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Science can not explain away God, so how do those who do not believe that God exsist?

2006-10-12 17:46:04 · 26 answers · asked by micheal777 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

JP you believe in the workings of physics but you can't see it. There is proof unexplained medical healings is that proof enough?

2006-10-12 17:53:31 · update #1

26 answers

Actually it can. Christians make the mistake of explaining God and giving him human traits and having him involved with human affairs. He cannot simultaneously sustain his place as a all-knowing, powerful, and benevolent God and still commit cruel acts and cause people to suffer. Anything all good would not kill, torment, or destroy because that is not being good. If he knew what would become of the human race, then he should have left the dirt alone. If he is all powerful, then he can change things and make this world a better place. All of his traits contradict the laws of our logic, science cannot accept such a flawed concept as God, to omany contradictions and inconsistencies.

Evolution also is evident with the fossils and doesn't coincide with the story of our creation and the creation of the earth. Also, the stories in the bible are totally illogical and the 'God' often changes his mind and seems to be confused about what to do with us next. God appears to me imperfect and quite the idiot if you ask me.

2006-10-12 18:00:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

This is one argument theists can't just turn around on atheists.

Atheism is a negative position. Theism is a positive position.

The negative position is assumed as default. The positive position must be demonstrated with evidence.

Can you prove that unicorns don't exist? No you can't, and neither can I. But we don't have to prove it in order to say with confidence "unicorns don't exist"

This question comes up everyday. And everyday theists miss the point.

The laws of physics work and are easily demonstrated through experimentation and evidence. The same cannot be said for god. Unexplained healing happens a lot less frequently than you imagine. The most likely cause of this "miracle" is a false diagnosis. And even if it did happen as you suggest, that only proves one thing: medical science doesn't know everything. But any doctor would tell you that, straight out, if you asked him.

And Boopie is correct. Although science can never explain away the existence of a supreme being of some kind, it has pretty much ripped your Bible to shreds. So if a God does exist (and one might, who knows?) it would certainly not be Jehovah.

2006-10-13 00:50:23 · answer #2 · answered by Skippy 6 · 5 2

I am a christian and one thing I noticed after many years that some of the best, very effective, Christians. Keeping that in mind I suggest that
1. no one anywhere can ever prove something does not exist , unless it is something you can hold in your hand. It is like expecting a person to prove he is innocent.

2. Asking this question is not a good form of witness. It is viewed as an attack and attacks just makes behavior go underground so to any believer out there I ask that you find a more effective way to witness.
snuggles has a great and effective method, and it is simple

2006-10-13 01:00:40 · answer #3 · answered by icheeknows 5 · 2 1

your fear of science is rather sad. it's not the job of science to prove or disprove the existence of invisible super beings. what science has done is strip away the ignorant assumptions that natural phenomena magically occurs.
in other words ... Thor isn't really sitting on a big cloud throwing lightening bolts. Poseidon isn't under the sea churning up storms to harass sailors. Spring doesn't occur because Persephone arises from the underworld. and Yahweh didn't create the earth, sun, moon and stars in 6 days.

2006-10-13 01:02:08 · answer #4 · answered by nebtet 6 · 3 0

There is no logic for God in our limited human brains. Just because they are human beings, relatively the most intelligent beings on this planet, people are quick to think that we are rulers of the universe; that our brains our more powerful than anything else in the whole universe....how pretentious is that??
It's easy to resolve that there is no God when we listen to our brain's logic and stay in there.
The thing that atheists don't understand is that faith doesn't originate in the mind, but in the heart and in the spirit.
So we can go on and on bringing up scientific evidence and theological arguments and all that stuff... God does not take shape in those places. God is in the breath, in the now, not in talks.
There is no way to understand by talking about it, it's all about experience (but of course, you have to open your mind just a little to be willing to experience something your mind can't grasp; it takes a little courage). The first step is to be willing to accept that our little human brains are very subjective and are not the most powerful all knowing things in the universe.
Bottom line: arguing about the existence of God is totally pointless, because it's all about personal experience. If you haven't experienced, then I don't blame you for not believing. But it doesn't mean you can't open your mind to experience the unknown... What's really great about our human nature, is that we can reinvent ourselves at everymoment...if we let go of old ideas...

2006-10-13 01:16:52 · answer #5 · answered by liszar 2 · 2 1

1. The only documents that mention God are over 2000 years old. Many have been copied and recopied, so there is no way of knowing if they are still correct.
2. The only documents that mention God are filled with contradictions. For example, he is called just and loving, yet orders his people to slaughter entire nations for the crime of not believing in him, and sends his only son to die a painful death. This seems neither just nor loving to me.
3. The only documents that mention God are filled with references to events that are supernatural and/or extraordinary. Science has proved that either they could not have happened (were misinterpreted by people who had no other way to explain them) or has shown that they were simply natural phenomena that required no deific intervention to occur.
4. There is no empirical evidence that God exists. There is nothing that can be touched, seen, felt, heard or tasted to indicate the existence of God. Without empirical evidence of any kind, I see no reason to believe in any supernatural entities.
I could go on and on. There are plenty of reasons not to believe in God and plenty of evidence that he doesn't exist.

2006-10-13 01:01:10 · answer #6 · answered by Jensenfan 5 · 3 2

Non-believers want to argue this with unicorns? Have you guys been to every planet in every galaxy in every universe that exists?! Scientists are "discovering" new life, new planets, new species of animals all the time. Unicorns may very well exist. Just because you say they don't doesn't make it a fact. People not too long ago used to say the earth was flat. It was just accepted as fact. You got to the end, you fell off. Do we think we have reached the pinnacle of intelligence? 100 years from now we will look like a bunch of buffoons to those who will come after us and discover oh so much more than we know today.

God exists - He has filled up the void in my heart and given meaning and purpose to my life.

2006-10-13 01:06:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

The same proof you have for your god, can be used to be proof for mine, or someone else's god[s] and other deities. My Lord and Lady heal people every day... They give me love, protection, etc. They have rescued me from depression and suicide, they have helped me turn my life around.

And for those who think I'm following Satan, I am not. How do I know? The same way you know you are following your God, and not Satan.

2006-10-13 01:30:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anuolf 3 · 1 1

Common sense will tell you there is no god.

1.Many people believe in different gods at different times. Which pretty much gives doubt that there really is "1".

2.It would be impossible for anything to watch 6billion people at any given time.

3. Nobody has ever seen him.

4. He has been recreated by people's imaginations

2006-10-13 00:52:05 · answer #9 · answered by redman9250 2 · 3 2

Two points:

1. It is impossible to prove the non-existence of something.

Can you prove there are no invisible anthropomorphic lions in my back yard? If so, do it.

2. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

You are making the claim of an infinitely existing, infinitely complex being. The burden of proof is on you.


Vision is not the only means of knowledge. If I am told that there are three apples in one box, and two in another, and have no reason to doubt the person who tells me these facts, math can soundly establish that there are five apples total. And you claim there are medical miracles -- provide documentation.

2006-10-13 00:49:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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