well...........why dont u just ask them wo they like ?
2006-10-13 11:49:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You should contact a local lesbian club where the members are 'out'. Ask them how to approach the ones you are interested in. Better yet, go to the category about Other Cultures where a lot of the gays hang, and repeat your question.
2006-10-13 18:39:28
answer #2
answered by Arnold M 4
All u Gots ta Do is Ask And say Hey Do u Like me?and they Say Yeah As A Friend then there proabably lesies!
2006-10-13 18:40:46
answer #3
answered by soccersweetie0140 C 1
Bring up a topic that relates to lesbians... and see their reaction. Most girls would say something like "If I had the chance, I would try it." or "I wish I had someone to be with" I don't know... theirs so many other ways of finding out!
2006-10-13 18:39:40
answer #4
answered by precious1982 2
Um, ask?
The mysteries of determining gender preference are way too mysterious to me.
I'd think you could ask them in a polite way, without the freaking out being an issue.
Do they know your orientation?
2006-10-13 18:39:26
answer #5
answered by George Curious 3
Are You shore that this is not a problem you got. You are hitting on girls that You are certain won't respond to your advances. Are you also interested in waitresses and stewardess, females who you are certain you will never actually win over?!
2006-10-13 18:44:52
answer #6
answered by Bo V 4
Ask for a group hug and pull away at the last minute. If they keep kissing get naked and start getting stuck in then you have your answer.
Alternatively ask them if they like munching carpets!
2006-10-13 18:42:00
answer #7
answered by Wiggy 1
I don't think a person can know anything about another person's private life unless they chose to tell you. If they tell you, you have a friend...if you accept their answer non-judgementally, they have a friend.
What do you want from these girls?
2006-10-13 18:41:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
This is just my observation....not actual facts, so take it as you wish....
Most lesbians do not do their nails. They will have short, unpolished fingernails, no fancy crap.
Again, just an observation.
2006-10-13 18:50:25
answer #9
answered by deb 4
if you see them walking downe the stret and one of them hasd there arm around eaxch other and the other hand on her-- rear-- end hey its a changing society!
2006-10-13 18:39:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
You should know that all lesbians wear ankle bracelets and thumb rings.
If you are not sure, ask them if they like p u s s y.
2006-10-13 18:44:10
answer #11
answered by orygunduk1 2