Become Amish!
2006-10-14 13:30:50
answer #1
answered by Still_21_nheart 4
I am trying to figure out 1) why you would care if she is experienced....are you that insecure about your masculinity?
2) why do you assume that a woman who has experience cannot be faithful? It would seem that the more experience a woman has, the more apt she is to be faithful..she has found out that all men are about the same, and it is what is behind the man..brains, personality, etc. that count. Perhaps it is you that needs to readjust your thinking. This old crap about virgins is about as stupid as it comes.. Would you employ a beginner in a job? Well, I certainly wouldn't, and I am not into training people. I would prefer they actually know which end is up and get down to the real, companionship, sharing, etc. Limiting yourself to a virgin leaves one heck of a lot of people out in the cold as far as you are concerned. Good luck
2006-10-14 13:31:11
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In MOST of the country, Yes.
but their are a few decent girls here and there.
Its just like guys. MOST sleep with girls, but here and their you find a decent one.
I'm 16 and still a virgin. Proud of it also. I am waiting for marriage, because sex before marriage, Well you have to go through a lot of emotional healing, and probably physical if the woman ends up pregnant.
In my opinion, I say its not worth emotional hurt.
I want to wait for a man who loves, cares, and respects me, to have sex with. but I'm still waiting for marriage. and i let all of my boyfriend know that. Most don't like it and leave me, Which is perfectly fine with me. But i have finally found a guy who also wants to wait for marriage to loose his virginity.
So not everyone is insane as you think. It depends on the person and their upbringing.
2006-10-14 13:33:11
answer #3
answered by ...[♥♠]... 1
well actually the states r not all bad. And the whole country isn't like that. And it takes time to find someone nice and faithful keep trying.
2006-10-14 13:34:53
answer #4
answered by here i am 1
Go back to the hill family from which you came. This virginity thing is really overrated. What a woman has done before you showed up is none of your business. Get over yourself. And really go back; we don't need more neanderthals in this country.
2006-10-14 13:33:40
answer #5
answered by OU812 5
of course it's all over the country .don't u know your history in somali those men have 7 wives and hasn't your mama told u to shop around.well here in the states thats just how it is we look and try every package we like until we find the right one
2006-10-14 13:31:58
answer #6
answered by nojpsars 2
U will have to leave the USA to find such a chick....i know what you are saying, the broads here are sluts, they fell for the femini-nazi belief that they could do everything men could do, hook line and sinker.
I think your best bet would be to find a chick that imigrated to the US from XYZ country
2006-10-14 15:33:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Were wondering the same thing? You just can't find a decent guy who can stay faithful - damn! lol
2006-10-14 13:30:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I don't know what its like in the states but I have been faithful to anyone I am with!! Maybe canadian men just do it better????
2006-10-14 13:29:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
you need to keep looking,by the way how many have you banged?are you saving yourself?if a virgin is what you are looking for,go to church there may be a few there
2006-10-14 13:30:05
answer #10
answered by boozer 3