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p.s. i am skinny all my life. and sometimes i do eat alot but i never seem to gain any weigh so i was wonderinng if there is anything i can do or eat to make me gain about 30 lbs.

2006-10-12 12:58:45 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Skin & Body Other - Skin & Body

19 answers

Gain Weight Step 1 - eating!

Eating is the first and most important factor that is needed to gain weight. It's simple - you need to eat more calories than you burn. This does not mean eating anything and everything that is not nailed down. Carefully plan your meals with foods that will help you gain lean mass, not fat. I suggest 6 meals. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and three other small meals scheduled throughout the day. The goal is to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours.

Focus on foods such as steak, chicken, fruit, milk, vegetables, cheese and assorted types of nuts. It's recommended to eat 4 - 6 pieces of fresh fruit a day, and at least four tall glasses of milk. Milk is a great, cheap protein source - take advantage of it. A sample snack meal would be a glass of milk, an apple, and a hand full of peanuts.

Take time to lay out a meal plan. What you eat is the most important ingredient in a successful weight gain program.

Gain Weight Step 2 - lifting!

As stated, proper eating is of utmost importance when attempting to gain weight, but if you do not lift weights, the majority of that gained weight will be fat - not muscle.

When trying to gain weight, I suggest working out three times a week. You need to lift hard and then recover for the next workout. Focus on the big exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bent-over rows, chin-ups, bench press, & military press. These are the exercises that will turn those extra calories into muscle. You are not going to gain much by doing lateral raises and step-ups every workout. You need the multiple-joint lifts that will shock your system and stimulate your body into growth. Focus on getting strong by adding a small amount of weight each workout. If you focus on strength, size will follow. Case in point, look around at your local gym - the strongest guys are also the biggest.
If your training routine is working, then stick with it. If you're not getting the results you need check out Bob Myhal's Ultimate Muscle Mass Training Program. It is, quite simply, the best muscle-gaining program around. It rocks!

Gain Weight Step 3 - supplements!

To gain weight, you do not NEED supplements, but they will help you gain the weight quicker. That's what they are, supplements to an already good diet and training program. Think of supplements as the finishing touch.

I like to keep things simple and, therefore, I suggest only two types supplements for those wishing to gain weight. The first is a weight gain shake. The shakes I recommend are ProLab's N Large 2. It's the best value out there. The way N' Large 2 will help is by giving you a large quantity of calories in one small serving. It will provide you with 620 calories in one easy shake and is especially great for people who do not have time for breakfast, or snacks while on the go. Just mix a serving with water or fruit juice and gulp it down in a just a couple of minutes. Get yourself a Shaker Bottle to make it even easier.

The second product is basic Creatine monohydrate. Most people gain 5 - 7lbs in the first two weeks of Creatine use. If you are interested in quick weight gain, and increased energy for your workouts, Creatine is definitely worth a go. American Creatine is a good choice if you're not sure of which product to choose. It's high-quality and inexpensive, a winning combo in my book

How much will you gain?

First, I feel I must cite the obligatory disclaimer of "everyone's body responds in different ways, so results will vary." That said, if you do eat well, lift hard and use just the 2 supplements mentioned above properly, you can expect a weight gain of about 10-15lbs within a month. I hope this article has provided you with an idea of what's needed for successful weight gain.

2006-10-12 13:03:02 · answer #1 · answered by Nickname 3 · 0 1

Eat 5 or 6 smalll meals a day
Protein shake with healthy oils added to it

From about.com

Medical Problems

First and foremost is to be sure that there is no underlying, undiagnosed medical problem. This is especially important if you have been losing weight. Diseases like cancer, eating disorders, hormonal problems, digestive diseases, as well as other problems, may result in weight loss. Once any medical conditions are diagnosed and being treated, a thin person can gain weight in a safe, healthy manner by increasing the number of meals per day and by increasing the amount of protein and fats. To gain weight, you need to take in more calories per day than you expend physically each day. If you exercise a lot or have a physically demanding job, you may need to increase your caloric intake more than someone who has a sedentary lifestyle.

