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We have all broken the law at one time or another wether its speeding, loitering, littering, gotten drunk, drunk alcohol before 21, outside past curfew, jaywalking, or many other crimes.
We need to amend or change the laws in order to best serve us.
Imagine if the current amendments had never been created. Blacks would still be 2nd class citizens, women could not vote, alcohol would have never been illegal then legal.

Some laws are made to be broken. Not many people pay attention to parking or moving vehicle laws, yet we don't hate all people that break any law. Lets face it. Both sides have to give and take a little. We can't legalize all but we can't deport or encarcerate all of them either.The latter would tarnish the US image around the world even more. If some were legalized it would solve many problems. Americans had a large part in allowing this to happen so we can't just penalize one side. If a woman lets her husband beat her everyday than we can't blame only the husband.

2006-10-12 19:42:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

baughwawn -- you are the only !diot

2006-10-12 19:54:59 · update #1

volleybal.. -- Hello! do you know that the US is one of the countries with the least density in population per square mile??
Perhaps some cities are, but not the entire country.

2006-10-12 20:05:12 · update #2

Da Judge---
Is that what illegal aliens are doing??
Sleeping on your bed??
Stupid analogy.

2006-10-12 20:09:00 · update #3

Wow I spelled break wrong. It happens when you write at 4 in the morning and dont bother to spell check. But you got the point. Why can't you keep your dumb racist comments and offer solutions instead of deport them alll, wetbacks, blah , blah, blah. Educate yourselves and respect others, specially the Christians. I'm Christian and I respect others. How can you call yourselves Christians if you are racists?? Jesus was not European or Caucasian you know? DO you hate him too?

2006-10-13 05:38:49 · update #4

I have had illegals in my home and they have been good people. Try and meet one and see if they are as evil as you think. I rather have 100 illegals on my block than one white pedophile.

2006-10-13 05:40:34 · update #5

19 answers

I agree that we need to give a little on both sides. I know that if we deport all of the illegals, then our economy will go down the drain even more so than it is now. Alot of people talk about how the illegals drain our system and so on and so forth. In reality, they pay into the social security system, they can't get the benefits back. When they are working - with a fake ss card - they still pay taxes both state and federal. And unless they file for a w-7 they can't get that money back. But even when they file for a w-7 and do their taxes, they still don't get the returns they should. (I know this because I do taxes) If they are working under the table, they still pay taxes when they go to the store, when they go out to eat, and on many different things that they buy.
If they are all deported so many different businesses will go out of business, and so much money will be lost.

2006-10-13 08:36:51 · answer #1 · answered by jensantosleon 3 · 0 2

I have broken a law or two, but you know what? I have PAID my debt to soceity for doing so.

So we deport them all. You really think that our image with the rest of the world could get any more tarnished? Legalizing will only solve the "problem" for the currently illegal immigrants. What about the ones that come over next year? What about in the years to come? We gonna do the same for them? And what are you going to do when this country is overpopulated? You think that 3rd world countries are just because? They become that way due to overpopulation! That is what will happen to this country if we just allow anyone and everyone to come in and stay with no "restrictions". Is it unfair? Yeah, it is. Is it cruel? Yeah. Is it necessary? You bet it is. And I would rather our country be unfair and cruel than become another third world country that needs to beg for money to fight the disease that will riddle the population.

As for the analogy of the abuse - you think the woman is also to BLAME? I counsel women that are victims of abuse and violent crimes, and they are just that - victims. Many are "lured" into the relationship, and then "forced" to remain. If they leave, they are stalked and many times murdered by their abuser. How is that contributing?

Yes - the women need to make a stand. And the US needs to as well. We allowed it to go on, hoping it would go away. It didn't. So now, the mean, drastic measures have to be pulled out. Too bad for them. They need to do things legally. If you don't like the laws, then you need to do something to change them. Condoning criminals is not the way to go about it. Get your representative to propose an amendment. You think that those amendments you mentioned just came about? People fought and died for them to happen.

