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hence the terrorist problem will remain. How will it be if muslims in the US/Europe are repatriated back to the country of their origin (most muslims are first/second generation immigrants). Just to be fair Christians who have gone to the Gulf for jobs can also be sent back to their parent countries.
The US/UK can also get out of Iraq/Afghanistan & stop supporting Israel.
Do you think that will solve the terrorist problem?

2006-10-12 19:17:07 · 7 answers · asked by yoyodda 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Adyg... Cool down. The FACT which no one can deny is that the US is not impartial. It supports Israel over Palentine.

2006-10-12 19:22:55 · update #1

kimo- What I said covers over 90% of muslims.

2006-10-12 19:25:49 · update #2

marissa- I know, this solution is not practical, however you will agree with me that there is no single magic formula which can take care of the terrorist problem. What really gets my goat is that me & my family sometimes get singled out.
When in a recent poll, about 25% of muslims in Britain say they support terrorism, you know you have a real problem.

2006-10-12 19:42:44 · update #3

marissa- Terrorists feel that the entire population of a country (men women & children) are responsible for the policy of their government & are fair game for killing. I fail to understand how they can justify that?
Further, just deporting tjhose having terrorist sympathies does not solve the problem. In the first place how do you identify them? Even if you can, how do you ensure that later on no new terrorists would be born. So the problem should be tackled at its root.

2006-10-12 20:30:16 · update #4

ozzy - there are differences between a terrorist in the UK who blows himself up in a metro & the USA/UK in Afghanistan. Most imp.- The USA is not attacking its own fellow citizens while the terrorist is.

2006-10-12 20:40:20 · update #5

Further muslims were rulers of only a small part of europe. Now tell me frankly what the muslims in any muslim country do if:
25% of the christians in that country sympathised with terrorists.
Carried out terrorist attacks in the country
wnated the bible to be made the law of the country & so on.

2006-10-12 20:44:31 · update #6

marissa- the issue is quite simple. What does a citizen put first - his country or his religion. A muslim very clearly puts his religion first. If the UK sends soldiers to a muslim country - say Iraq - then you have a sizeable number of UK muslims who are willing to go to any extreme to stop that. They forget that UK is a country to which they or their fathers have migrated to WILLINGLY for better economic prospects, to escape oppression as refugees etc. in other words - biting the hand that feeds them. (Its another story that they never bothered when saddam tortured & killed hundreds & thousands of muslims. They never bothered when Iraq & Iran fought a 10 year war that again killed millions...).
They are welcome to protest - sure- BUT peacefully.
In my view, the motherland always comes first. This is basically what I mean by Integration in my question.

2006-10-13 01:00:15 · update #7

I know the policy of the developed countries in not allowing other countries nuclear weapons is unjust. But can developed countries just sit back & not bother about the issue at all?
Suppose hypothetically speaking - iraq gets a nuclear bomb, iran gets a bomb, sudan gets a nuclear bomb...Do you think they will not use it? I am sure iran would give the bomb clandestinely to hezbollah to use. sudan would sell/give it to bin laden secretly (much like abdul quadir of pakistan has done to korea). If Al Quida manages to smuggle a nuclear bomb to within the US the consequences would be unimaginable.
Tell me from your heart - would you like these countries to have a nuclear bomb?

2006-10-13 01:19:53 · update #8

7 answers

Yes, the problem will remain...It's not really about land for peace-the Muslim extremists don't want a smaller Israel-they want all the Jews driven into the sea...Arafat said similar things many times...After that they want to destroy America and the West, whom they consider infidels..Unless a more moderate group of Muslims take over the mosques there will be war sooner or later, but the moderates are terrified to say anything...Even if we defeat them in war (which we will) there will always be some terrorism, i believe.

