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Well, that's because Catholics follow the words of Peter and Paul instead of Jesus!

We Protesants follow God and Jesus.

what does mean this comment? if the protestants think the Bible it's God's word soo why they think the Bishops are not from jesus teaching.. this comment says catholic we follow saint paul and peter words.. they were not christians? they were not jesus followers? why the protestants dont recognize the bishops in the 1 timothy 3 I think the letters of saint paul are God word.. or then not at all the Bible it's God word. then what is God word?

2006-10-12 19:45:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

As a former catholic I wil try my best to answer your question the best I understand it. There is nothing wrong with following advice and respecting leadership as long as they are in line with what Jesus taught. But following these leaders was never meant to replace following Jesus. The first commandment as you well know is to Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, strengh.... Simply we are to put God first before our church or before our leaders. The Apostle Paul gives this advice Even if we or an angel from heaven preach any gospel other than that which is preached let him be accursed. Galations 1:9 Clearly Paul was giving believers permission to question their leaders and the message they heard and compare it with the gospel they had heard from the beginning. Paul didn't put himself on a pedestal and say not to question him. this is where a few problems arise.
Some number of years later a Catholic priest named martin Luther saw there were a number of practises that were contrary to the scripture. The biggest one being the manner in which a person is saved. Luther saw clearly the teaching of the apostles was that a person goes to heaven simply by trusting in Jesus, not by beonging to a church, although tis isn't wrong. And ot by being baptized as a baby. Jesus told the people to come and follow him, this would be rather difficult for a baby to do as he has no real understaning what following Jesus is. The bible clearly taught that man couldn't be good enough to go to heave. How could he know if his good deeds out weighed his bad deeds. Again nothing wrong with being good, it just can't get you inot heaven. This why Jesus came to die for the sins of men, he told this from the beginning. In the old testament the sins of the people were layed on a sheep by the high priests. When Jesus came he said he was the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. For by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8&9 At the time when Luther saw these truths in scripture he angered those in Rome who saw him questioning their authority. Interestingly a number of years ago I saw an article i the Toronto Star saing the Roman Catholic church now says Luther was right Salvation is by grace through faith. We as believers need to be careful that we do not accept and believe things that are contrary to what is revealed in scripture. Jesus warned the deeply religious men of his day that they made the word of God of no effect by their tradtions. We need toheed Jesus words and be careful we don't fall into that same trap. As you begin to examine some of your practices it is god to cmpare it with scripture and try to account for the difference. Personally I saw no evidence in scripture that we are to pray to saints. In fact this was in direct opposition to what was taught in the old testament about not speaking with the dead. I seriously doubt that any human could hear all the prayers of the millions of prayers around the world without being God. They would have to be omnipresent and able to hear thousands of people praying at once. Again I se no evidence in the new testament of any apostle praying to anyone other than Jesus. If Jesus was going to introduce something this important he would have srely mentioned it in scripture. As a catholic I remember kneeling down and praying in front of statues. Ironically this was forbidden in the old testament. Again I see no evidence of Jesus or any of the Apostles introducing this practice in scripture. I'm sorry if this message sems offensive to you I assure you it is not written with that intent. I am writing this simply in an attempt to explain the importance of putting God first, which I was taught thankfully when I was in the catholic church. Sincerely...Edward I I apologize for the foolish comments people make about priests molesting boys. Im not defending those who have done but the many good ones who get unfairly maligned by some.

2006-10-12 20:40:08 · answer #1 · answered by Edward J 6 · 0 1

Catholics believe in God's Word, just as Protestants do. I am a Catholic Christian. Paul and Peter were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible books that they did, but that does not mean I do not recognize the teaching of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Gospels are the first books that I turn to in the Bible, then the rest of the New Testament (which includes Paul and Peter's epistles), then the Old Testament. All Scripture is inspired by God. It does not matter whether you are talking to a Catholic or Protestant Christian. Catholics hold the Bible as inerrant just like Protestants do.

2006-10-12 19:53:14 · answer #2 · answered by Laura K 3 · 1 0

It appears to me that you are not aware there is a continuous message through out the Bible. Bishops are described in the writtings of paul, I think he calls them administrators. Jesus came to the Jews. Read about the part about the dog getting the scraps from the table. There He states to whom he came. Notice it does not say either catholic or protestant. Jesus spoke mouth to mouth to Paul as he did to Peter though with Paul it was spiritual and Peter in life as we know it. So my friend you seem to have an imperfect understanding but keep reading and praying and when you come to discover what "properly dividing the Word" means and then apply it then things will fall in place for you. Glad you are asking questions. Get yourself a good concordance and then do a study of the word dispensation as in Ephesians and then a study of the word mystery. If you are to understand you need to study these two concepts. Study to show yourself approved. I f you do not understand the mystery in its completness then you are missing a key. Read Ephesians through several times it answers some of your questions.

