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or am i taking it out of context? does all people 2000 years ago speak in a very, shakespearean, "read between the lines" way? why dont they just say direct to the point?

Matthew 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

2006-10-12 19:35:31 · 4 answers · asked by lnfrared Loaf 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

4 answers

What the text is saying here is that tin every congregation there are good christians and bad christians. Every one of us can be either one. The 'tree' is a person and our actions or deeds are our 'fruits' . If we are the kin do fchristian who parties and drinks and sleeps around and smokes or does drugs or any other kind of a double life but is OH, I'm soooo gonna go to Heaven on Sunday morning , then you are a true with sorrrrry fruit. BAD fruit. Sucky fruit. But if you are a christian that tells people about your religion and your faith and WHY you have this faith and the promises god has made and how others can share in those promises and you like to do things like charity work and give of yoursel fand your time and energy to HELP others and you are at every service and make contributions, not jessecarily $$$ wise but with time and energy, then you produce FINE fuit and are a GOOD tree! The ones producing bad fruit all the time, well, these trees need to be cut down or weeded out and gotten rid of ( Discommunicated or disfellowshipped or whatever your brand of religion calls it ) so as not to negatively influence or pull down any others in the congregation. This is ESPECIALLY so if grave sin has been committed, like; adultury , fornication, drug abuse, alchoholism, non-support of spouse or family, physical abuse , stealing without remorse or change in behavior, you get my point. that is the whole point of chopping part of the tree. Sometimes someone needs to be disciplined from God by being removed from the congregation to keep the cong. clean. Its like putting a naughty child in time out, away from the other kids so that they aren't affecte dby the ONE'S bad behavior until he is ready to play with others and behave again. A group of kids with white clothes on , playing with one kid in filthy clothes don't make him clean- they all get dirty too. See? He needs spiritual cleaning. That is the temporary cutting off. But if he never cleans up, he can never come back and that keeps the congregation clean and pure from his influence. This is regrettable, but sometimes a nessecity.

I hope I helped you....? If I didn't , email me and I'll try again! LOL

Nope sweetie, what you have there is a very old, very flawed translation of the Bible called the King James Version which was done when King James ruled England and had it translated into the , yesssss, Shakespearean language of his time. Time when "Shambles" Meant "Meat market" and " A bowl of pulse" meant " a bowl of vegatables" and so forth and so on... the KJV also is reknowned for taking the true NAME of GOD out and only having it in three locations.Ps 83:18. Exodus 3:13-16 and 6:3 .
The language makes it very difficult to read the Bible. There is , however, a solution. There is a copy of the Bible that was translated by over 40 different Greek and Hebrew language scholars and is so accurate to the original - not the King James Version of the Bible, but the ORIGINAL texts and scrolls of the bible - that experts around the world have given it many kudos -- and I could get your a copy of it if you would like. I fyou are interested, just drop me an email and I'll help arrange for you to get one. It is into modern day english- not slang , mind you, but easier to read english without all the thee's and the thous and whoozits and whatsitz and all that olde english has going against it. LOL Much plainer english without all the translational errors that were unintentionally made before. Just give me a shout at

khelligreene@yahoo.com and I'll get in touch with you about it. No problem.


2006-10-12 20:16:53 · answer #1 · answered by heatherlovespansies 3 · 0 0

Actually, yeah, they did. Jesus taught in parables, because to say what he was saying directly at the time...well, it would't have made sense to the common person, so he used stories to illustrate what he was saying by basing it on things they knew. Of course a bad tree would get cut down, any grower of figs or olives would know that. He used that to make a spiritual point.

Note also that when he's talking to the Pharisees, who had religious education, he's much more direct. They didn't need a story to make sense of spiritual concepts.

2006-10-13 02:40:56 · answer #2 · answered by angk 6 · 1 0

At the time the Bible was translated that is how people spoke.

I don't mind translating for you though:

If you don't get right with God and so something meaningful with your life He's going to take you outta here and throw you in hell.

2006-10-13 02:39:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


2006-10-13 02:43:25 · answer #4 · answered by funnana 6 · 0 0

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