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...every time i load up my computer i get this "invaled backweb" along with numbers next to it come up....i have windows xp...does anyone know what it means...its always been there...thanx!!!

2006-10-14 13:11:35 · 1 answers · asked by sandra k 3 in Computers & Internet Software

..i do hace an "adware" programme and a "spyware "one installed....

2006-10-14 13:22:31 · update #1

1 answers

You have downloaded a program that contains spyware or adware. The spyware or adware has been removed but the program requires the spyware to be installed in order to run, without it you will get the Run Time error. This program runs on startup so you will have to uninstall the program that had the spyware associated with it. Run Msconfig from the Start > Run window and turn off the progam that you downloaded, or uninstall the program.

If you still cannot find the program do a search for files that contain the word "Backweb"

2006-10-14 13:19:28 · answer #1 · answered by Gail : 4 · 0 0

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