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Please explain why or why not.

To be very clear, this means defending the religion, faith or lack thereof without using holy texts like the Christian Bible, the Koran, the Torah, the text written by the Flying Spaggetti Monster, or even non-holy text like science textbooks. Also teaching by religious figures, unless it is yourself is disallowed. You do not actually have to defend the faith, for I do not care what it is as long as it is what you chose to live with and fulfils your needs. I just wish to know if you could defend why you have it(not have it) at need without drawing upon outside sources, beyond personal experience.

Oh and yes I know this type of question will upset some, but I am curious if any would find it possible. The question is asked so that I may have answers.

2006-10-12 16:21:16 · 25 answers · asked by Moonsilk 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers



wow, that was too EZ.

2006-10-12 16:28:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If you have no outside forces to justify or base your Faith on , then what would you have or need Faith for ?? I have Faith because I can think and answer questions with no knowledge whatsoever where the thought is conceived , where the questions and answers are stored , or how they got there , or how I am able to translate a thought into a spoken word . My Faith is concrete in the fact that I know how to turn a thought on , but I do not know where the thought is stored or where the switch is that brings forth the thought !!!! Since man cannot answer the same questions , then I have Faith that there is a God that has predestined all knowledge.. As you read this answer , isn`t it amazing that you are not saying anything , but you can hear the words as plain as day in your mind . I have Faith that you will not be able to deny that there is something far Superior to our limited understanding that demands Faith , and is in control of the Master Switch ??

2006-10-12 17:03:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Absolutely. God puts in us a constant searching. It's a natural void in our lives He puts there so we will seek Him. He is what is missing. Some try to fill the emptiness with one relationship after another, for others it's drugs or work, whatever. But at the end of the day when all is quiet and you are alone the void is still there. Even the most primitive of ancient societies had the ability to identify that there was a Supreme God above them and they worshiped.

As for my own personal life, I have lived through more than one situation in which by all "natural" explanations I should have died. I know without any doubt God stepped in and saved me. It was not my time to go. I have been in such financial debt I thought I could never escape it. I prayed to God and asked for His help and guidance. I felt a true guidance from Him to change my career and now my husband and I are successful and prosperous. He gave me the gift of life - my beautiful children. He gave me the gift of eternal life which I will experience when my days here are through. He restored my marriage. He gave me the air in my lungs and another day in which to abide upon the earth. He painted a beautiful sunset in the sky tonight for me to experience and enjoy.

Miracles of life and love and hope surround us every day but as "intelligent adults" we try to make everything tangible when it's not. Faith requires you become innocent again, as a child and just trust. That's when God will become real in your life regardless of whether or not you ever read a book about faith.

2006-10-12 16:36:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1


The holy scriptures are not to be just read but lived, Eph 3:3! It basically says we are an open bible read by all men.

Jer 10:23 teaches it is not in man that walks to direct his own steps. So whatever life we have lived, if it is not according to the word of God, then it is just another existence like everybody else outside of Christ.

It is not our life that will get us to heaven. It is Christ life!

2006-10-12 16:34:51 · answer #4 · answered by TenJac 4 · 1 1

Short Version.
After 30 years of being an Atheist and anything (Not GOD) I was still looking for actual truth. On a Christmas Vacation I was outside smoking a cigarette and thought "All I want for Christmas is to find actual truth" I was not praying or asking anyone just thinking. I heard a voice in my head. It was not my voice. It said simply "Merry Christmas Lance" I knew it was Jesus and I knew that my life would never be the same. Best Christmas gift I ever got.

May GOD richly bless you.

2006-10-12 16:28:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I`ve answered similar questions before and I don`t want to get in a long speech here so I`ll try to be brief.I know God has been and is with me everyday.I believe if he was to remove his presence I would feel like something was missing.I`ve had prayers answered both big and small and I guess the smallest prayer that concerned only me at a time I was low was probably one of the most up lifting to me,.It wasn`t anything that would mean anything to anyone else just me and I know that God answered my prayer immediately after I prayed to him.

2006-10-12 16:36:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I don't know if I could entirely but I know that the last 2+ years has been hard for me. I made a big mistake and landed myself in jail. I love my religion but I sucumbed to the ways of the world. But I have been working hard and getting help and have discovered for myself the Glory and Magesty that is the Atonement. I have along way's to go but I know that if I stick with it and focus my life back on My Lord I can find that forgivness I seek and can continue to lead a productive life. I don't know if this is what you mean but Thanks for asking.

2006-10-12 16:29:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, absolutely, in the way the Holy Spirit speaks to me, in what has occurred in my life. I defend my faith every day on that basis explaining that I don’t need to understand how it all works, how God does what he does. What He has done for me personally is more than plenty to affirm my faith.

2006-10-12 16:34:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes, because if I follow the teachings of Jesus in the Bible, and apply it to my life and live my life according to that, my life should show my faith in the way I live my life.

Makes me think of a statement I heard years ago, about witnessing, witness your faith, and if nessesary, use words.

Meaning that my life and the way I live it should be my witness.

2006-10-12 16:27:54 · answer #9 · answered by Bryan M 5 · 2 0

As a Muslim, and note that I am not quoting anything. As muslims pray 5 times a day, so first of all by praying five times a day, I am easily able to lower my gaze. By lowering my gaze I prevent myself from lust and all the evils that can emerge from it.

Why does prayer do this to me? Thats because I ask God to show me the straight path, to open my heart. Being punctual in prayer helps me perform my duties faithfully as they should be. For example, my professional duties. Even If I feel lazy sometimes, I am reminded that I pray five times, and I need to mindful of God, that he would ask me for each and every deed that I did. It reminds me for each and every little thing that happens to me, that I have to thank God for it.

I keep remembering Him as much as I can, and it gives me contentment. Even In case of affliction and trials, it gives me patience and makes me strong, because I know all the afflictions are only tests, and that the life of this world is just temporary, that I am like a passenger who is travelling across a certain land for some period of time, and as a traveller I praise all the things I see, but I am not indulged in them to the extent that I forget what is my FINAL destination.

2006-10-12 16:30:23 · answer #10 · answered by mutmainnah 3 · 2 1

Yes,I try to live my life for Jesus the way I should.I am forgiven by His blood not "saved because I'm at His standards".People today freak-out when they see I don't do the norms of today.Jesus is who I live for not the PC world.I choose Jesus by choice.I don't cave to the ones who say you have only one choice and that is believe what you are told to believe.

2006-10-12 16:31:25 · answer #11 · answered by robert p 7 · 0 1

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