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I live in a large town, with one of the highest percentages of dogs in the state! What IS the deal w/people who let their dogs defecate on other people's lawns? Even if they pick it up in bags (as required by law...and, btw, EWWW!), there is still some residue left that you could step in or kids could touch, etc. WHY don't they do what I do w/my dog: let him do his business in OUR yard and take him for a walk later???! I'm totally annoyed and confused about this! Any ideas as to why people feel they must walk their dogs just to get them to dump? Is it a power trip or what?

2006-10-12 12:24:53 · 18 answers · asked by Gwynneth Of Olwen 6 in Pets Dogs

as many people said, I guess I'm not the only one w/this problem! When I say I walk my dog around the yard 1st...I mean, for at least 20 mins! If I he doesn't go, I leave him out there on his run until he does. I know many don't have yards and IMO, they shouldn't have dogs! Cats are nice too.
I've tried nicely asking dozens of inconsiderate jerks not to let their dogs befoul my lawn, but many argue (like yesterday!), hold up their poop-filled bags like medals and 3-4 even SNEAK BACK to let their dogs crap on my lawn! I had to call the cops on one guy - a repeat offender who actually charged toward me, swearing! The cops & animal control must've scared him right & proper; he hasn't been around since! This whole thing is just insane! If I had an apt. or house w/no yard I'd NOT have a dog!

2006-10-13 03:53:15 · update #1

to "birdgirl" - How did KIDS become your topic? And, btw, do they crap on your lawn? If you don't want them there, talk to their parents and say everything you said here. I'm SURE they'll tell the evil kids to stay far away from YOUR house!

2006-10-13 05:04:18 · update #2

18 answers

This is a little long, so be patient...
Well, it's not so comforting knowing others have to put up with this unexcusable behavior also.
I also live in a neighborhood with a lot of dogs. There is one couple up the street from us with 5 dogs. I kept asking them to stop letting their dog use the bathroom in my yard, and of course, they thought I was being unreasonable.
I finally got so mad, I called the animal control to complain, and on the 3rd complaint, they finally went to the couples home and asked them to either clean up after their pet, or keep them in their backyard. I was not satisfied with that for 2 reasons. Urine can have sickness and disease in it, and I have a grandson and 2 dogs of my own. Second, I never let my dogs use any other yard when I take them out. If they even go to snif in another yard, I give a short jerk on the leash and tell them "no...wait", and they do hold it until we get home in their own backyard. I finally went down to the couple's home, and told them if they let their dog use the bathroom in my yard again, I was taking them to court. Haven't had a problem since.

2006-10-12 12:44:39 · answer #1 · answered by Doggies rule 1 · 1 0

If you have a yard, then you should not have a problem. But a large amount of dog owners don't have large yards, or have no yards at all. Walking is the only exercise and bathroom time they get.

And if you have ever taken dogs out for a long walk, or a full day away from home, they can't always wait to get back home.

Sounds like you live on a corner lot, and you have neighbors that don't care. Try putting up those tiny lawn signs that embarrass dog owners. We have several people in our town that have them. They have the dog popping with the circular NO sign over them. I never see anyone stop by their lawns, people would be to embarrassed to let their dog go there.

2006-10-12 13:09:48 · answer #2 · answered by BuffyFromGP 4 · 0 0

How funny cause I have always wondered that as well. I mean, I would have her go in the yard before we went for a walk that way I don't have to worry about it. After all I'll have a proper scoop in the yard! Oh well guess we'll never know.
I should point out though that when you go to the beach, all the stupid kids are pissing in the water. I mean what's worse? Human piss or dog? If you get bit by a dog, you only need to be patched up. Get bit by a human, and you can lose your life from infection. So all things considered I'll deal with dogs any day over people...

