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Last week I bought a big bottle of vodka that said 50% alcohol. Between my 3 friends and I we had about 10 - 15 shots each over the course of about 2 hours before the bottle was empty. We basically just sat around the apartment and I didn't feel drunk at all during anytime that night. Maybe a tiny tiny buzz for a minute, but that's all and everyone else was drunk. This weekend just one of my friends and I got the same size bottle, only it was 40% this time. We had about the same amount of drinks because only half the bottle was gone, but this time we were walking around a lot and in a club at one point, and this time I was really drunk. What variables could cause this?

2006-10-15 03:34:47 · 4 answers · asked by mwells0629 1 in Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits

4 answers

Probably because any physical activity causes blood flow to increase through the body, hence the alcohol in your blood gets to your brain more speedily.

2006-10-15 03:39:25 · answer #1 · answered by avian 5 · 1 0

This type alcohol gives you that kind feel when
the alcohol vepour is mixed in your blood.
Then you feel lightweight as the feather,
then suddenly mental inbalance is there.
If you drink alot you wont remembar what you do last night.
The feel takes time it differs from Person to person.
if u want to drink alot & avoid the feel i.e. sideeffects Try HANGOVER TABLETS take it if you feel its impossible to handle by you.

2006-10-15 03:50:20 · answer #2 · answered by KSHITIJ 2 · 0 1

cause you are relaxed while sitting down and drinking fresh air brings outthe buzz or what u call being drunk

2006-10-15 03:39:06 · answer #3 · answered by Scott R 2 · 1 0

it affect's your central nervous system

2006-10-15 03:42:36 · answer #4 · answered by MR.COLD 2 · 0 1

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