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How do i let my reptilian brain take over? started a marshal art and they talk about reacting to an attack with ur reptilian brain so ur not concerned with the other person at all eg how badly they get hurt from your defensive attack

2006-10-13 07:37:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

12 answers

The "reptilian brain" gives you a very simple fight-or-flight response to a situation. I believe what you are wanting to refer to is a state called "no mind". You must train for a long time to reach this point. You must train until you develop "muscle memory" where your body doesn't require you to think to yourself "I need to strike and block", but you instead do it reflexivly. Eventually you will be able to train yourself to react without thought, without a "mind" on what your opponent is doing, another "mind" on what you are doing, another "mind" on what you might do next, etc., etc. This is "no mind", and it is much more sophisticated than a fight-or-flight reaction from your "reptialian brain".

2006-10-13 09:41:13 · answer #1 · answered by Jerry L 6 · 1 0

In Japan there is a concept called Mushin. I believe this is what your instructors are trying to teach you. Mushin means "mind without mind" this loosely translate into "reaction".
The actual reptilian brain is the medulla oblongota. It lays at rear base of the brain. It is the core of your brain that controls basic functions like breathing, beating your heart, things of this nature.
Mushin is achieved through years of practice. Hard practice.
Your muscles begin to take on the memory of the form. You reach a point where instead of flailing wildly when someone startles you, you block or punch.
I should have read Jerry l's responce before righting this, he's got it right.
In regards to the fight or flight process there is a third reality that is often left unmentioned but it is very real. You actually have fight, flight or freeze. Freeze seems to be the common reaction with certain people. They are too stunned to believe they are in danger. This one usually only works for rabbits.

2006-10-13 11:05:54 · answer #2 · answered by spidertiger440 6 · 1 0

This is more high level so I would say unless you have a lot of control and experience in sparring and such, don't worry about it. It is a training tech that deals with just reacting to a situation with your lower brain stem (medulla). The thought is that reptiles react with only this part of the brain. It reacts to fight or flee very efficiently with a trained response. Your trained reaction is very quick so you are unconcerned with morality, thought, etc. You just react which is why it is suppose to be high level. You choose to use it or not. Most cases do not require this in the least. Really, you just want to train your reaction time, your response to different situations. Sparring, practicing techniques at increasing speeds until you are using techniques against a trained opponent at their fastest/powerful speed and such will get you where you want to be.
As a side note, the philosophy while sound isn't a reality, a snake chooses to inject venom or not with its attack and how much. It decides very rapidly on its action. When it strikes, it strikes quickly with purpose.

2006-10-13 08:20:57 · answer #3 · answered by calmman7 2 · 0 0

Not being an herptatologist, I don't really know what a reptillian brain is like.
The time to think is before the fight starts. Once it starts, you have to let your mind kind of go blank & just react to what happens. Thinking takes too long. The more you train, the better you will react in a real situation, so the answer is the same as for getting to Carnegie Hall: Practice, practice, practice.

2006-10-13 19:22:05 · answer #4 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 0

Reptilian brain? Sounds small, or perhaps cold blooded.

Anyway any sports star doesn't play the game or fight like we do. The subconcious part of the brain takes over and does the biz. Like blinking.

It's why football players miss penalties. The pressure makes them take pens consciously which is much more clumsily. I presume it's the same with any physical activity.

2006-10-13 07:43:49 · answer #5 · answered by Paul E 2 · 0 0

we've an older innovations than the reptilian innovations. there is greater worried tissue surrounding our intestine than in our head. that's our malicious program innovations - primaeval worms being actual a length of intestine surrounded by utilising worried tissue. Now you recognize why sometimes your intestine seems to have a innovations of it quite is own and why some human beings's brains are a sewer. We actual have a dogs innovations sitting on top of the reptilian innovations surrounded by utilising the human innovations, and on the final of the backbone we've the innovations stem or fowl innovations. All of those brains are networked mutually and many the unhappy state of the human condition is brought about by utilising community verbal replace breakdown. Jesus had a human physique which become plenty the comparable as absolutely everyone else's.

2016-11-28 03:55:33 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

again Jerry L has explained it best here by far.

This state of mind comes from training in your techniques so as it is second nature to you and you don't have to think about the technique but just do it instead, like your eyes do when you blink; it's an automatic action that your body does without you actually having to consciously think about the act of doing it first.

but again, in Martial Arts; there is no "defensive attack" only defense, and the point of the Martial Arts is subduing your opponent with as minimal force as necessary for you to survive THEIR attack.

That's the state of mind your instructor is referring to, but you must always be aware of what you do when you defend yourself and what kind of damage you'll be capable of doing to your opponent.

Martial Arts is life saving techniques (whether it's YOUR life, or your opponents life), not life taking techniques; unfortunately there are people who use their techniques to purposely injure their opponents, when that was not the original idea behind Martial Arts when they were first developed.

Keep up your training, and train on a daily basis; and you'll see what we're talkin' about

2006-10-13 10:30:24 · answer #7 · answered by quiksilver8676 5 · 0 0

try and look at the target..as a lifeless target whose primary goal is to harm u, dnt think of them as a person, but a mean machine, and u can then leave behind all ur compassion and work jst on attack, hence engaging ur reptilian brain

2006-10-13 08:05:42 · answer #8 · answered by starewq 3 · 0 0

defensive attack is an oxymoron. why do you train in martial arts, to hurt people? if so your in the wrong buisness.why dont you go into cage fighting if you want to hurt someone but theres a good chance you will get badly hurt . my suggestion to you is talk to your parents, or your Sifu,Sensei, decide what you want , try it out in a kwoon under safe and controlled conditions

2006-10-13 08:16:29 · answer #9 · answered by TERRY H 4 · 0 0

answer: practise - sorry I could not sex that up a bit for you but sure there are loads of people are out there more than willing to do that for you.

2006-10-13 10:22:10 · answer #10 · answered by northcarrlight 6 · 0 0

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