2006-10-12 19:35:07 · answer #1 · answered by krypto'nstreaky 2 · 1 1

If 25% of muslims support terrorisim then it means they r with Binladin,Bush,Blair and all the other mastermind terrorist.I personaly dont think that Blair was bad he was made to do things he dont like.On the other hand terrorrisum is defined as killing inocent people,If binladin kill those 3000 people in US.US decided that it is an act of terrorisim thus they send there troops who have killed over 6 million people,and still saying that we r fighting terrorisim............Do u know that Muslims were the basic rulers of Europe that we see today,did Muslims kicked out any Jew or christen during there rule........u tell me how many inocent people r killed by muslims facts and figure compare them with current figuers..............i hope i was not too mean,sorry for any bad talk.......

2006-10-13 02:59:36 · answer #2 · answered by Ozzy 2 · 1 0

yes telling me people that they are no longer entitled to the rights than many of them, like myself, have been entitled to sense birth should really make people calm and happy. what about muslim converts? and even if someone is first generation the usa or uk would be all they know? how would ripping people away from the homes help anything? MOREOVER this will really not help america maintain the lie that their laws and political actions are not biased to any of the citizens.

the land of the free huh?

2006-10-13 02:50:36 · answer #3 · answered by Submission 3 · 1 0

Why do people insist that Israel is why terrorists are terrorists???


Islam teaches a certain thing and Israel gets blamed for what these people indoctrinate themselves with. What does Israel have to do with the evil these people indotrinate themselves with?

That is nothing more than Jew-hatred in disguise.

It is not Israel's fault that the US is trying to play both ends against the middle on this issue.

2006-10-13 02:19:25 · answer #4 · answered by Adyghe Ha'Yapheh-Phiyah 6 · 1 2

Muslims in France are 4th and 5th generation and they helped a lot in rebuilding France after it was destroyed in WW2

2006-10-13 02:23:04 · answer #5 · answered by Kimo 4 · 2 1

No. This problem was predicted in the Bible. So It will happen. So stand firm in your faith as believer in Jesus Christ.

2006-10-13 02:21:16 · answer #6 · answered by bingungki 3 · 1 2

well i see that you fail to notice those many Muslims who did have merged in West and who have settled there for generations, so should they be sent back too?. also by looking at west should we in a Budhhist country send them back for actions of a few (which is really begining to scare the rest of the world)?.

there will always be GOOD & BAD people in this world. as far as there is Good there will also be Evil too. doesnt mean that the rest of the world should suffer due to a few fanatics. solving the Palestine Issue would be a great idea -- with both Parties equally given RIGHTS.

EDIT: did they say that? that really surprises me. actually a few days back i heard that 12% of them wanted Shariah law to be implemented , but terrorism? how can someone in their right mind ever do that?. yeah i did some reading here and found that.

61% of British Muslims said they thought of Britain as “my country”. There was support for some degree of integration - 94% of respondents disagreed that Muslims should live separately from non-Muslims but at the same time, given the choice 36% would prefer to have fellow Muslims as neighbours. Asked if they would prefer to live under Sharia law or British law, 30% said Sharia while 54% preferred British law.

ONE in eight British Muslims back al-Qaeda-style terror strikes on the United States and almost half said they might consider becoming a suicide bomber IF THEY LIVED AS PALESTINIAN, according to a new poll.

u know what surprises me in the second article -- it says they support terrorism but DO NOT mention WHY.

well its the same in my country, but the only difference is its NOT Muslims but the Christians from west and austrailia. but we have Religious Tolerance Centers here where people come or call and get to know other religions better -- maybe others should have to so that people like you and me can sit face-to-face and really speak out what they feel.

well maybe the ONLY ones who really want to live as per their laws should be sent home RATHER THAN the whole LOT.