2006-10-12 20:00:11 · answer #3 · answered by icheeknows 5 · 0 0

That means that Catholics practice many rituals never mentioned in the Bible. The sacraments are never mentioned in the Bible, the funny thing catholics do waving their hands in front of them is not in the Bible and never mentioned by Jesus, birth control, etc. All of those came from the Church and fall back on the interpretation that Paul's words are those of God here on earth, thus planting the head of the Catholoic church as the word of God in their minds.

All of the "orthodoxy" followed was created as religion (a social control system) and is not a natural part of Christianity (which is having a personal relationship with God and doing what you can to emulate Christ). Religion is all about rituals for the purpose of people practicing their faith together.

Look at it this way, if you ended up on a deserted island alone and had no knowledge of that stuff, if it really mattered you would be doomed to hell. If that's what you believe God is like then I'd say your image of God and what he requires of man is flawed. Like I said, religion is a social control system created by man for practicing faith en masse and spreading the word of God to others. Politics are even a form of religion.

As for what is God's word, Jesus said The Truth in the word shall set you free. He didn't say the words, he didn't say the rituals. He said the Truth.

2006-10-12 20:00:17 · answer #4 · answered by Jake Lockley 3 · 0 1

There are many members in the body and each serves his part indeed. We are all being built up unto our headship in Christ. Christ is the head of the body. So, his members fulfilling their calling and teaching Christ should be honored, respected and followed. Some are followers of Paul and some of Peter. If Jesus said one thing in scripture and these other two say something different. Do I follow mans teaching or God. Both are the same. The word of God never returns back empty or void.

2006-10-12 19:53:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

to respond to your question: by way of fact Jesus advised Peter he could replace into the rock of he Church. to handle your rant: - The Catholic Church became generic throughout Jesus Christ's lifetime; it extremely is His Church. The 365 days 3000AD hasn't occurred yet, for those people who stay in a linear timeline. - that's not likely which you communicate for 'Yeshua (Jesus)' or that He 'could discover many areas of the catholic doctrine disgusting.' He became the only that generic the Church. - you at the instant are not an 'ex Catholic.' - you do not comprehend Catholicism. - You did not bypass to Catholic college. - There at the instant are no idols in a Catholic church. - you at the instant are not a Christian. - you have in no way studied scripture, and you comprehend not something approximately faith. - As you comprehend not something with regard to the Catholic faith - or Christianity, for that rely - you at the instant are not likely to EVER have the potential to get every physique to 'see the fact' of something, when you consider which you of course stay exterior fact. - that's not an argument of 'proving you incorrect.' you have not provided any evidence which you're precise. the burden of proving that what you're saying is genuine rests fullyyt on your shoulders, and you - extremely of course - have a thoroughly untenable and very uneducated view. - you do not ought to retract something you're saying. in certainty, you may desire to bypass away up each little thing you write and reveal your lack of understanding so as that others can use it as a cautionary tale with regard to the perils of stupidity; no you ought to EVER try to be an fool.

2016-10-16 03:40:23 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Peter and Paul were disciples of Jesus. and started their own ministries and wrote their own interpretations of what Jesus said and meant in letters to other Churches.
Bishops hold the same position as the Rabbis do.Christianity is a sect of Judaism or a continuance of it.
You both follow GOD and Jesus in your own way.
The Catholics have made theirs into a trinity . with the stumbling block of is the Holy Ghost and GOD the same thing.
Both can mean the Creator of all things.

2006-10-12 20:07:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Protestants pick and choose what they want to believe because they have no teaching authority to tell them what is true like Catholics do with the Magesterium of the Church.

2006-10-12 19:49:25 · answer #8 · answered by Dysthymia 6 · 0 0

Catholics follow Jesus; where did you hear this tripe to the contrary???

2006-10-12 19:48:13 · answer #9 · answered by ThomasR 4 · 0 0

paul was an expharasi he had not spent time with Jesus his letters were to spacific churches and are not the gosples

2006-10-12 19:50:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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