What To Eat
Increasing starchy, sugary, and greasy foods is not a good idea. These are bad for your body. Even if you want to gain weight, your calories should come from foods that are good for you. Healthy fats include omega 3 oils like fish oils, flax, and nuts. Good sources of protein include organic meats, fish, and organic poultry. Increase the number of meals per day to 5 or 6 small balanced meals. Protein powders and shakes can be added as meals. Some are flavored and only need added water and some others can blended with water or your choice of juices to improve the taste. It would be a plus to add a small amount of flax seed oil and some psillium powder to add some healthy fiber.


A good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement is a good idea. Some people find that their muscle mass improves with extra amino acid formulas. Some people who are very ill may need liquid nutritional preparations that are available through their doctors.


Exercise is also important. Resistance training like lifting weights will tend to increase muscle mass more so than aerobic training which is better suited to losing fat. Resistance training can be done at a health club or with the proper equipment at home.

If you need to gain weight, it is possible to do so in a healthy manner with the right foods and exercise. Eating junk foods, sugary or greasy foods is not healthy. Neither are taking steroids or questionable supplements. Be sure that anything you take into your body is healthy.

2006-10-12 13:04:31 · answer #2 · answered by markatger 2 · 2 0

Personally i don't think you should gain weight, stay as you are and eat often and healthy. I'm guessing your metabolic rate is naturally high. I think some comments before mine recommending that you eat what you like, go to mcdonalds etc is wrong..what those chatters don't realise is..that being skinny, not gaining weight easily isn't a green light for junk eating, skinny, junk eating ppl are just as worse off as all those fat americans and british you see on documentries and films, and i'll tell you why.

Fat ppl(except ppl with thyroid and other ailments) eat to much and gain weight quick because their meta is slow..thus the saying "mouth hole bigger than butt hole". Thing about skinny ppl is they can eat junk and still suffer badly even though they don't gain weight..How?..well fat will build up in the arteries raising blood pressure risking the likely hood of strokes, heart attack etc.

Eat heathly, ignore remarks made by fat old perfectionists, don't by any type of magazine with pages dedicated towards models, celebs, or any eye catching headline which claims to do the unbelievable, it's all bs.

2006-10-12 13:37:58 · answer #3 · answered by Gary88 1 · 1 0

If you want to put quality weight on you, you should do like I did. I was a skinny guy not long before, but now I am a solid 80 kg nice muscle guy. You just have to work out a little (not very much, don't worry) but the most of all is: you have to suppliment your alimentation with protein suppliments, amino-acids, and/or the other stuff you find more suitable to you. Just enter a body-builder shop and the man (salesman) will instruct you on how to get weight in a short time! Good luck!

2006-10-12 19:30:34 · answer #4 · answered by shteck2k6 2 · 2 0

Go for meat, like beef and fatty fish and stuff. Hopefully you arent a vegetarian or vegan.. A lot of people cut down on meat to lose weight, so eating meat will probably help you gain more weight. Also, be sure to get carbs and protein into you as well so meat n' potatoes all the way! (Of course, not ALL the time, too much meat is bad for you.) Dont eat a bunch of junk food and chips lol that is bad, very bad food..

2016-05-21 21:36:18 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

In an interview with some actors as to how they put on some extra weight fast to suit a new role, they suggested eating plenty of ice cream etc before retiring in the evening. Sounds like fun too. I wish I needed to do that!!!!

2006-10-12 13:08:22 · answer #6 · answered by hunter 6 · 1 0

i am doing the same thing right now. i have already put weight on in the past two weeks and what i found that helped was eating every two hours.sometimes small amounts sometimes large amounts.stick to that and it should work.good luck!also make sure u eat healthy meals.junk food doesn't necessarily help.

2006-10-12 21:26:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Me and you have the same problem I'm 19, 5'1", and weigh 99 pounds. I've been told protein shakes work I tried that, month but it didnt work for me. Maybe you should try a nutritionist maybe they can make a regime for you.

2006-10-12 13:28:33 · answer #8 · answered by favorite1b2kfan 1 · 1 0

Have you seen a doctor? Being underweight by that much is dangerous and is usually caused by a problem with your thyroid or other gland. Try drinking protien shakes and energy drinks, these have a lot of calories.

2006-10-12 13:00:58 · answer #9 · answered by Maggie 6 · 2 0

It is probably because your body naturaly uses energy fast and digests your food fast.

Dairy products seem to really work for gaining weight. Try cheese! :)

That way it will be something somewhat healthy too.

2006-10-12 13:02:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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