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Will Metronidazole crushed into a suspension of pet tinic make my kitten's poop stink so bad that it burns my nose? I'm not trying to be gross, but she eats dry Iams kitten food and her poop shouldn't normally smell this bad.

2006-10-13 12:11:40 · 3 answers · asked by severina418 3 in Pets Cats

3 answers

It depends on what you are using the Metro for. If you are using it for Giardia, the dying cysts can cause the odor you are smelling. If the odor does not dissipate in a few days call your vet and consult with her/him. Good luck!

2006-10-13 12:26:18 · answer #1 · answered by Jezah 2 · 0 0

From what I just read by doing a google search you should be worried about more than just stinky poop. One vet said it should not be used on puppies and kittens. It causes cancer in lab animals. Why are you using it? For what problem? Surely there are other antibiotics with longer track records and considered safe for use on kittens.

Thanks Roman. I was going to take off about the Iams too and you have given my fingers a rest.

2006-10-13 19:45:44 · answer #2 · answered by old cat lady 7 · 0 0

It might....but I'm more inclined to think it's IAMS pet slop....I say slop because it's filthy pet food and IAMS does horrible & cruel testing on animals in appalling conditions and all my family, friends & I are never going to buy iams products. Tell everyone you know....and if you want more info, check out PETA'S website. You'll never feed your pet IAMS again. P.S. The website tells how you can send IAMS a "sample" of your pet's stinky poop and how you'll boycott them until they QUIT TESTING on animals & performing & funding cruel experiments.
P.S.S. What are they treating your pet for? Metronidazole is some wicked stuff!! Tell your vet about the nose burning.....immediately. Here's a link regarding the drug...
Good luck!!!!!!! =^..^=

2006-10-13 19:19:54 · answer #3 · answered by Roman 2 · 0 1

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