You don't pay attention to the motor vehicle laws? What state are you driving in? I don't want to drive there with you on the road. Likening speeding to breaking federal laws is just plain silly.

PS - I am trying to give them a "brake" - I am trying to stop them! If you are speaking of a "break", then why do they deserve one? So we should break laws that we don't like? Well, I don't like the fact that I have to pay so much for a Lexus - so I don't want to pay for it. I want it for free. Then in your thinking, stealing the car is fine, and I shouldn't be punished for it. Same principle.


Isn't overpopulated. . . Yet. How about in a few years. If the population has grown by literal millions in just a few years, what makes you think we won't be overpopulated? I think someone needs to wake up and smell the coffee. The "big picture". You need to look at all of it - not just the little slice of heaven you live in. . .

2006-10-12 20:02:38 · answer #2 · answered by volleyballchick (cowards block) 7 · 3 1

So if we are all criminals, & the law was changed, & I killed your wife or girlfriend (& now it's legal), then it's legal & O. K. now because it's legal? You are lumping everything together in one clay like basketball or golf ball, That can't be done. For one thing, jaywalking is not equal to stealing or discriminating against a person's color in jobs. Did you know that a lot of these illegals are taking American jobs, including those of blacks? Plus, the illegals are not paying for their emergency medical care with taxes nor are they paying for their education. By not doing so a lot of poor blacks must pay for the illegals' medical care & education, because it comes out of their taxes to a greater degree than people who are better off, no matter what race.

2006-10-12 22:11:46 · answer #3 · answered by rorambo7 2 · 1 0

I dont have a problem with the illegal immigrants but I do beleive that they should have to get their citizenship just like any other immigrant that crosses the border. The fact that they try sneak into the U.S is what makes it look so bad. And to top it off you dont know theyre background or anything they could be pedophiles, murderers and so on.

Its not really that people have a problem its just more that people would want to know who they are living next door to. I live in Houston, TX and there are alot of immigrants down here.

2006-10-12 19:56:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Trust me....there are millions that have never broken the law, maybe made mistakes but surely didn't steal others money thru using other's taxes and living a daily life in illegal activity using and abusing others' freedoms.

Some laws do need to be changed but laws are NOT made to be broken. Who decides what law one can break?

2006-10-12 20:37:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Do you let people you don't know come into your home, sleep on your bed and eat your food? If not, why not?

Illegal immigrants don't just break the law by crossing the border. How do they live when they get here? Do they live of the largess of the American people by getting government transfer payments (e.g., welfare)? Do they commit tax fraud by working off the books? Do they commit document fraud by using phony or stolen social security numbers?

Before Rudy Giuliani became mayor of NY City most 'experts' said it was impossible to govern the city. Rudy reduced the overall crime rate tremendously by being tough on the little crimes. Once there were over 2,000 murders per year in NYC. Now, the rate is below 1,000.

Sorry, illegals belong back in their own country. If they are so hard-working let them build up their own countries.

2006-10-12 20:08:01 · answer #6 · answered by Da Judge 3 · 3 1

The problem is that there is a legal way to get into the country. With the current state of the world I'm not sure I want just anyone walking across the border without any backround check.

2006-10-12 19:46:36 · answer #7 · answered by navytec 2 · 6 0

laws are not made to be broken. without the rule of law,there would be no freedom or value to citizenship. your statements are examples of breaking the law,dont do it and dont encourages to break the law. if you cant support the rule of law,please find another country,leave now. would you really like to live in a lawless society. wow, obey the law or change it,you just dont get it.

2006-10-12 20:56:23 · answer #8 · answered by senseofhonor 2 · 1 0

I think you mean 'break' a 'brake' is usually associated with a vehicle of some sort. Spelling and grammer has gone to the dogs!!!!

2006-10-12 23:32:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Every time I have broken the law and gotten caught, I stepped up to the plate and did my time. I take responsibilty for myself and expect no less from EVERYBODY else.

2006-10-12 19:47:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

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