2006-10-12 13:02:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Walking the dog helps everything move so the dog CAN go potty.
Not everyone is as fortunate as you to have a dog that will go BEFORE a walk.Which by the way I think is great and wish mine would do so.
I walk my dogs in an 1100 acre park daily.And no I don't clean up after them there.They don't poop on the trails like the horses do and no one cleans up after them.
I have a large front yard and my dogs are encouraged to go there and I again do not clean up after them.
We have no children.But for some reason every kid in the neighborhood seems to think our yard is a playground and no amount of telling them to leave gets thru their thick heads so I hope they do step in it.Maybe then they'll leave and stay off my property!Telling their parents has done no good either.They say their kids just want to pet and play with my german shepherds.
If it does'nt stop soon I'm gonna haul in several loads of horse manure to spread out front.Let the brats play in that!
If my dogs bite someone I'll be held liable regardless of whether they were on their own property or not.
As for your problem a hose will fix it.

2006-10-13 01:48:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, it sounds like you have a yard, there are responsible dog owners that do not have a yard(as much as they would like) so they walk their dog (s), and for the most part when a dog has got to go they go, I think that you should feel blessed that people are picking up after their dog (s). As far as a Power Trip, I do not understand what Power their is in walking their dog to take a dump. Maybe you should be grateful that these people are responsible enough to be picking up after their pets...

2006-10-12 12:36:09 · answer #5 · answered by Jamaison D 3 · 1 1

It is terrible when people are not responsible and don't pick up after their pets...it gives dog owners a bad name!! I do understand why people sometimes do not have their dogs go in their own yard..some people don't have yards and some dogs have odd deficating habits...like they will ONLY go in certain places and sometimes refuse to go in their own yard. Used to own a pet sitting business and some of the dogs I walk would go in the most unapporpriate places even though I'd give them plenty of opportunity to go in their own yards, etc. BUT, I would ALWAYS carry bags with me and pick up every time they went.

2006-10-12 16:02:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a dog owner, I have asked this question myself. I pot my dogs in my own yard, and that where they know to "go". But when we walk, I do bring a bag to collect the mess incase they decide they need to go. You cannot just expect a dog to "hold it" til they get home as they do not understand that concept..outside is outside to a dog. They only know the difference of "inside--no potty" and "outside--ok to potty" But I do empathize with you, but be grateful that the owner is at least picking it up. A small residue is better than leaving the entire dump left for you to clean up or worse yet, step in. It irritates me when I see people letting their dogs dump in public spaces then just walk on. THAT is unacceptable and irresponsible.

If you see somebody picking UP their dog doo, just be grateful they did that, and then take your hose and wash off the spot and the residue will go into the dirt.

Why do you sayEWWWW to picking up dog doo? I clean up after my dogs every single day, rain or shine, shovel and lined bucket. not my favorite job, but ya gotta do it.
If you have a portable doggie poo-bag you aren't getting it on your hands on the walks... Tie it up and deposit in the next trash can along the way. The alternative of leaving it behind is worse.

2006-10-12 12:41:29 · answer #7 · answered by dbsavajoe 2 · 0 0

i can only answer for why they walk their dogs.....most dogs will find the urge to go to the bathroom after a walk, thus the reason why they walk their dogs........however, i cannot answer for why they walk their dogs outside of their own yard. perhaps you might try to suggest to your community that they establish a "pet park" like some towns have. then at least the residue left over will only be contained in an area where you can avoid taking your family if that is what you choose.

2006-10-12 12:44:27 · answer #8 · answered by darrylfogle 1 · 1 0

Depends, some people don't have yards and usually take them outside (hopefully not on their neighbors lawn). Others find that their dogs aren't discriminate with their poo and will go whatever they happen to be at the time.

2006-10-12 12:30:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You answered your own question. Irresponsible pet owners. If you see them do it, say something. The more you voice it the less it is to happen.
I heard one guy in a store say that if he walked the dog he didn't have to clean it up and it wasn't in his yard. Mostly it is stupidity.

2006-10-12 12:28:34 · answer #10 · answered by misstigeress 4 · 1 0

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