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Really, it just seems that every religion, pushes me away!

Plus its hard when I really do not agree with alot of its (His) teachings.

2006-10-12 15:08:36 · 26 answers · asked by LiveFastDiePretty 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

There are many here on the religious section of Yahoo Answers that claim they do not believe in God, I am sure they will be trying to keep you for believing in GOD. (I sure do not know why they want to keep you from trusting someone they say does not exist)

I would suggest you talk to one of several who have answered to offer more help off this list. I have seen several answers that show that they do care about YOU.

2006-10-12 15:47:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is a book by Larence Kelleman called "Permission to Believe" that has a bunch of evidence that God exists . I don't think it even narrows down a religion (I never read it but I did read the sequel "Permission to Recieve" where he explians why Jewish beliefs are the most credible. Also that doesn't mean you should nessisarily convert to Judiasm you are a Noahide).

If you disagree with Christian teachings I can't blaim you. If you disagree with God's teachings I bet if you understand it you should ask someone who knows about the type of stuff to explain the reasoning behind some things.

2006-10-12 22:38:54 · answer #2 · answered by anonomous 3 · 0 0

I know what you mean!
Maybe the concept of God that you are interpreting is not one that works for you.
I used to reject the idea of God, because the idea of God I had was one that was preached to me growing up, one of this big bearded guy out there watching over the world. I couldn't believe in that.
But later in my life, when I started meditating, I found an opening to my spirituality. Once I discovered that there was peace outside of my mind's chaos, once I discovered I didn't have to be controlled by my mind, and it was actually possible to just be, without thinking, I opened up to the possibility that I had a spirit. And from that point, I explored, with an open mind, all kinds of religions and found what they had in common to make up my path.
I do believe in God today, but not in the old concept of God I had. Today, I know God can only be found inside of my heart, not anywhere else. In short, God is Love.
Furthermore, the more I question, the more I end up lost, because our human logical mind and ego don't like to accept something beyond what our main 5 senses can pick up. Basically, I no longer try to debate in theological matters nor intellectualize spirituality...because it leads just to more confusion. Finally, what really made me give up the inner debate was when I heard: "who are you to say there is no God??" It then occured to me, that I would never find a solid answer, because human beings have been searching the nature of God ever since life began, and no one ever found out. So I certainly wouldn't be the one.
And even if I die, and it turns out I'm all wrong in my belief, at least I'll have had a happier life, because believe me, my life has been much happier and more peaceful since I opened up to the posibility of a more powerful force than myself...
One last thing: In reading different spiritual scriptures (bible, torah, qran, etc...) I used to get stuck on the things I didn't agree with and made an opinion about the religion all based on those points. But then I learned to read these scriptures with my heart, and not so much with my intellectual argumentative mind...and I let only the spirit behind the words inspire me...and that's when I actually found the common points b/w all religions...
good luck and thank you for asking!

2006-10-12 22:35:24 · answer #3 · answered by liszar 2 · 0 0

I wonder...If every religion you've tried pushes you away...what is it you are looking for? I'd rather believe there is a God and be wrong...than not believe...and be wrong. The more you read the scriptures, the more you pray, the more you look for Him...you'll see a bigger picture. The Holy Ghost will testify of Him to you, if you truly want to know.
You don't agree with His teachings? Like what...love one another? Do unto others? I can't image what He teaches that isn't good and just.

2006-10-12 22:17:38 · answer #4 · answered by Becky F 4 · 1 0

I understand how you feel.

When you say that every religion pushes you away do you mean people in those religions push you away? Also do you mean that you disagree with the teaching you have heard from people?

I found that I needed to find my belief in God for myself, just God and I. I heard what others said, but I researched God for myself and I found that lots of what I had been told about him was not true. God made each of us one at a time and He wants a personal relationship with each of us.

Maybe you can try to start with a relationship that feels comfortable for you and God. Just the two of you, without involving any one else. I believe if you start there He will help you to believe in Him.

Let Him know how hard it is for you to believe in Him and ask Him for His help. I know He will come through for you.

If it is ok with you I will pray that God will help you believe in Him and that His will is done in your life.

God doesn't require that we agree with all the things others have told us about Him. Just like He spoke to others who teach about Him, He can speak to you about Himself.

2006-10-12 22:24:11 · answer #5 · answered by Jael 3 · 0 0

Get yourself a Bible and read it everyday. I like An American Translation and the New King James Version because they are easier to understand and they are still accurate. Read a chapter from Genesis and a chapter from Matthew everyday so that you have a good foundation of knowledge. Then read the letters to the churches--the Epistles (Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, etc.) Also, true religion is realizing that God comes to you and gives you His righteousness. Don't try to get to heaven on your own steam; it doesn't work. Your works are worthless. (See Isaiah 64:6.) God has paid for you already on the cross. The rest of us will pray for you. The Lord's peace be with you.

2006-10-12 22:20:59 · answer #6 · answered by Gail S 3 · 0 1

You have just tried to put your lack of faith on the religion. It doesn't make sense. Are you sure you just don't love sin more than you love God? Maybe when life gets real down for you it will make a difference. Sometimes he will do that--bring someone down low enough that they need to go to him to survive--The Prodigal Son (or daughter). Actually he does not do that but, living outside of his protection will do that for you.

2006-10-12 22:19:10 · answer #7 · answered by Midge 7 · 0 0

then you should pray for guidance and wisdom, then you will end up where you should be, you just have not made it to the right Church yet. however, you must keep in mind that everyone that goes to church is not saved and there for the right reason. Just keep your mind. Ask him to increase your faith, it will come if you ask for it. Good luck and God bless. we are all a work in progress, most of us did not get there over night. It takes time, be patient with yourself.

2006-10-12 22:22:41 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Just be at peace with your own beliefs. Do not try to force yourself to believe, just accept what you have.

Perhaps you should search for a 'religion' that has a similar philosophy to yours. I did this and afters several tears found Buddhism.

2006-10-12 22:14:23 · answer #9 · answered by Nemesis 7 · 0 0

You don't have to classify yourself as belonging to any one religion. Why should you follow along with teaching that you aren't completely in agreeance with? Don't let anyone convince you on their religion. Instead, I suggest you think about your feelings and your philosophies, and develop your own beliefs. No need to slap a name on what you feel.

2006-10-12 22:20:37 · answer #10 · answered by lefty lucky 2 · 0 0

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