You should have thought of that BEFORE you got into a fight. You deserve what you get. Next time you should think before you act.
2006-10-13 08:36:31
answer #1
answered by Jerry L 6
First of all this guy is a pu**y for saying that he needs four buddies to do the fightin' for him.
This fight was between YOU and HIM, and NOT between you, him, his brother his cousin, and two other dudes that just wanna beat the crap out of someone for fun.
The beef was between the two of you, and should end there, he lost; end of story.
But of course being the little whiny punk he is, his ego won't let it go and now he's gotta be a bigger wuss about it and cry like a little b**ch to his buddies that you threw him a beating (personally if he couldn't handle the fight himself, I'd give him the "Oh Well, Better Luck Next Time." look, because i wouldn't do any fighting for him, especially if I don't have a personal beef with the SAME person that he does).
But again, you should've avoided the fight as much as possible, So MY advice is WATCH YOUR BACK when you walk home!
let a local cop know that there're some guys that're in the neighborhood that aren't supposed to be there, or make sure your with a group of people nearby, or better yet walk home with a couple of friends for the next couple of days; that way at least it'll even out the odds a little if he wants a rematch.
there's no techniques that you can learn that'll teach you how to handle 5 people at once, because that's exactly how they'll come at you; because there are NO rules on the street and they'll do whatever it takes to win even use sheer number tactics to win.
most of all, don't let them corner you, be aware of your surroundings and use whatever you have to to survive no matter how dirty it is if you wind up facing these punk a** pu**ies. and this includes gouging the eyes, punching the throat or nose (not reccommended, but it's a technique that works), kicking the groin (kicking in the balls), or stomping the foot, punching the solar plexus (especially the area just under the ribs where the diaphragm is, that'll knock the wind out of 'em), and kicking the knees also helps to limit their mobility if it takes them down.
good luck.
2006-10-13 20:03:57
answer #2
answered by quiksilver8676 5
There ar emore than 1 way to approach this:
1) Be macho & stand up to this kid & all his friends. Your ego will survive intact but the rest of you might not.
2) Apologise & try to smooth things out. If you used that aproach in the 1st place you wouldn't have had to ask this question.
3) be unpredictable & try to avoid him till things blow over. May or may not work, & in the mean time, you'll be a nervous wreck.
4) Always have people around to watch your back. Again tough on the nerves & I don't know what kind of friends you have.
5) If none of the above works for you, & you are in a confrontation. keep moving, circling & changing directions. Make it as hard as possible for multiple attackers to get to you at once. Think defensively, only attack sporadically to keep them off balance. When the oportunity presents itself, try to take them out 1 by 1. You will need a LOT of stamina as well as skill & focus to have a chance this way.
Pick your poison.
2006-10-14 02:17:18
answer #3
answered by yupchagee 7
U def want to strike decisively if u have no other choice. Pick one target on one guy(nose or groin) and try to take one man out with concentrated force. This will do one of two things, make the other guys think twice, or at least give you a fighting chance with the other three. Remember, ur punching his nose to make sure its broken in two. Ur kicking his groin like punting a football...Be sure to recover fast enough to rechamber ur punch in anticipation of another strike. Dont be afraid to eye gouge and finger break if u have the oppurtunity. This is a street fight. One rule, stay alive. Good advice, use one as a shield if u can
2006-10-13 15:38:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
first of all don't put yourself in a situation where there is no way out, in other words don't get yourself surrounded if all possible. Next if you are force to fight the first person you take out is the second or third toughest guy not the the first one. Reason being is if you take out the leader(usually the toughest one) you will have the others rally around the leader and they will plumit your for that. You take out the 2nd or 3rd then the leader will be able to save face and walk away. when fighting multiple oppoentents use our oppoenents as a hit one then throw/push him into one of his companions that way they never have a clear shot at you....good luck and their is no shame in running away to fight another day.
2006-10-13 14:18:06
answer #5
answered by gurowar 1
watch this and learn! Sux getting jumped but you just gotta hold you head high. Don't involve weapons! The way I see're gonna have to face them either way, so it's better to be expecting it then to have them come out of nowhere! Trust me I know...been there done that I was jumped by 13 girls, I did what I could, got a few hits in. Afterwards they said they had mad respect for me cuz I was trying to defend myself instead of running. And get this they wanted to be friends...hahaha they think I'm stupid??? Anyway whatever you do good luck!
2006-10-13 12:29:54
answer #6
answered by sparkles 4
you might want to travel with friends for a few days. you say they're all pussys, but maybe 4 pussys can beat one you. Why take chances, you should however endeavor to avoid fights, in the future
2006-10-13 13:59:26
answer #7
answered by kapute2 5
Physical violence is not the answer, however, it's to late for that. Better make sure you don't walk home alone for a while! Good luck, that's what you get for beating someone up, I can't say I feel sorry for you.
2006-10-13 12:03:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
plain and simple grab the first guy that comes after you's nuts. Squeeze real hard and tell everyone to back off, if the dont cover your own sack and then start to ro sham bo
2006-10-14 02:50:19
answer #9
answered by Joseph B 5
yeah if your gonna get jumped always remember this if they can't see they can't fight and if they can't breath they can't fght.
Allways go for the throat and nose at first in the fight and then if you can get them to back off try to getsome help from others and don't walk alone for a while.
From: Joshua "THE JOKER" Penuel
Amature MMA fighter
2006-10-13 12:52:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous