do as you like roza979!!
2006-10-14 13:22:34
answer #1
answered by prince47 7
Go for what you think is right? How would you feel if you were 14 and he was 15 and you really really liked him but he wouldnt date you because you are 14? 1 to 2yrs is not that big of an age difference. Just give him a chance and see how you like it, just because you date this guy doesnt mean your world will come to an end, and as for those friends they might just be jealous or have other motives behind what they say, if they are your true friends they will get over it.
2006-10-14 20:25:59
answer #2
answered by destiny_653 1
ya its ok, its the same with me. im dating a 14 year old but im 15
2006-10-14 20:21:50
answer #3
answered by mel 3
hey go for it but i never could trust a younger man...maybe i should have seeing my babies(plural) daddy walked out when i was 18 and they were 1 and then now that i am 22 my husband left for a younger woman...i think she was 16...and we had four kids and i am pregnant with 2 now!!! so why not take a risk!
2006-10-14 20:25:17
answer #4
answered by Lexsy 4
yea.... go for it!!! i do it all the time just no younger then that and did he justturn 14if so maybe u should wait i dont know now im confused yea well neway try it out ok it might be the best thing u have ever done!!!!
2006-10-14 20:25:07
answer #5
answered by catiegraham 2
Who cares about age. It's what you feel inside. Pre-teen and teenage boys like older girls because they "show them things," but you're a year older so it most likely doesn't apply.
2006-10-14 20:24:35
answer #6
answered by Lady Day 2
Who really cares about age. One year is really negligible. Go for it.
2006-10-14 20:22:43
answer #7
answered by Devin 2
Yes you are confused.
I say Go Fot It.
2006-10-14 20:23:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'm kind of confused by your question too. If you like him and you think he likes you, then don't listen to what your friends say.
ps. i would grealty appreciate it if someone could reply to my question titled - 'what can I do?' Thanks!
2006-10-14 20:22:05
answer #9
answered by NameEditedOut 1
nah i think when you date someone younger and your a girl it makes you seem desprate
2006-10-14 20:21:58
answer #10
answered by . 2
i doesn't matter what your friends think, its how you feel about guys are still young...don't be so worried about dating now...enjoy life...
2006-10-14 20:24:40
answer #11
answered by OnAJourney 3