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I'd like to know your opinion.

2006-10-13 14:06:00 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

22 answers

Absolutly I know women in my class that could beat a man.
A trined woman vs. untrained man no contest the woman wins.Trained woman vs. trained man then it depends on the training.

2006-10-14 06:17:40 · answer #1 · answered by danzka2001 5 · 1 1

It is possible, but it depends on the circumstances. First off, what martial art are we talking about? I'm presuming you mean unarmed as women actually make better snipers than men. As they generally have better aim (hand eye co-ordination) and are more patient. Unarmed however women are at a disadvantage as the average woman's physical build is less than that of the average man's. That is really where the gender difference is well- different. A body builder chick vs. a pee wee herman guy will have the same advantage as a weak girl vs. a powerlifter guy as will an average guy have a disadvantage vs. a powerlifter guy. The real difference is the size and weight and stregth difference. If a person (man or woman) has a 200lb advantage on another (man or woman) then they have the advantage and it requires that much more training to be able to overcome it. It is possible to overcome some weight advantage, but not all. The whole "man/woman" thing is based upon the fact that on average women are smaller than men. However get a powerlifting woman, and an "average" guy, and this changes. Basically the question comes down to: "can someone with a weight/height/stregth disadvantage, overcome a larger more powerfull opponent with a longer reach advantage?" Yes, this is absolutely true they can, but it depends on the amount of the weight advantage, and how hard they train and how good a fighter they are. The bigger the difference, the more skill needed to overcome the disadvantage.

2016-05-22 00:03:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

In a no-holds-barred street fight, where no rules apply? Sure. A kick to the nuts, a heel to the nose, and/or a good solid kick/punch to the solar plexus. And there are various throws/holds that a smaller, weaker person can perform on a bigger, stronger opponent. After all, the point in these kind of situations isn't to fight fair- it's to take the other guy down and get out of there alive.

In a controlled, tournament-format fight? Yes, it's possible, although the man would have the advantage. But there have been several female martial artists who defeated male fighters- look up Mok Kwei Lan. There are more but they have Chinese names that I can't remember.
I do remember hearing a story about a woman who was at a jujitsu tournament and got bumped to the men's section because there were no competitors in her height/weight category for sparring. She pinned down most of the men- got 2nd place, I think.

I also heard of an amusing news story about two girls in Europe who took karate classes. One night, their instructor put on a mask and broke into their house, and the two sisters beat him up. (not sure if the instructor knew the girls lived there) Those girls were 10 and 11 year olds. You can look it up, but I don't know if it's still in the news archieves. It happened several months ago.

Size and strength DO help in a fight, but they aren't the ONLY factors. And you don't have to be Arnold Schwarnezzer to do extensive damage to the nose, throat, solar plexus, groin, and knee. It's also easy to manipulate a much larger and stronger person if you can get control of his wrists; a Marines Corporal visited my school last year and demonstrated some submission holds on the wrist to us. The Corporal explained that if you have the opponent in a painful hold and he knows what's good for him, he won't make a move to resist. If he does, you can apply enough pressure to break the wrist and make him submit again. They use this stuff in the military, so it works.

So yeah, it's definitely possible.

2006-10-13 14:53:20 · answer #3 · answered by ATWolf 5 · 1 0

Read Ecclesiastes. The fight goes not always to the strong.

All else being equal, size & strength matter. All else is not usually equal. There are many factors that will determine the outcome, such as the previously mentioned size & strength, speed, skill, knowledge, attitude & even a little luck.

If any of you big macho studs don't think a woman could beat you, I've got a few friends I'd like you to meet :)

2006-10-13 19:03:54 · answer #4 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 0

the question is very general. if the woman and the man are the same weight, and considering the man doesn't take martial arts (or isn't as skilled as the woman), sure.

now if you're asking if a 110lb woman who takes up martial arts can defeat a 160+lb man who's extremely fit physically but doesn't take martial arts, no, probably not. even then it depends on how the woman trains (for example, is she into MMA or "women's self defense" (which is retarded?)

2006-10-13 14:12:03 · answer #5 · answered by onomatopoeia 5 · 0 1

i think so if she is well trained and the man is drunk, no martial arts expertise whatsoever, no gun on hand, not physically fit, no athlete ability, skin and bones, unstable or sickly, 100% she can defeat him.

but truthfully, if a woman is well trained with a black belt rank in martial arts, my money is with her. i have a childhood friend that trained with her husband in martial arts, she always outnumber him in medals, she used to be our country's representative in olympic, she is that great...

2006-10-13 14:18:58 · answer #6 · answered by salome 5 · 0 0

If he is not trained and she gets the first 2-3 good licks or a good kick to the groin yes.If not Like Bruce Lee said a good big man is better than a good little man.

2006-10-13 14:08:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Quite possibly, depending on the circumstances. A woman skilled in verbal gymnastics wouldn't need to lift a finger though I reckon.

2006-10-13 14:37:09 · answer #8 · answered by Neil S 4 · 0 0

The answer would be ALWAYS.

Because women will wait for their best chance, making sure they don't get sidetracked by fancy moves or oh-so-obvious feints.

A man will ALWAYS have to prove he is better than a woman by posturing and seriously underestimating her. While he's so busy trying to look cool while he does his moves, she'll get in under his guard and coldcock him!

2006-10-13 14:22:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Look up Erin Toughill or Debi Purcelli. I would hate to piss them off and I'm a Muay Thai fighter and boxer.

2006-10-13 14:08:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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