I'm sure you are correct, otherwise the problem would have been corrected years ago.
2006-10-14 06:15:48
answer #1
answered by Alan Turing 5
My position is, take your cheap labor, and leave. Mexico can ramp up its' own industry to the point where they can support their own citizens. Cut-rate can also mean poor quality, non-compliant construction, so forth and so on. Illegal immigration is a crime, and, AND, if all the people in Mexico are so hard-working, where's the proof? Also, another angle here is that we're being lied to. We give Mexico BILLIONS annually, just give it to em, and...what's the result. They could build their needed infrastructure just off that, but instead, it's apparently going in someone's pocket. And, that's part of the history with Mexico, remember when we forgave Mexico's 20 billion debt?
Mexico's into us for 10's of billions, which we'll never see again.
It's a complete and total joke. They need to build up their own industry, their own agriculture(which they have like 5 companies there that do that stuff already, maybe even more), and REALLY develop their own country.
Finally, I don't care what the profit ratio is, it's time to fine the employers of illegals for breaking the law.
There's nothing stopping Mexico from fixing their country except fear and good sense, and the fixes really aren't that big, or even difficult. But, they have to get started, and that's not going to happen until the border fence gets laid in, and illegal immigration is stopped.
2006-10-14 14:04:30
answer #2
answered by gokart121 6
Our tax dollars are being spent in record numbers in order to provide free health care for anyone desperate enough to leave behind the country they hate to come here. Illegal immigrants are infiltrating our borders, popping out 6 kids and collecting WIC, welfare and free medical care. They are using up resources that belong to our citizens, and the cheap, slave labor is not worth the trade off. Sales tax applies to everyone who buys anything in the US, not just illegals. Using fake SS#'s? It's a Federal crime. Are you suggesting that we should all turn a blind eye because they are paying taxes via the violation of Federal law? If Mexicans hate Mexico so much then they should apply for citizenship just like every other person who doesn't come from our bordering countries. How fair is it that they can just sneak over the border and get free food and healthcare for their kids while others who legally apply to come here must wait even longer because they are clogging the immigration system? Illegally entering our country is a crime, and for good reason. Illiminating illegal workers would force these multi-billion dollar companies to actually pay a living wage to US citizens, therefore we could afford the fruits of our own labor. Otherwise, perhaps the USA should just take over Mexico, get rid of the corrupted Vincente Foxx and make the entire country of Mexico an American state, responsible for paying taxes to support their own men, women and children. Until then, illegal immigrants have absolutely no right to expect any free ride. Until we resolve the issues of poverty among our own citizens, we have no business trying to feed the poor in other countries. Illegal immigration contributes to the poverty in the USA. If you are so blinded by your love for illegals then perhaps you should consider moving to Mexico, assinating their president, illiminating the drug trade, and actually giving these people jobs in their own country.
2006-10-14 13:38:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Assuming your figures are correct ( I don't believe the are comprehesive enough) the aspect that you don't seem to figure in is that the quality of lives for legal and American born citizens is denegraded to a large degree by the competition for homes, jobs, goods and services and yes, parking spaces! (and the list goes on).
The quality of life in American is what people want to come here for. If it is ruined by non law abiding people who reproduce like insects and are nearly 40% of the population of our jails (a very expensive stat you failed to mention among several.) the costs to America, outside of the economic picture, is staggering and will crumble or change the face of America and probubly bring the USA down to the likes of something similar to Mexico. Why do you think these people are leaving there? They didn't change their own country, what do you think they will do when they get to the USA? Look around and you can come to your own conclusions. Many of us have already. I for one don't like what I see or am experiencing at the hands of illegals (mostly from Mexico).
Yes, they are generally nice, hardworking people who in SOME ways help the USA but many are unfamiliar with obeying the law and that will never change unless they go through proper naturalization programs. Balance, education and commitment is what our American world is about and what makes it so great. The illegals upset all of that and must be removed so we can re-establish our society in balance, fairness and proper productivity and oportunity for all that are native born and LEGAL immigrants to the USA.
2006-10-14 14:29:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sales tax has nothing to do with schools or welfare. It has to do with incidental services like road repair and transportation which illegals also use.
Poor people don't earn enough to pay to cover their school or services which is why we and all other countries limit how many poor could come. If they could cover their own education funds, their own countries would provide it.
2006-10-14 14:47:05
answer #5
answered by DAR 7
Ditto to 'Ditto's answer. Good research. American taxpayers lose out on illegal immigration.
La Gueta Micaela _ You need to shut your stupid mouth. You don't know anything about the Native Americans of TODAY! Get off the past!! Today we are AMERICANS and WE uphold the LAWS of the USA!! The law of immigration is to be upheld as is the law against murder, theft, fraud, identity theft, drug dealing, rape, pedophilia, etc.! Read what Ditto put up there!! He has links to prove what he said. You're just spouting off at the mouth. Americans are not racist to want our laws enforced and you are ignorant to assume such. You have no justification for the illegals entering the USA. There is none. No one is more racist than those who think our laws should be changed to allow people of a majority Latino to get 'amnesty' for a crime THEY are the main ones committing. How pompous to think we would succumb to demands by people who are in our country illegally!!!
