Simplest way on Windows is to use the program Paint that comes with Windows. Go to Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> Paint to launch the program. Use the Open function to open your bmp file, then choose Save As function. You will now see File Type as the bottom field with bmp already filled, but there's a pull-down menu button on the right side. Click on that, then select JPEG or GIF as the filetype, then Save.
2006-10-13 17:19:16
answer #1
answered by justdennis 4
Open the image using Paint, and then choose 'Save As' from the File menu. This will give you a drop-down menu with a number of different formats to save the picture into.
2006-10-13 17:30:08
answer #2
answered by so_it_goes_2512 3
In Paint - (Programs - Accessories) open the file which u want to convert (File - Open) then File - Save As - (down in the dialog box) - Save type As - (click on the dropdown) - Select JPEG or GIF ... whatever u want. Click Save. It's that simple. Good luck.
2016-05-22 00:24:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Open the .bmp image, click on the "File" option on the left hand side top corner of the screen and then choose "Save as..." option. A window will open, in this window check out the second last field, which is the "Save as Type" field. In this field, click on the arrow pointing downwards... present on the right hand side and select the 'jpeg' option. That's it.
2006-10-13 17:43:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i second the motion. apply occam's razor and take the absolute simplest route.
open the bitmap file in paint. paint is built into windows, and bmp is its native format.
go immediately to "save as"
in the "file type" list, pick your appropriate entry... jpg for photographic type material, gif for line drawings and simple cartoons.
maybe rename it to something obvious if you dont have "show file extensions" turned on in explorer.
hit save.
dance around the room in a display of much rejoicing.
2006-10-13 17:19:23
answer #5
answered by markp 4
Depending on what program you are using- something such as Coral Photo-Paint will have a 'web optomizer' in the pull down menu. You have also find hosting sites free of charge online that will change it for you. If you want me to see if I can change it for you just email it- not to sound wierd or anything- I just remember having the same problem
2006-10-13 17:17:23
answer #6
answered by angel_lillian001 2
Open the file using paint and use save as and select the different format as file type.
2006-10-13 17:16:47
answer #7
answered by Fremen 6
Open the image > file > save as >
then, underneath where you name the file there should be a dropdown box. Click it and pick ur desired format.
2006-10-13 17:16:07
answer #8
answered by Habester 3
when you save it in paint
theres the row thing where you type the name of the pic then below that it says "bitmap"
thats a drop down menu, click on it and change it
good luck
2006-10-13 17:16:36
answer #9
answered by RandomChickSam 3
Very easy, Just open ( Windows Pictures and Fax Viewer ) go to the Little Floppy Disk icon Enter it and go to ( Save as Type ) and you will be able to Change the PIC FILE TYPE !!!
2006-10-13 17:28:26
answer #10
answered by mr_acecombat 3