My and my Step dad were fighting(I wasn't really fighting) and then my Mom took my side. Then I guess my Dad realized he was wrong and he got pissed and didnt let me go to the show i was going to go to tomorrow.
So why do they get mad when they are wrong?
9 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Family
Its so ridicoulous. My dad was making fun of me right before my mom jumped in and took my side. Then my Mom yelled at him because of how childish he was acting. Then he realized that he was wrong and started calling me a smart *** punk.
13:41:53 ·
update #1
No one likes to be called out as wrong. I don't think it's so much the idea that we were wrong about something, but the way it's presented to us. Sometimes a knee-jerk reaction is embarrassment when we've been fighting over something that we think is right, and realize we were wrong. Embarrassment can lead to anger, more at ourselves than the person who showed us we were wrong. And that anger can manafest itself in many ways, one being the way we talk to or treat another person.
The next time your step-dad is wrong about something, don't call him out (not that you did) but wait until the argument has subsided and then calming talk to him about it, and explain your side. I promise it will go over better!
2006-10-14 13:46:32
answer #1
answered by rtlsimpson 3
Parents are human, and many have issues they've yet to deal with. My guess is that he was embarassed, and may recognize positive qualities in you he does not have, which makes him question his competence as a parent. Unfortunately, some people lash out in anger when they feel a lack of control. I'm glad your mom was there to support you. Don't let the insecurities of your dad change who you are.
2006-10-14 13:46:27
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Prideful and feel like they are the wizzes but on the other hand kids are worse for that thinking they know everything without having had any experience at it.
if your a kid you might right a couple of times but don't let experience fool you into thinking you are a wizz...
2006-10-14 13:45:27
answer #3
answered by shadow_3211 2
Well all the parents expect that their kids should listen and obey them. Parents are more experienced in life than kids. What will you do when your junior in school comes and proves you wrong? I guess its same with everyone who's more experienced than others...
2006-10-14 13:44:15
answer #4
answered by just_4_frenz 2
i don't know i don't get mad when my daughter is right and I'm not i just laugh+
maybe he thought you and your mom were ganging up on him so he got a little defensive
it does sound unfair that he didn't let you go out. sorry :(
2006-10-14 13:47:37
answer #5
answered by BROWNLYN 5
parents dont like to admit when they are wrong. some times parents feel embaressed that there child was right and stll take it out on you
2006-10-14 13:42:52
answer #6
answered by jamai 2
People in general hate to be defied.
2006-10-14 13:40:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
because they feel like their losing control of you. their afraid your growing up
2006-10-14 13:41:20
answer #8
answered by fa0099 2
Because they cant handle the truth.
Its ok. my parents do it also.
2006-10-14 13:40:20
answer #9
answered by ...[♥♠]... 1