Make sure kitten is using the litter box, or big belly could be bloating and constipation. Keep on soft food and kitten formula (can start to dilute it more with water for weaning). Used plain old fashioned blue dawn dish detergent, when fostered last batch of kittens, helped with the odor, killed the fleas, and rinsed out better than anything else I tried. Also not as likely to leave a film on their fur which they can get sick on by grooming. Would also recommend a vet check-up to make sure kitten isn't full of worms, and can offer you alternate suggestions for feeding, development, worming routine, shots, neutering/spaying, and will start a history on the little one. Best of luck!
2006-10-13 18:01:05
answer #1
answered by Bunny 2
Fleas can kill any size cat if they have enough of them, they drain so much blood they make them anemic. There is a product that we recommend at our Hospital called Ovitrol Spray. We recommend owners with kittens under 8 weeks who can not use Frontline yet to use this product. You spray it on a towel and wrap the kitten in it, with its head exposed. Do this for 5 minutes and it will kill the fleas and the eggs. While the kitten is in the towel you take a cotton ball sprayed with the solution and gentle wipe its ears and all around the face, there will be a lot a fleas here because the are on the run! Do not spray directly on the kitten as this will make them sick. It works well and we use it a lot. I would worn the kitten too, most kittens and puppies get wormed at some point in the first year, it won't hurt them if they don't have worms but when they ingest fleas they can get tapeworms. But being from an unknown origin could have other worms that you may not see in the stool. Good luck.
2006-10-13 17:32:30
answer #2
answered by Amy R 3
Hi, I found this information on the web site listed in the source info below. There is a lot more info there that may help you with any other questions you have as well. Blessings to you and your newfound friend.
Abandoned kittens will need to be cleaned and rid of fleas soon after they are found. Flea anemia can hamper any attempt to save the kitten and fleas carry tape worm eggs. The vet will carry flea sprays suitable for use on kittens. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions for use on kittens. Adams flea spray (according to one foster mom) has been found to be safe and effective in quick kill of fleas while not harming even day old kittens. After using the spray (as directed on the bottle for kittens) place the kitten on a towel that can be removed with the dead and dying fleas 20 to 30 minutes later.
After the spray has rid the kitten of fleas, bathe the kitten in gentle soap or surgical soap if flea sores are present making sure to prevent chilling the kitten. DRY THE KITTEN IMMEDIATELY. 1 to 3 week old kittens can be dried carefully with a hair dryer. (Be careful to avoid blowing in their faces.) Older kittens are frequently frightened by the blowing and noise, so towel dry them as best you can and place them in a container that is in a warm place (like next to a refrigerator). You may also try putting the towel-dried kitten in a pet carrier and aiming the blow-dryer into the carrier where the warm air will gently circulate to dry the kitten.
2006-10-13 17:34:26
answer #3
answered by Animaholic 4
with a kitten this little, you might just have to buy a flea comb and comb the fleas out of him as most products cannot be used on them until they are at least 6-8 weeks old. You may possibly be able to use a flea powder but don't apply it directly to the kitten but put it on a towel then wrap the towel around the kitten for a minute or two...but check with your vet as I don't know what type of powders they have available. As soon as it is old enough I would suggest Advantage for future flea control.
2006-10-13 20:45:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I would check with a vet...but Skin-So -Soft bath oil from Avon is very effective on fleas. However with a kitten that young, I would consult a vet or call the Humane Society or ASPCA for info
2006-10-13 17:26:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You may actually want to take the cat to the vet maybe store bought shampoo isnt enough. I'm a dog person so I dont know if they have flee dips for cats but if so then that could be a great option.
2006-10-13 17:24:36
answer #6
answered by Some1Special 2
The vet will definitely tell you the best way to get rid of the fleas in one so young, but if his stomach is fat he probably has worms too so I would worm him or have the vet do it. What horrible people to dump innocent creatures. Bless you!
2006-10-13 17:26:23
answer #7
answered by blackjack 3
Try using Dawn dish detergent, it is a mild cleaner and it has an amazing abilty to kill fleaas then use a fine tooth comb (similair to what you would use on head lice) to brush out its hair before it completely dries.
2006-10-13 17:25:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Oh, they have special combs at the Pet store that removes fleas.
2006-10-13 17:24:35
answer #9
answered by CbopXB 2
Best to check with a vet, they may have something especially for kittens.
2006-10-13 17:23:41
answer #10
answered by iamjuls 4