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29 answers

Creationism, Intelligent Design, or whatever you want to call it is bunk. Evolution may be a theory, but the majority of it is supported by observable, provable facts rather than a mythology that has been handed down through the ages.

For those who don't feel evolution is proven, visit the link below for information on the evolution of man. We have skeletons that prove these changes occurred over time.

2006-10-20 11:30:19 · answer #1 · answered by Speedo Inspector 6 · 1 1

The truth is that God created you. There is no evidence of evolution. If the Big Bang happenned, where did the energy come from? did nothing really explode and create everything? it doesn't make sense. the truth is Jesus really does love and care for you. he loved you so much that he actually was killed and He wanted to die just so that if you accept him you can escape hell and be with Him forever. it awesome. God dying for man. anyway, the only reason evolutuion is even still a theory is because the scientists that hold true to it don't want to accept God because they don't want to live for Him. thats the bottom line. if there is a God out there and He made you, then there is a right and a wrong. you do have responsibilities. they dont want to accept that.
let me tell you a story. there is a mountain somewhere on an island that erupted and out of the erruption came a beautiful city that looks as if it was designed. if you believe this story, you are thinking like an evolutionist because that's what they believe. except there wasn't even a mountain to start with and a human being, or simple bacteria,or even life itself could not simply arise out of nothing. have you ever seen something explode and create something new, good, beautiful? why would you believe in evolution??

2006-10-18 20:56:52 · answer #2 · answered by My son the Creation Scientist 2 · 0 0

This is the question that I've come back to over and again. I believe in the physical sciences and I'd love to believe that the Universe has a single set of rules that everything is subject to. I just can't reconcile that wish with the reality of the big bang and life.

Science can't explain what caused the big bang to occur. It can make a very plausible case for what happens after the the 'boom" but not why it went boom. Same thing with life here on earth. After the planet formed and cooled and collected enough water life just starts up. Just like that, what was inanimate becomes living. No way to reproduce the effect, no real idea as to why it happened but it did happen. The fact that we are here testifies to that. Therefore I must conclude that something with powers and abilities that are not constrained by the nature of the universe started the ball rolling. That's my concept of God.

2006-10-12 20:36:35 · answer #3 · answered by Cain 3 · 0 0

At this point it's a choice since science can't have the certainity of evolution and religion has versions that don't fit in the logic of our knowledge. But remember that also they can be related. God's creation of universe and life at a certain time of the existence. Evolution is not a fact though, it's a theory that has many flaws. Really it's up to you.

2006-10-12 17:52:03 · answer #4 · answered by Saiera 2 · 1 1


2006-10-12 17:51:17 · answer #5 · answered by October 7 · 0 0

Neither science nor the Bible can answer that question fully and correctly.

The Bible claims it does, and therefore lies.
Science claims only that it is trying, and documents what has been learned so far, and what remains to be learned.

It is possible to reconcile a belief in God with an acceptance of science, but it appears that many Bible believers are so threatened by Science that they are sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting "Na Na Na Na I'm not listening!".

Anyone who is takes the time to read some of my earlier posts will know that I think the Bible is myth, but admit to being an agnostic about the broader question of a supreme creator. I genuinely wish that more theists were trying to reconcile belief in a creator with science. Religious philosophy is stagnating, and meanwhile religious fundamentalists are managing to convince otherwise intelligent people that they should distrust the only successful means of advancing knowledge that mankind has.

2006-10-12 18:04:41 · answer #6 · answered by Jim L 5 · 0 0

To reproduce and be many. Spread over the length and breath of the Earth, using our full mental capabilities to Paradise from the Garden of Eden to the rest of the Earth. From there, we would have needed to spread out into the Universe, as the planet could hold only so many people with everlasting life.

Consider the implications. Who knows what it would have meant to have full access to our minds. We may have explored the Universe without the use of ships. By this time, we may have been in the farthest reaches of space, but lost all that when Adam chose a woman over such a future.

2006-10-12 18:06:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is no longer sensible to deny the evidence of evolution. The problem is that a certain number of religious people feel threatened by this idea. They feel that it infringes on the dignity of man, or that it is an attempt to invalidate religious texts. The problem as I see it is that these people remain on the surface of what a religion is supposed to be. They are more interested in the religious interpretation of the material world than they are with the possibility religion gives to enter into growth of the soul.
Science may enter into conflict with interpretation of religious text only insofar as one insists on the literal language of those texts, and what they say about the material world. However, this is truly besides the point as far as religion, or spirituality, is concerned. Spirituality should concern itself properly with realities that are intangible, beyond the material world. The proper object of spirituality is, in effect, metaphysics.
Texts such as Genesis were not written by a scientific civilization. These people had no standard of scientific truth as we understand the term, and we have every reason to believe they wouldn't particularly have cared for them anyway. Genesis is a myth. In modern times, myth has come to mean 'lie', but that is not how the ancients viewed it. To the ancients, a myth is a story meant to teach a truth that goes beyond what can be expressed with words, references to people, objects, etc... Genesis is a text full of symbols and metaphors. It was never meant to be taken literaly. Ironically, it is the insistence on truth of a civlization imbued with the idea of science and reason that created the conflict in the first place.
In other words, religion only enters in conflict with science when its proponents try to enter into subjects that have absolutely nothing to do with religion and spirituality.

2006-10-12 18:02:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

evolution has been shown to an volume in spite of the indisputable fact that it nevertheless hasnt defined to us how we've been given to be the way we are. working example all primates have forty 8 chromizones the place as human beings purely have forty six. mainstream technology needs you to have confidence this became a transition however the fact is it would take hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years for this style of transition to ensue and for a species thats purely 2 hundred,000 years outdated thats impossible. whats surprising is the two chromizones arent lacking in any respect their surely fused inclusive of two different chomizones to make forty six relatively of forty 8. what we are speaking approximately right here's a metamorphosis no longer a transition. additionally our brains unexpectedly trippled in length approximately 6,500 years in the past that's with regard to the comparable time as as quickly as we more suitable issues like concept platforms, college device, government, calendars, etc. and evolution cant clarify it. investigate "lloyd pye, each and every thing you be attentive to is faulty" and start up doing all your examine on sumerian lifestyle i think of youll be suprised to overview evolution is a touch flimsy in some factors.

2016-12-16 06:57:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Science, true science., does not contradict God's creation- science is not the making up of what we think may have happened- it is the obeservation and study of what is around us and there is nothing observed that does not testify to the God who created it. Those that refuse to see or refuse to accept the creator, have taken the evidences , twisted them and stuffed them into their own ideas and imaginations about how it happened. What does not fit into their scenario gets left behind or somehow just "defies explanation" and everything else is left up to faith - because with the lack of evidence, fallible methods of observation, and rejection of what does not fit into the mold- there is just no solid rock evidence that evolution is plausible- I am speaking specifically of one species DNA changing and evolving into another species.
Science in no way contradicts the Bible, it actually supports it.

2006-10-12 17:55:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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