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I''ve treated my cat and I really need to treat my house but what's best to use. Do I have to get it from the vets? I'm in the UK so I need stuff I can buy here.

2006-10-13 01:18:05 · 20 answers · asked by Charlottestar 2 in Pets Cats

20 answers

I have been a groomer for 20 years. Even being a groomer with accesss to so many different products, I got fleas in my house this past summer. First of all you need to treat the animal. If the animals have fleas on them, use Advantage. It kills the fleas faster then fronline. Frontline is great for maintaining after you get rid of the fleas, but when they have them advantage is the way to go. There are a variety of flea spray you can get from the vet that you can use in the house that won't harm your animals. You can even put the advantage on your animals every 2 weeks untill the infestation is gone, without using any spray or bombs. Once the fleas are gone, wait a month and put your animals on frontline. Also vacuum 2 times a day and empty the chamber or change the bag in the vacuum each time. Please, please, please, stay away from hartz mountain products. They are really bad for pets. They either don't work, or send pets into dangerous seizures. If you must get a spray or bomb for your house, go for any Zodiak products. They even have water based sprays for pets that you can use on your carpet and pets bedding. However, thier topical treatments (compared to frontline or advantage) don't work worth a damn. But the advantage every 2 weeks alone will do the trick. You have to go through a few flea cycles sometimes to get rid of all of them. Fleas hatch on the average of every 2 weeks, hence the every 2 week application of advantage. When all the fleas are gone, and your not seeing any more on your pets or in your home, switch to the frontline. This will work, I know, I've been there. And rest assured, it is perfectly safe to use the advantage on your pets every 2 weeks.

2006-10-13 01:46:09 · answer #1 · answered by jw349 3 · 2 1

when you say you have treated the cat, what with???? No pet shop flea stuff works.
You need to take the cat to the vet for a free flea check, and the vet will then prescribe some proper flea drops whhich you must use as often as it says on the packet. The vet can also sell you some very efficient household flea treatment. You need to spray everywhere the cat is allowed to go, do the curtains, carpet, sofa, wash any cat bedding or anything washable. Then, buy a flea collar from the pet shop and put it into your vacuum cleaner (never put one on a cat or dog) and simply use the vacuum daily as per usual. It may take a month to clear your home of fleas as once you kill the ones alive now, the eggs in the carpet will start to hatch in a week or so and reinfect the place. So to suck them up in the vacuum cleaner before they get a chance to lay more eggs. Its a costly thing to get rid of an infestation. Much cheaper to prevent one happening in the first place, but once you have got rid of them, keep on top of the situation by using whatever treatment the vet has given for your cat as often as recommended all year around. While you are at the vets, ask him for a drontal worming pill too because if the cat has fleas, it will have tapeworm because the flea is the intermediary host for the tapeworm larvae and the cat will swallow fleas when it grooms and infect itself with tapeworms. It is good practice to have a proper regular worm and flea treatment for your pet. I worm my cats every 3 months because they hunt and pick up tapeworms. I use stonghold drops for fleas, ticks, lice, mange and earmites, every single month. With 12 cats it isn't cheap but it is a whole lot cheaper than tring to get rid of a house with a flea infestation and worth every penny as far as stress is concerned. My stress at knowing my home is infested, nmy stress at being bitten up my legs by cat fleas and everyong being able to see the bite marks and know that my home is infested, and cats stress because of the constant scratching and irritation.
Whatever you do, NEVER use hartz products on your pets and NEVER use fela collars on them.

2006-10-13 05:22:32 · answer #2 · answered by fenlandfowl 5 · 1 0

I don't think you really need to treat your house. I use Frontline on my cats and within a couple of days the fleas have gone from the house as well. I'm sure I read somewhere that Cat fleas won't live on humans so a couple of days after they have to get off the cat, they die (or move out) anyway. I'm not sure of the truth of this, I just know that that within a day or two of treating my cats the fleas have gone from the house.. Good Luck!

2006-10-13 01:31:04 · answer #3 · answered by Paul D 3 · 0 1

I get Indorex spray from the vets (UK), this is flea killer for house use only (don't use it on animals). The spray kills fleas, larvae and eggs. It comes in a 500ml spray can, and does my entire 2 bedroom house with some left over. Although it is quite expensive, once you have sprayed your house with it, you shouldn't need to do it again for a year. It breaks the flea cycle and provides continuos protection for up to 12 months. I'm not sure if non-UK vets will provide the same stuff, but I am sure there will be something similar available.

2006-10-13 01:39:01 · answer #4 · answered by chunniemonster 2 · 1 1

the best product for a cat or a dog is FRONTLINE...and yes you have to get it from the vet......it will not only kill the fleas and eggs on your cat but will also take care of the ones in your house....please do not get bombs or flea powder...they are VERY bad for animals!!!! The best and safest thing is FRONLINE!!!

2006-10-13 01:31:17 · answer #5 · answered by polarbaby 5 · 2 0

Take a good brand of flea powder, "Hartz",shake it out all over the carpet. Use a broom to sweep it into the carpet. That will cause a dust to settle on the furniture and walls. Fleas will climb the walls to get away from the powder. Don't dust or vacuum for a couple of days and the fleas will be gone.

2006-10-13 01:27:39 · answer #6 · answered by Cal 5 · 1 2

A large rock dropped on the cat LOL only joking go to your vets because some hardware stores sell stuff that is an allergen for the cat I got it for my mums house cos her dog had fleas when she rescued it but the stuff was lethal and we all got allergic coughs the vet will have the safe stuff.

2006-10-13 01:29:10 · answer #7 · answered by . 5 · 1 2

get the envorimental health in ( ring up ure local council) they may cost but u only have to go for an hour or so and you cant hoover for a few weeks but it is good just make sure ure cats have been de flea aswell

2006-10-13 05:30:29 · answer #8 · answered by eat_youup 2 · 1 0

Any department store over there sells "Flea bombs" Depending on the size of your flat, I would get 2-3 bombs, close all your windows, cover your dishes, and then set off the bombs per instructions on the package, take your cat out for a three hour ride, come back home, open all windows, wash all bedding, and vacuum your floor, or mop, then that should take care of the problem.

2006-10-13 01:25:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

i had the same problem no come to think of it since my CAT-BAG. A European siameze never had a problem with fleas and tics in her ears only.I've put a flea collar on her as soon she turn one yrs. old. she was old enough to have a collar. she got her first shots and was fixed. Hertz has all kinds of items for fleas. If the company Hertz exists out there they have just the stuff to fix your problem.

2006-10-13 02:31:43 · answer #10 · answered by clear morning 2 · 1 1

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