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Did you know you get a toaster oven for every 10 converts?

2006-10-12 18:47:24 · 38 answers · asked by St. Anthony of Y!Answers 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

38 answers

I have no desire to pull anyone away from their religion. However, I find that many people do not know the history of their own religion, nor do they know how to properly apply critical thinking to their religion. These are not bad things; in fact, for people who have faith enough to stand up against a bit of questioning, they can be very helpful and reaffirming things.

2006-10-12 18:51:32 · answer #1 · answered by angk 6 · 5 1

If man is merely physical as some suggest than he is nothing more than chemical processes governed by physical laws, he would then have no responsibility for those chemical reactions.He wouldn't even know if he could trust the chemical processes in his own mind. Since you are hoping to convert people, you are assuming a person has control over the chemical processes and physical laws being acted upon him.This would require believing in an inner self that can control his choices. Wilder Penfield the renowned father of modern neurosurgery believed that consciousness somehow came from the brain, where synapses fire ten milion billion times a second. he encountered enough evidence to show the brain and the mind are two distinct entities although they interact.

2006-10-12 19:38:05 · answer #2 · answered by Edward J 6 · 0 0

Don't know, but what I don't get is how so many christians and others base their entire belief system on the invisible man in the sky. Some of these same people claim that atheism, which does not invoke any supernatural powers in their beliefs, doesn't make sense. We're just trying to help the ill-informed learn the truth about the laws of nature.

2006-10-12 18:58:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, I have already had a free car wash twice
this week, and I look forward to getting two more
next week.

I cannot recall having made any converts within
the last 90 days, but if pushed on the subject, I
might begin some kind of crusade for you.

We could call it the "Get Off Our Back" Parade.

2006-10-12 18:57:10 · answer #4 · answered by zahbudar 6 · 1 1

I don't care if I "convert" any Christians to atheism. I only hope to open some minds a little. I've seen Christians who are so twisted as to think that atheists don't have morals and don't feel love. I'm pleased that there are quite a few compassionate and rational atheists here who given good answers that illustrate that atheists have ethics and humanity.

2006-10-12 18:58:09 · answer #5 · answered by Jim L 5 · 3 0

You mean convincing people to fear George Bush, Homeland Security, the FBI and the Local Police instead of God.

Base their moral beliefs on something that will REALLY sockit to them.

Big Brotherism.

Convincing people when they die, that's it. Sounds a little Zen to me! I guess Atheists are stooges for the Zen faith, eh!

I still find it hard to understand why someone is so OCD about defeating the concept of a "hereafter."

What harm is there in a hereafter, anway?

Why are Atheists so defeatists. Did it come from learning there was no Santa Claus so you want to ruin everyone's happy times because yours got taken away from you?

I don't get the point of view, other than the fact you relish being control freaks.

You do, then, realize that makes you a lot like the Jehovah's Witnesses!

You go door to door, kicking dogs and say, what does it matter, there is no God that will get me for doing that!

So, go have your malicious fun if that's what get's your rocks off. Tell the world there is no Santa Claus. Take lollie pops away from little children. Let them know there is NO PURPOSE to it all, we're just a freak accident of nature.

Rape, pillage and have fun for there is no Sky Daddy who's gonna send you to hell for doing it.

Ah, I'm sorry, you WILL be reporting them to the COPS for doing that won't you and then the COPS will put them into a form of hell known as a Prison for doing that, won't you.

But, since you have no God, you have no conscience. You see, a conscience means you have put something or someone over you in the world and are now subserviant. You are obediant. Obediant to George Bush, the FBI, Homeland Security and the Local Police -- multiple dieties you fear tremendously for they will cast you into hell if you step out of line.

But, of course, all this stuff means you have FAITH.

So, Atheism is a FAITH based system of Multiple Dieties who they fear, hence they don't step out of line.



Remove the FAITH, remove the DIETIES and you have anarchy.

Wonder how many Atheist women will want to form moralistic relgions after they get raped too many times by anarchistic males you have no FAITH, not BELIEF systems and NO DIETIES they fear.

Pray to the Police, they will protect you!


Interesting how we keep getting back to this Pray thing. We keep getting back to this FAITH thing. We keep getting back to this moralistic big brother is watching thing.

Why is it we can't escape the fact that Santa is keeping a list and checking it twice.

We all know there is no Santa Claus

There is no God

There is no Police

There is no Law

These are all mythical creations of man

So why CHOSE to follow one set of mythical creations and not another.

We get back to the control freak issue.

Viscious circle, ain't it.

Criminals, you know, can be considered the ultimate Atheists. They believe in ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. No God, No Law, No Morals. The fully undestand we come from nothing, hence there is NO purpose other than self gratification.

Criminals have no faith whatsoever. They put no faith in no one else, but themseleves. No faith in the system. No faith in the laws. No faith in the morals. They just go off and DO without a conscience.

Developing a conscience makes you an automatic loser, for it suddenly puts someone else above youself. You become secondary. Subserviant. Reverant.

Try strapping a six shooter on and getting into a REAL duel and YOU have a conscience. Who has the edge. The person who can really give a hoot or the one with the conscience.

Funny how we get back to being little tiny creatures looking up at something more important than we are.

Hope you guys and gals get your toaster ovens!

We religious people didn't want the weak willed and weak minded anyway. You can have the whooses, whimps and weaklings. We only want the strongest, the best, the purest.

Atheism can have the rest....

2006-10-12 19:10:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

That's a good question. I had myself a little chuckle :o) Seriously, though. If I was on the fence about it.... and I relied on the answers given by people in this forum, I would have to say I would run for the hills. There are some mean spirited people out there of all walks. Thankfully I am a firm believer! God Bless.

2006-10-12 18:53:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I'm not interested in converting Christians. I'm only interested in putting in some ideas. Then you can take them or leave them.

2006-10-12 19:24:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I disagree with regards to those who say atheism in no way injury every physique. What are an Atheist's "gods"--what's maximum mandatory to them? kin? funds? means? risk-free practices? Justice? Social status/classification? Themselves ordinarily? how many people have died serving those gods? Extremism in any sort is risky, yet that would not make each faith or non secular individual risky. that's like asserting each present day-day Christian is liable for the Crusades, each Muslim on earth is liable for the 9/11 assaults, and each white American is liable for slavery and local American oppression. with regards to clever layout and Evolution: maximum Christians do not prefer Evo out, they only prefer I.D. in. (and there's a distinction between I.D. and Creationism--look it up.) when you consider that the two are **THEORIES** scientifically, it extremely is fallacious to cutting-edge in basic terms one and cutting-edge it as certainty. Why do non secular people combat so confusing for their religions? by way of fact athiests combat so confusing against them. how many "ten commandment" symbols have been removed from courthouses? those at the instant are not in basic terms non secular symbols the two--they have historic and cultural magnitude. And in the sphere of technology, faith is usually scoffed at, not given an suited overview in any respect. check out it this form--in case you had 2 drugs that each must be the treatment for many cancers, you may learn them the two, taking meticulous measurements and flushing out each element of documents perceivable. whilst it includes clever layout as against despite huge bang-esque theory is customary in the scientific community on the 2d, whether, I.D. isn't even given the delight of the tiniest little bit of examine, and scientists who practice non secular dispositions are in many cases dealt with poorly and at last pushed out of the sphere. Watch Ben Stein's documentary "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed".

2016-10-16 03:36:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm going to save up to 100 converts and trade them in for a psp.

2006-10-12 18:52:21 · answer #10 · answered by ModerndayMadman 4 · 4 1

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