first difference is that Kung Fu is a Chinese martial Art (and there are at least 18 different disciplines, but we'll get to that)
and second Tae Kwon Do is a Korean Martial Art.
Now for the bigger differences: Kung Fu is the generalized (or generic laymans term) for several disciplines of Chinese Martial Arts that comprise it. Ther are at LEAST 18 disciplines (or more) : including Bagua, Drunken Boxing, Eagle Claw, Five Animals (which are Dragon, Crane, Tiger, Panther and Snake), Hsing I, Hung Gar, Lau Gar, Monkey, Praying Mantis, White Crane, Wing Chun and Tai Chi Chuan.
Tae Kwon Do is only ONE of several Martial Arts that were developed in Korea before their division into two different countries in more recent decades.
Tae Kwon Do is one of the more well known or popular of the Korean Martial Arts due to it's inclusion into the Olympics as a sport.
Tae Kwon Do is a result of the feudal or war times, during which time China's ruling class was trying to take over Korea as an addition to it's own territory, so as a result, many of the techniques of any of the Kung Fu disciplines were taught to certain families or the soldiers of the ruling class in Korea when they became independant.
The techniques were learned then "improved" upon and was evolved into the discipline it is today.
Both are effective in their own right, and have their own strengths and weaknesses respectively as no ONE Martial Arts discipline is better than another, only the individual's skill or proficiency in the discipline decides the true outcome of an altercation or confrontation.
whichever discipline someone learns whether it's a Kung Fu discipline or Tae Kwon Do, they must have the desire to stick with it and train with a dedication and frequency to become proficient in their Martial Arts discipline. Otherwise they'll get poor results, because the instructor can only do so much as far as teaching goes, the student has to better himself or herself to progress.
and As Spidertiger said, finding a quality school to train in is the most important thing to do when decideing where to begin, and not by when they say how long it'll take before you'll get a black belt or how much they boast their students have won medals, placed or garnered trophies in local or even National tournament circuits, because competition is the LEAST important aspect of Martial Arts.
2006-10-13 12:04:33
answer #1
answered by quiksilver8676 5
2nd question 1st:
It is absurd to ask which 1 is better. Both are good. It depends entirely on the quality of the instructor.
1st question. The art commonly called Kung Fu is really Shaolin Boxing. Kung Fu really = "area of exprtise" it can be in martial arts or art history. Shaolin boxing has many varieties. there is far more differences among these varieties than between Shaolin Boxing & Tae Kwon Do. There are several Kwans (schools) of TKD & there are didderences between them & even within different organizations within a Kwan. The only real difference between generic Shaolin Boxing & TKD is that they come from different countries. There are therefore terminological differences as well as cultural differences.
Pick a school/instructor, NOT a style.
2006-10-13 16:47:06
answer #2
answered by yupchagee 7
Kung Fu teaches you to fly through the trees as long as you have the sword of destiny. You can also live in houses with flying daggers. On the other side of the coin, TaeKondow teaches only kicking... they never punch anything and like to get hit in the face. It started off as a form of carnival in the middle ages. There is a wanna be sect who call them selves Taekwondo from Korea, but they are nothing special...
EDIT: And just so you dumbasses finaly understand... Taekwondo IS NOT JUST A FREAKIN SPORT... It was developed for self defence and used IN THE KOREAN MILITARY.... God i am getting so sick of that...
2006-10-13 09:22:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ironically you actually named two martial arts (cma and tkd, kung fu is not a martial art, it is a general description for Hard Work) that have the some of the highest likelyhood of bieng taught poorly as they are more often than not taught in a manner where there is either 1- little resistance (compliant training) or 2- limited training and training under either a ruleset, or faulty assumptions about "teh d34dly street".
Either way it is dangerous. you should definately go to for some background information.
Keep in mind that it isn't the style or system, but the instructor that dictates the quality of the training. And the training methods and intensity themselves.
"Wax on, wax off" and "choke the chicken" or "brush the floor" or whatever only teaches you how to wax cars, choke chickens and clean your house. Techniques need to be pressure tested so you can do them when you need to in a real fight.
2006-10-13 09:42:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
That's like saying "ballet and salsa dancing, which is better". Even though they are both classifed as martial arts, they are from different philosophies. I'll speak for Kung Fu b/c my uncle has been teaching it for years. It's a lot of repetition of movements, mostly on your feet (vs ground fighting in some martial arts). The basic and most effective moves are simple are not flashy although they do have routines which are just for looks. If you are looking to get into martial arts just pick any one to start, it will help you even if you switch to a different one later.
2006-10-13 05:01:44
answer #5
answered by Iristine 2
no one fighting style is better than another, per se. it's more a matter of how much and how well you train. and how fit you keep yourself. a fit Judo master will beat a chubby Kung Fu master almost every time
2006-10-13 06:56:12
answer #6
answered by kapute2 5
no one martial art is better than another ,Taekwondo was designed for competition and points scoring not for combat . Kungfu was in its original format a system created for survival in warfare using all the tools available including weapons. bottom line Taekwondo uses mainly legs and works long and middle range Kungfu works at all ranges using legs, hands ,knees,elbows,head etc
2006-10-13 08:27:58
answer #7
answered by TERRY H 4
Well kung-fu is a Chinese term.
Taekwondo is Korean
2006-10-13 06:56:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
There are no better styles only better artists.
The quality and frequency of training far outweigh the style of the training.
Find a good school, not a good style.
2006-10-13 05:24:43
answer #9
answered by spidertiger440 6
kung fu...cos its sounds bta? and easier to spell
and u theres a song bout it
try makin a song outta tae kwan do
2006-10-13 08:07:49
answer #10
answered by starewq 3