-10-15 16:42:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Jesus is God the Son, the Father is God the Father. They are 3 in person 1 in essence. Basic Biblical Trinity.
2006-10-15 16:40:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You need to get your facts about God from the Bible, not from this bunch of Godless heathen athiests that seem to frequent this page for some reason that makes about as much sense as their answers. Or their questions, for that matter.If you have no understanding of Jesus being God in the flesh, then the first chapter of the book of John stating: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." must really baffle you. I can see now why you refer to Christians as a group separate from yourself. Oh yeah, I think you meant 'no in between' instead of 'can be not in between', hmmm?
2006-10-15 16:38:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because God and Jesus are two separate people. Jesus is the son of God.
2006-10-15 16:28:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous