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I want to cook this chili on a campfire.

2006-10-14 07:43:37 · 3 answers · asked by Jerry Lee Stinson IV 2 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

3 answers

Beans 'O Fire
dry beans, kidney, white and pinto
1 1/2 pounds hamburger
1 pound hot sausage
1 green pepper, diced
1 large onion, diced
hot banana peppers, diced
powdered garlic, to taste
Lawreys Seasoning Salt
2 packs chili seasoning, (hot, mild, or regular)
I like to use a cast-iron Dutch oven to do my chili.
Pour in the beans with water. Boil for 30 minutes.
Simmer until soft (about 3 hours). Brown sausage and hamburger. Dice green pepper, onion, and banana peppers.

Once the beans are fairly soft, add the banana peppers, green peppers, onion, sausage, hamburger, garlic, seasoning salt, 2 chili seasoning packets, and some more water. Allow to simmer for about 30 minutes. Eat.
Servings: 8
Preparation time: 4 hours

2006-10-14 10:08:36 · answer #1 · answered by crazylilwhitewoman 3 · 0 0

I made up my own but, it's so good & easy.
Here you go.

1 Pkg Carol Shelby's Chili mix (the one in the brown bag)
1 lb. ground chuck
1 sleeve Chorizo
1 lg can Tomato Puree
1 lg can whole Tomatoes
1 can Tomato sauce
1 lg can Pinto beans
1 lg red onion chopped
1 C. Beef Broth

Brown Ground chuck. Add chopped onions. Satue just until beef is done. (don't over cook)Squeeze chorizo from sleeve (sometimes I add 2 for more flavor) and break up with the beef.
Add puree, tomatoes (with juice), tomato sauce, pinto beans (with juice) & beef broth.
Now add your seasoning mix. Don't add the masa until the end of cooking or else your chili will be too thick.
Simmer for at least 2 hours.

(did you know that adding white vinegar to a bowl of chili helps with the heat?)

2006-10-14 10:14:41 · answer #2 · answered by Smurfetta 7 · 0 0

Its Chili by George
11/4 lb ground beef
5/8 of 46oz can tomato juice
5/8 of 29oz can tomato sauce
5/8 of 15oz can kidney beans, drained
5/8 of 15oz can pinto beans drained3/4cups plus2tbspplus 1 tsp chopped onion
2tbspplus 11/4 chopped green pepper
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp dried oregano
2tbsp plus 11/4 tsp chili powder
salt and pepper to taste

cook beef until browned crumble and drain

combine all indgs in slow cooker and cook 8 10 hours

if doing in the over cut cooking time by about half
serves four

2006-10-14 08:41:58 · answer #3 · answered by freaky gardener 4 · 0 0

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