A person may be "gay" and yet a Christian, yes. But if he or she is a practicing "gay" person, then I would doubt his/her sincerity or authenticity in the faith. What do I mean? Well, one can be born or influenced at a young age towards a same-sex sexual orientation; may practice it for a time; then come to genuine repenance and faith in Jesus. If the the conversion is genuine, such an individual will abandon the "gay" lifestyle in the same manner as a born-again former prostitue will abandon prostitution and strive with all his/her heart never to go that way again.
2006-10-12 21:03:36
answer #1
answered by Phoebhart 6
As with many things in the Bible, it depends on how literally scripture is being interpreted.
Being an outsider (agnostic, lacking denomination), I would love to say that it is possible to be both. But I know firsthand that many faiths consider homosexuality a sin. I've heard stories of people being forced to have exorcisms performed on them for being gay. Crazy things happen in the name of a higher power, and unfortunately people's lifestyle choices - or lack of choices - often cause supposedly "Christian" people to act in ways that are very perverted and abusive. To me, I don't see why a person who - beyond their control or desire - is a homosexual cannot conduct themselves in a true Christian way and be a true Christian. But I'm not a pastor, minister, priest, pope or any other clergy member. I'm just a human being trying to understand the world around me the best I can. We all are.
I suppose this is more of a lament than an answer, so for the sake of providing some sense of one, I'd offer up a simple "yes, you can be gay and Christian. Just don't expect others to respect that."
2006-10-12 20:42:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes, people can be both gay and Christian. And it is only hypocritical insofar as it is hypocritical for anyone to sin and say that they are a Christian. There are many people out there who habitually commit the same sins and yet are still Christians. It is not lack of sin that makes you a Christian. It is your belief that the Lord Jesus Christ died for that sin so that you wouldn't have to.
2006-10-12 20:49:35
answer #3
answered by Bri Liz 2
i think that Christianity (or a least the catholic church) teaches that to be gay is fine, its only when you are a practicing one that they have a problem, as this doesn't bring about children etc. Its not hypocritical to be both but if you are, you need to examine what it is that you believe and expect some disapproval. And I'm not sure but i think there is a bishop from some Christan religion in America who is gay.
2006-10-12 20:55:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The bible has many more references to adultery being sinful than being gay. Count how many adulterers you know and then count the gay people you know. And by the by, if you are reading the bible and following it, that means all those that have been divorced and remarried. Are all the people that have been divorced christian? No one asks that question. Why single out gay people that make up 10% of the population by research instead of the much larger population of 55% of adulterers? Oh yeah, because its much easier to point the finger at others.
2006-10-12 21:49:58
answer #5
answered by youngliver2000 3
It's hypocritical to say you are a Christian and then go around judging others.
If the person is gay and religious, then I guess that is between the religious gay person and God, and any busybody who would like to say otherwise isn't being a very good Christian himself.
2006-10-12 20:49:20
answer #6
answered by Wo 3
No. Because being a real Christian has nothing to do with who you go to bed with. You're a real Christian if you're a good person (I know it's more complex than that, but you know what I mean). So, being homosexual is not against the REAL and MOST IMPORTANT aspect of Christianity. What's true, though is that if you come out of the closet, chances are people in your church are going to make your life a living hell, and you'll end up by leaving. That's a pattern that I have seen a few times.
2006-10-12 20:43:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Judge ye not that ye may not be judged by the same mete. Live and let live. That is a personal thing between the "gay" person and God unless it refers to the way u particularly feel about ur own convictions then I say follow ur heart and let the Lord guide u where u should be. I pray u are happy in the Lord gay or straight. God Bless.
2006-10-12 20:44:06
answer #8
answered by papabeartex 4
First off, I do believe homosexuality is a sin. But Christians as a whole seem to elevate this sin as a sin above all others for some reason. I think adultery is definitely worse and fornication just as bad- but when a christian falls into these sins they are just 'not walking with God' etc... If someone who is a practicing homosexual gets saved (and that is possible- Christ died for them and His love extends to them) and they have struggles with this sin for some time after they are saved- I believe that they can be honestly truly saved. On the other hand, salvation is more than just saying some magic words in the right order- it is an act of surrender. As a saved homosexual grows and matures in Christ he (or she) will leave this lifestyle. IF they don't I would doubt the genuineness of their faith- (but I would say the same for an adulterer etc...)
2006-10-12 20:45:11
answer #9
answered by Matthew R 2
It would be possible for someone who thinks that they are gay to become a Christian but first they would have to repent of any sexual transgressions they had committed. Any sexual intercourse outside of marriage between a man and a woman is considered a sin. So anyone who is committing sexual sin can't really claim to be a true Christian. There are Christians who still have same gender attractions but don't act on them. All Christians have some kind of struggle against temptation, this is normal and part of god's plan. Overcoming temptation makes us stronger.
2006-10-12 20:53:31
answer #10
answered by uselessadvice 4