2006-10-14 13:19:04
answer #6
answered by «»RUBY«» 4
You're dazed and confused as you left out the most meaningful amount of all and that is this: how much they contribute to the overall economy by participating in it as workers.
Why don't you look THAT up and tell us how much it is?
2006-10-14 13:12:08
answer #7
answered by Walter Ridgeley 5
1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year.
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally.
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
8. $50 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for social services by American taxpayers.
9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages.
10. Hispanics in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-Hispanics. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States.
2006-10-14 13:12:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You did not include the COST of this cheap labor.Here are the FACTS.
Illegal alien workers may increase profits for employers, but they are costly to the American taxpayer. Most illegal aliens have low educational attainment, few skills, and they work for low wages, often in the underground economy where they pay no taxes on their earnings. Since about three million illegal aliens gained legal status in the amnesty of 1986, the flow of illegal immigration has increased, and today that population is estimated at 9-11 million illegal alien residents in the country. The former Immigration and Naturalization Service estimated that the illegal alien population was increasing by about half a million aliens per year in 2000.
The Huddle Study
Because the number of illegal aliens can only be estimated, similarly the fiscal cost (government budget outlays) for those aliens can only be estimated. Dr. Donald Huddle, a Rice University economics professor, published a systematic analysis of those costs as of 1996 (see table below). The study also estimated the tax payments of those same aliens.
At that time, the illegal alien population was estimated to be about five million persons. The estimated fiscal cost of those illegal aliens to the federal, state and local governments was about $33 billion. This impact was partially offset by an estimated $12.6 billion in taxes paid to the federal, state and local governments, resulting in a net cost to the American taxpayer of about $20 billion every year. This estimate did not include indirect costs that result from unemployment payments to Americans who lost their jobs to illegal aliens willing to work for lower wages. Nor did it include lost tax collections from those American workers who became unemployed. The study estimated those indirect costs from illegal immigration at an additional $4.3 billion annually.
During the years since that estimate, the illegal alien population is estimated to have roughly doubled, so the estimated fiscal costs also will have at least doubled. Furthermore, the passage of time is accompanied by inflation in the costs of services, e.g., school budgets continue to climb. Therefore, what was estimated to be a cost to the American taxpayer of $33 billion in 1996 today would be at least $70 billion. Similarly, tax collections would have increased — sales taxes at least — so that the net expense to the taxpayer from illegal immigration would currently be at least $45 billion. The indirect fiscal costs would have also increased, especially during a period of already high unemployment, to perhaps and additional $10 billion annually.
1996 Costs Table from the Huddle Study 1
Public Education K-12 $5.85
Public Higher Education $0.71
ESL and Bilingual Education $1.22
Food Stamps $0.85
AFDC $0.50
Housing $0.61
Social Security $3.61
Earned Income Tax Credit $0.68
Medicaid $3.12
Medicare A and B $0.58
Criminal Justice and Corrections $0.76
Local Government $5.00
Other Programs $9.25
Total Costs
Less Taxes Paid
Net Costs of Direct Services
Displacement Costs
All Net Costs
Other More Recent Estimates
Other estimates have been done on components of the cost of illegal immigration. For example, FAIR estimated in 2003 that the cost of K-12 education for illegal alien children was at least $7.4 billion annually (see Breaking the Piggybank). This would be less than double the about $5.9 billion estimate above, but would be of the same order of magnitude. FAIR’s 2004 report on the medical expenses incurred because of illegal immigration (see The Sinking Lifeboat) shows uncompensated costs in excess of one billion dollars.
The cost of incarceration of illegal aliens in state prisons has also risen rapidly. In fiscal year ’02, the Department of Justice’s State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) distributed $550 million to the states to help defray their expenses, but this was estimated to cover only about one fifth of their outlays. Between FY'99 and FY'02, alien detention increased by 45 percent (from about 69,300 inmate years to over 100,300 inmate years), and that trend is continuing. These expenses do not include the costs of illegal aliens incarcerated in federal prisons, public safety expenditures, detention pending trial, expenses of trial proceedings, interpretation, public defenders, or the incarceration expenses of immigrants for minor offenses that do not meet the standards of the SCAPP reimbursement program. Therefore, it is clear that outlays for Criminal Justice and Corrections costs is today much greater than double the 1996 estimate.
While the cost of outlays for illegal aliens may be shifted by legislation among the levels of government and the private sector, the fact remains that illegal immigration creates an enormous fiscal burden on America and its citizens — a burden that Congress has levied upon us through short-sighted and haphazard immigration policy and succeeding administrations have aggravated by spotty enforcement of the law.
A Call for Action
Americans should demand that Congress and the administration work together to establish control over our borders and the interior of the country so that we have the assurance that aliens, whether immigrants or visitors, are legally present in the country. That objective is of vital importance for the sake of national security as well as for the impact on our tax bills.
2006-10-14 13:19:34
answer #9
answered by Yakuza 7
We lose FAR more then what we gain,
At least the answer you reffer to had links,
2006-10-14 13:11:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous