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Sometimes I just feel awful from the moment I wake up and there is no reason for it at all, I have nothing particular to be unhappy about. When I walk down the street, I can barely keep my eyes open, cos they feel like they are watering all the time but it's not like i'm crying.. it's like someone is squeezing lemon in my eye, it's a really horrible experience & its hard to give eye contact.. I am also quite paranoid about the way I walk & always thinking that people are looking at me.When with friends, I feel fine & don't think about things.

Some days I find it difficult to pronounce random words and I find it hard to project my voice, as it feels really weak and because of pronounciation difficulty I tend to have very unclear speech.. not really a stammer but like a mumble or a slur.. I used to be really paranoid about my appearance before I lost a lot of weightbut now I am really insecure about the way I speak and my personality. I just want to enjoy life again, any ideas?

2006-10-12 12:19:53 · 13 answers · asked by ducky89 1 in Health Mental Health

13 answers

yeah, you should go see a doctor and get some help

2006-10-12 12:23:18 · answer #1 · answered by xoxo 6 · 0 0

Most everyone feels like you do at some time or another. We may be insecure about other things besides what you list, but it's the same for all of us. Maybe it's that you lost weight and you haven't adjusted to the new you. Start thinking of yourself as an attractive person and your mind will eventually accept it. And inner beauty is as important as outer beauty. My Mom used to say that other people were more concerned with what I thought of them than the other way around. She added that I wasn't nearly as important as I thought I was!

As far as feeling bad when you wake up, could you try to write down what you are feeling then to help you identify some problem? Just tell yourself, "This is the day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Then work at smiling at others and looking for the positive things all day. If you focus on the nice things about yourself, you won't worry about the other things that make you insecure. If you try to reach out to others, you tend to forget about your own problems.

Also, do you eat well or mostly junk foods? Sometimes you lack vitamins and minerals and feel low key. I wish you well and hope this helps even a little.

2006-10-12 12:49:59 · answer #2 · answered by BlueJay 4 · 0 0

When you talk about feeling really insecure doing things like walking or talking in front of other people it sounds like you could suffer from social phobia. However, only a doctor or qualified therapist can diagnose you for sure. Also, some of the symptoms you described (like your eyes watering and having trouble pronouncing words) sound a little odd for a mental disorder. I would talk to your family doctor first to make sure that there isn't a medical condition behind some of the problems you are having. If you rule out a medical condition, you might want to try counseling to see if it can help you be more comfortable around people and start to feel better about yourself again.

2006-10-12 12:27:44 · answer #3 · answered by Nicole 4 · 0 0

Most likely...just a phase. Somedays i wake the same , just down on life..i start questioning my health , sanity , and such. The truth is most of us do. I then have to realize all that i am so blessed with. We sometimes look at others and think how good it would be to be more like them... when really we should quickly realize how much good we have. We should smile and go help someone less fortunate than ourselves , you will not have to look far.Life is shorter than we think....you are very blessed i am sure of it. Be thankfull for what you are and what you have...the rest will shine through and all will see it... I promise...smile.

2006-10-12 12:30:04 · answer #4 · answered by itsjustme 1 · 0 0

Possibly a problem with fatigue. Like cronic fatigue syndrome. Possibly Fibromyalgia which can make you fatigued, have memory problems, you may feel tired. Are you taking any medication at the moment? It could be that also. It also sounds like you may have a bit of a social phobia, or anxiety.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is also something.
Just a few ideas.

2006-10-12 12:33:47 · answer #5 · answered by idontknow 4 · 0 0

Do you have allergies? Sometimes, especially during this time of year, my eyes will burn and water because of the allergies I have. They do have eye drops for allergies. You can go to the eye doctor to see for sure if that is what it is for you and they can prescribe the eye drops.

When you walk, you should think about other things that make you happy, that way it will take your mind off of the way you walk. Forget about what other people are thinking. Half of the time, they are thinking about what you are thinking about them. I don't pay attention to most peoples clothing, cars, the way the walk, or things like that. I notice if they don't smile, or if they don't make eye contact. That tells me they are either deep in thought or insecure about themselves. I will ususally smile and say hello or good morning to them to brighten their day. Some people are just having a bad day and you just don't know.

If you constantly worry about those types of things you should see a coucelor to see if they could help you. I think you could overcome it. It sounds like your insecurities stemmed from when you were overweight and you are not quite secure about yourself. If you ask anyone, 99.9% of everyone you meet are not happy with themselves in one way or another. Even the models. They have imperfections that I would be happy to have. You have to be happy with yourself before you can succeed in other areas of your life that you may be lacking. I think that your speach is part of your insecurity. If you were more confident it would be more strong. Have you ever thought about taking a class on Speaking to the public, just for yourself?

You should do something for yourself that makes you feel good. Buy yourself an outfit. Get yourself a makeover of somesort. They also have classes that help you boost your confidence. Once you start succeeding in something, that helps.

I find for me that when I help someone else out when I am feeling down and insecure about myself, just to see their smile, helps me feel better that I made their day. It can just be letting someone ahead of me in line in the store, or smile at someone who looks so down and suddenly looks shocked and grins ear to ear when I say hello, or offer a hug to a friend. I have complete faith that you will be able to pull through this. Feel free to email me if you wish. Big hug to you....

2006-10-12 12:38:18 · answer #6 · answered by Stephanie F 7 · 0 0

so we upload H+ to the left and get H2O on the right Cr^2+ + H2MoO4 + H+ ? Cr^3+ + Mo + H2O Cr is going from +2 to +3 or loses one e- Mo is +6 in H2MoO4 so it is going to 0 gaining 6 e- so we could multiply Cr by ability of 6 to stability e- 6Cr^2+ + H2MoO4 + H+ ? 6Cr^3+ + Mo + H2O now we stability the spectators take O first - 4 on left so we alter the right edge 6Cr^2+ + H2MoO4 + H+ ? 6Cr^3+ + Mo + 4H2O we've 8 H's on the right we don't prefer to clutter with the H2MoO4 so we make H+ as much as six for a entire of 8 on the left 6Cr^2+ + H2MoO4 + 6H+ ? 6Cr^3+ + Mo + 4H2O now that's balanced

2016-10-02 06:00:59 · answer #7 · answered by schnetter 4 · 0 0

You need to stop walking around in life going unnoticed!! Your probably a really really thoughtfull and respectable person... would you think it is right for a mother to overly smother her child never letting her go to school and meeting new people... never letting that child go out and make friends at the park.... never taking that child shopping for clothes or things that interest that child... never letting that child pick a hobby and exceling in it because she doesnt want to let go.... thats kind of what your doing to yourself! You need social interaction... you need to let yourself be YOU and QUIT judging yourself... NO ONE IS PERFECT!!! I bet you forgive people all the time... why not yourself... think about what kind of person you want to be and BE THAT PERSON life is way way way too short to try to be everything everyone ELSE wants you to be!! It honestly sounds like your parinod about what others think... im not tring to judge you but tring to stand up for you... agisnt whats holding you back in your own head... know what i mean??

2006-10-12 12:28:58 · answer #8 · answered by chrystal_lynn2002 5 · 0 0

I think you need to make an appointment and go see a mental health professional. You're not crazy, you just need to learn some techniques to "retrain" your brain not to think in these though patterns. Also, most people have the same feelings as you do at some point in their lives. It's normal to an extent. What's not normal is dwelling on those thoughts, and letting those thoughts distrupt your life. Please go and see a mental health professional.

2006-10-12 12:24:34 · answer #9 · answered by Equichick 2 · 0 0

i personally don't think anythings wrong with you but if it would make you feel better then you could go to the doctor just in case to be sure. just get out more and hang out with your friends and just enjoy life.. you seem to be paranoid or something. try not to think about all those things and just hang out with your friends and have fun! :]

2006-10-12 12:31:09 · answer #10 · answered by Shelby 3 · 0 0

it's a phase. you go through them. they stop when you die. think on an old allegedly negroe philosophy I once heard, don't know if it's true but I took it on board:
You have to live through the "blues" to appreciate the good times.

2006-10-12 12:26:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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