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God is up in Heaven, working like a dog keeping the Universe in line. "Wow, I could really use a vacation!" he grumbles.

An angel at his side pipes in "You havn't taken one in a while, we can handle things up here for a bit, Boss!"

"Ok, you're right." God thinks a bit. "But where should I go?"

"How about Earth, its been a while since you visited there?" the angel suggests.

"Naw," replies God. "Last time I went there I got some Jewish chick knocked up and they havn't stopped talking about it since!"

Does this question make fun of God or Christians? Do you think its funny? Do you think God laughs at us when we take ourselves and our religion too seriously?

2006-10-12 19:04:29 · 12 answers · asked by Skippy 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

I think God laughs with all of us, even us non-Christians. If we could see the world with God's priorities, even our worst worries would seem laughable. I'm not belittling anyone's problems or making fun of anyone's faith. I just believe that when there is no death, no rape, no racism, no poverty, no religious differences we will all be able to laugh at those things because no one will be threatened by them.

2006-10-12 19:10:00 · answer #1 · answered by Kuji 7 · 3 0

I think it depends on were you draw the line a joke can be funny and yet not taste less just as with racism you can tell jokes but there is a line not to cross...just as racism is a very touchie subject along with religion it just really depends on how opened minded the person is and weither or not its not disrespectful...way pass the line.Everyone has their own opinon so what YOU might take seriously while the other laughs it could easliy be the other way around..have you ever thought about that?

2006-10-12 19:28:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To answer your opening question: I think God finds all to be a little of all of it - some too funny; some too ridiculous; some something else; some too serious; some not his at all; some eagerly serving him faithfully; some needing to confess their sins; some confessed and ready to go; some with the ability to bring about humor; some with no sense of humor at all; but mostly, I believe he finds that each of need him and that when we praise and glorify him with the talents he gives us, then he is pleased and we have done a job well done.

2006-10-12 19:17:33 · answer #3 · answered by dph_40 6 · 1 0

I think it makes fun of God and is pretty disrespectful. But I also think that when God looks at the state of Christianity today, he just shakes his head and sighs at the number of people who claim to worship rightly that will be destroyed at the battle of Armeggedon. There are so many right-hearted people out there that are worshipping in what they TRULY believe with all their hearts to BE the right way, but are so off course because what they have been taught to be truth and righteousness are so off base. Its so sad and disgusting what the many churchest in Christendom have taken in over the last two centuries as part of their worship that have NOTHING to do with Jesus Christ or his father. Even starting with his father's NAME!! You could, until the early 80's find it in the KJV Bible, at Psalms 83:18, and 3 other locations, but now, in order to hide its existance, mankind has even hidden THAT. His name, if you want to know, translates best from old Hebrew best as Jehovah. The 'christian' religions of the World today don't even acknowledge that , for the most part. A few will, but only if you really make them. LOL

Then there are those churches that try to diminish his power by making him part of a Triune godship. No.... he isn't. God is God. Jesus is his SON, lesser in power and importance, but still very much loved by his father and used for many good works. Then there is God's Holy Spirit or , his active force. That which he uses to have things done or to happen. They are three separate and individual entities, none of them equal an all independant of the others. This triune godship was a pagan belief that was taken into the Catholic church in order to draw in a large sector of pagan believers. Kind of a " we'll play your game if you come play in our building, ok?" deal. That is how the Catholic church came up with a LOT of its doctrines. Burning hell... once forgiven , always forgiven, the Trinity, The ue of the Cross in their worship ( christ was killed on a torture stake. The Romans were not even using the Cross at that time in history. They used straight up and down torture stakes.) There are other examples.
We may not take our religion seriously, but God does. He created us and he deserves our respect and appreciation . He doesn't want that respect and appreciation going to some carved hunk of wood or stone or iron that is inanimate and not to him. He is a jealous god and for good reason! Making Jokes about him is quite rude, I mean,look what he has done for you- given you life, a lovely planet to enjoy, despite what mankind has done to it. A beautiful nightsky to admire, perhaps a sweet wife/husband to enjoy.... See my point?
I know that Jehovah looks at Christianity today and sees only a few people doing what is right and approves of those people. Then he looks at the millions who have been misled by wrongdoing religious leaders and he weeps for them. Then he looks at the ones who know nothing of him and he sends the ones doing his work and spreading his word out to them in order to help them find the truth of his words and gain life. If you have never heard of his word, and would like to know more, just drop me an email and I will answer questions you have.


2006-10-12 19:24:48 · answer #4 · answered by heatherlovespansies 3 · 0 1

ridiculous. i dont believe He ever intended any institutions.

God is perfect. However, i dont think He would take pleasure in the fact of us being dumbasses and laugh at us.

2006-10-12 19:17:52 · answer #5 · answered by hotpockets122000 3 · 0 0

lol ok yahoo heathen Yeah the bible is the main significant reference for Christians by way of fact of a million. it extremely is traditionally precise, 2. Its contents with regards to scientific matters, funds transactions, and kin arrangements in rules, concepts are useful and ordinarily effective 3. Prophecy, that's the main significant one, yet in a narrative approximately Joshua whilst he became bought to the Egyptians in the "old testomony" there became no written regulation at that factor. whether he became able to tell apart Gods rules, and/or concepts. each individual has instilled in them a unsleeping of precise and incorrect to three degree. Like some animals they have a undeniable volume of instinct how else ought to they stay to tell the story. Likewise people have a matching "wiring" So extremely a individual could make their factors approximately God by using their strikes and concepts they save on with. whether the bible has been translated into numerous languages and a few variations, it remains the uncomplicated factor is being made. you're properly suited so talked approximately as Christians do not agree. a closer check out what Christians have faith shows they suspect as Pagans, and Babylon religions. that's opposite to what the bible teaches. No ask your self they don't agree. by way of fact they p.c.. and choose what they like to have faith out of the bible, they are left at a loss for words and as Jesus pronounced thrown out like sheep left for the slaughter. different sources that are consistant could be issues like the pills cutting-edge in different relgions, with regards to kings, and existence in those cases. the bible mentions many kings from different international locations, and positively by using comparing them you discover it extremely is precise. additionally by using archology , historic cities that have been pronounced in the bible are nonetheless being stumbled on, the bible lower back, often tells their area in connection with rivers or different cities.

2016-10-16 03:39:36 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You are the type of person who when He appears in the heavens with the believers army behind Him, will be crying out for the rocks and mountains to cover you from your shame and mocking of Him.

2006-10-13 00:56:49 · answer #7 · answered by CM 2 · 0 2



2006-10-12 19:15:32 · answer #8 · answered by funnana 6 · 0 1

No this question is just a non-believer seeking answers and wanting to come out of the closet to Pray with us, come on out brother we love and accept you...

2006-10-12 19:10:24 · answer #9 · answered by Ladeebug71 5 · 0 2

God probably thinks cristians are pitiful losers.

2006-10-12 19:07:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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