If your serious, most churches or your local Social Services, will assist you in helping out with your bills for a few months. But if you got money to drink, you got money to pay your bills. There is college aid that can assist you in your rent. NOT pay it, but assist. Go to your college counselor and explain your delima, and they would be more apt to steer you in the right direction to go. And also explain to them your family issues. They can direct you to a counseling service or therapist that can help you cope with the abuse and maltreatment your had to endure growing up. And please stop saying your ignorant, because if that was true, then you wouldn't be in the least bit concerned about what is going on in your life right now. Snap out of it, man!! Go get your job back, and tell them your brain was on leave or something, or see if they could offer you less hours. Lots of work places are willing to listen if you are willing to talk. Put down your beer, and get moving!!
2006-10-13 06:38:57
answer #1
answered by frigidx 4
You gave up your job because it was too much for you to keep up with while you went to college...full time is a lot to ask of anyone who is trying to also study and get good grades...why not try for a part time job instead.
If you are able to, try getting a room mate to share expenses, or a less expensive apt if at all possible or perhaps move into a bed and breakfast type place where you have room and board but don't have to be responsible for lights, hydro that type of thing. A lot of cost for a student...you don't need the stress.
Your parents...you said you got out of an abusive home...was it your parents who were abusive or was it another member of the family? Why do you believe they don't want you to be successful...they've said so? Perhaps they aren't so much against you being successful as they are possibly bothered by the fact that they haven't been as successful as they want to be.
You sound like you really want to make your life a good one...hang in there, you can do this. It will take some sacrifices though, don't block your family out of your life but also don't let them drive you down a road you know you don't want to go down.
Drinking certainly won't make things better...as a matter of fact you will end up blowing your great opportunity and that isn't where you want to end up...because that means you have to head home again and of course then you will learn how "unsuccessful" those family members think you are then...
You can succeed, you can make it through school and you can do it all without getting drunk all the time...look at ways to cut down on expenses, get a part time rather than full time job...change housing if you can etc...
Keep at it...you deserve to get ahead and you are doing the right thing...hang in there!!! It's worth it if you can take your diploma at the end and get yourself a great job.
Good luck
2006-10-13 06:46:34
answer #2
answered by dustiiart 5
well at this time your story does indeed sound overwhelming .... quitting the job does not help with your financial circumstance....however you found funds to drink(?)
sounds to me that priorities are your biggest issues at this time
go to school counselor and see if there are helps in regard to your class times or expenses - that is what these programs are for
as far as your family - sometimes time helps heal things - be patient and keep the doorways of communication open regardless of feedback
now that you realize that quitting the job was a mistake, try and go back to the individual and express why you felt you needed to leave - perhaps there were too many hours expected .... could work out a lull period during test week.....many employers are more than willing to work with college students but you must be upfront with your needs also - as can he/she
if this does not work out - keep looking for something else .... even flipping burgers brings in cash
contact those that you owe money on bills to - without going into way personal details advise them that you have had an unexpected income change and need to make arrangements - work with it as best you can
hang tough Hon - your education is worth it and the other things will fall into place too
seek a roommate if possible for that will help financially as well too
best wishes!
2006-10-13 06:44:11
answer #3
answered by Marsha 6
my friend, the most important fact u need to know is that u are attempting to do a great and noble thing. in spite of your difficulties u realize that there is something much more out there waiting for you. i am sorry for your family situation, it hurts and can be frustrating. nonetheless, your life is still your own and u have taken steps to demonstrate its value and purpose. i congratulate u. perhaps u are attempting to do many things at once, and the prospect of it all has become too much. a man who knows who he is and where he has to go is not ignorant. the ignorant man is the one who thinks he knows all and has done all he is required. i think u need to talk to an academic adviser about perhaps postponing your studies temporarily. perhaps finding some work to stabilize your basic needs will aid you more. u can always go reading here and there to prepare u for enrollment next year. loose the booze! show your worth and character. u have nothing to prove to anyone but everything to prove to yourself. no man is a failure unless he gives up or is afraid to try. don't be embarrassed either to seek charitable organizations for help. they are there after all to aid individuals such as yourself who are attempting to rise above their situation. i think u are on the right track. u will find in a short time that this moment was brief yet valuable in your development as a person.
2006-10-13 06:49:34
answer #4
answered by ergo sum 2
I think your family does want you to be successful. They are just upset because you are not following their advice. Keep in mind that they are keeping their distance from you now because it hurts them too much to see you in pain. They feel sure that you would not hurt if you would do things their way. Go right away to the counselor at school. They will be able to help, but you will have to agree to take their advice. Many churchs also offer emergency assistance without requiring you to join. Just thank them. There are also many government and charitable agencies that can help, like the department of public health or local missions.
2006-10-13 06:37:16
answer #5
answered by stopmeifimwrong 2
First off quit drinking, find out where your local a a is and get a sponser, go to your local township, they can give you referrals for temporary help for rent and power. You can hang on to your apartment but you cannot give up. Lose the boose, it's dragging you down. If you need or want to talk email me at tigerlilliebuick@yahoo.com you are only alone if you want to be.
2006-10-13 06:39:23
answer #6
answered by tigerlilliebuick 3
Get to an AA meeting. Forget about your parents, they are not parents they are breeders. Talk to your school counselor about your situation; also look into get a job on campus. Do not drop out of school! Prove everybody wrong and be a success.
2006-10-13 06:37:06
answer #7
answered by sunshine 4
You sound very depressed and maybe a negative attitude about your past. Get more exercise and get outdoors. You know what they say about endorphins. It's necessary exercise that will release this and make room for positive thinking. I'm proud of you. Keep focusing on your future and desires. It will happen.
2006-10-13 06:36:31
answer #8
answered by tobeyp2005 3
Do you have credit? Maybe that could help your rent and car insurance for awhile till your student loans kick in.
2006-10-13 06:30:42
answer #9
answered by joshooog 2
Just get any job first.
Rest will come if you work hard for 8 hours daily.
2006-10-13 06:33:30
answer #10
answered by SKG R 6