EDIT: let me tell you that there are foolish Muslims who do not understand that they need to stop listening to corrrupted Mullahs and Imaams. they need to stop doing that first. second, people should really read the Qu'ran and try following the good virtues in it. when they conduct a poll -- they usually will get to know a person who supports terrorism from their IP, that shouldnt be a big deal for scotland yard.

as far as having christians who support terrorism is concerned -- how would we tackle them. hey u know what u say that Muslims support terrorism but you dont say WHY they do that . they do that probably because of the Palestine ISSUE. u never seem to be getting that point at all. just like how 75%Americans support the war of Iraq and Afghan. isnt that some sort of terrorism too?. i mean imagine sitting on a heap of Nuclear Weaponry by themselves and NOT ALLOWING the REST OF THE WORLD to not have their nuclear weapons for self- defense -- is also terrorism. and it is BECAUSE OF THIS terrorism do u really see all of the events today.

and i dont think that the terrorist are doing it for religious issues -- it all POLITICS and LAND -- and i think that we both know that. remember there was nothing like this a few decades back -- except since 1950's after the WW2 and creation of Israel. and i think u really know why even groups like Hezbollah were formed -- but let me tell you that there is a difference between Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda -- the former is really striving for Lebanon. one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter in case of Hezbollah.

anyways, back to the soultion. first of all -- as i said -- there should be Religious Tolerant Centers -- where people can sit face to face and clear their doubts regarding other religions. but if Govts and people dont go in for peaceful and amicable talks then, well do you have anything to suggest?. or say should they be executed by the Govts? or should we treat them like how marines do to like the civilians of Afghan and Iraq? i really dont know where all of this is going to end. it really is getting scary day-by-day.

EDIT: i really feel that the world stops about this Nuclear weaponry and to be very frank definitely NEVER Al-Qaeda -- coz basically they are tainting the Image of Islam with a bad brush. i'm really scared becoz these guys are creating a very bad times for the rest of the Muslims. i have never seen anybody ever so badly insulted and disgraced as what i see a Muslim today. basically i wish that people would have learnt it after the Bombing in Japan -- that it is high-TIME TO STOP. u know what frustrates countries like Korea, India and Pakistan -- people being partial about UK/US with Nuclear country. you know this is basically a cold war just that Russia has been replaced.

as far as patriotism is concerned -- people need to REALISE that BY THEIR HEART and for those who do not do that -- well they really need to be taken action against. i come from a secular country with Budhhist population -- but trust me i am a law -abiding citizen, my papa is in Law and Order Dept and my hubby worked at Ministry Of Defence. until people realise what Qu'ran says, they will never understand. FEW Muslims now do not realise the essence and importance of TRUST IN ISLAM. they have forgotten verses that speak for Justice and Equality.

An-Nahl | 128 verses | The Bee سورة النحل
Sura #16 | Makkah
90 Lo! Allah enjoineth JUSTICE AND KINDNESS, and GIVING to kinsfolk, and forbiddeth lewdness and abomination and wickedness. He exhorteth you in order that ye may take heed.

Al-Maeda | 120 verses | The Table Spread سورة المائدة
Sura #5 | Madina
8 O ye who believe! Be STEADFAST WITNESSES for Allah in EQUALITY, and let not hatred of any people seduce you that ye deal not justly. DEAL JUSTLY, that is nearer to your duty. Observe your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is Informed of what ye do.
9 Allah hath PROMISED those who believe and do GOOD WORKS: Theirs will be FORGIVENESS and IMMENSE REWARD.

if Muslims really practised Islam the way they should -- then maybe all this wouldnt have happened in 1st place. that is what i feel. people have really walked away from Allah and Qu'ran -- that is why they are unloyal to the hand that feeds them.

Allah and His Muhammed-pbuh have said --
"Gaurd urself against 6 things and i stand as surety for Paradise -- when u speak, speak the thruth. when u promise : fulfil it. discharge UR TRUST (meaning keep ur promise), be chaste in thoughts and deeds, and ABSTAIN FROM STRIKING AND TAKING WHICH IS UNLAWFUL and BAD."

people need to realise by themselves that -- ONE SHOULD BE LOYAL TO THE HAND THAT FEEDS THEM.

trust me dude, i really feel so worried what gonna happen with so much of nuclear power -- be it West or Terrorists. with people like these, who needs enemies. i go for COMPLETE FULLSTOP of Nuclear weaponry ALL over the WORLD.

hope i helped. have a nice weekend. and peace.

2006-10-13 02:29:33 · answer #7 · answered by marissa 5 · 1 1

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