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Because I have noticed that just because there is a lot to say about ilegal immigrants,some of you are insulting my culture.. and I am a LEGAL Mexican....Remember its not all of us Mexicans breaking the law.If you really want your country and culture respected, shouldn't you do the same?

2006-10-12 12:02:13 · 40 answers · asked by nona 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

RENE M... Yes honey there is such a thing as being a legal Mexican. I was born in Mexico, and now I am a US citizen.

2006-10-12 12:08:11 · update #1

This is to "reallyfedup"
Why should I only respect and not treat only white people bad?? Shouldn't that be to everyone who deserves it regardless of thier race? I respect people who respect me.... simple as that.

2006-10-12 12:25:02 · update #2

I loved your answer loverstornlovers... keep it up!! Me gusto como la contestaste!!

2006-10-12 12:57:19 · update #3

40 answers

Just like there are bad Mexicans, there is definitely white trash and black trash and any other type of trash you can think of. There are a lot of ignorant white people who can sit there and judge others but statistics show that the only people that sit there and say that Mexicans 'SUCK' are the un-educated IDIOTS that barely graduated high school. So you can sit there and judge and be completely stupid and ignorant, but the truth of the matter is that most Mexicans are here to work hard to support their families. Here's a news flash BABOSOS.... not every hispanic out there is Mexican. You can sit there and talk about the wife beating, the drinking, the whatever else you state there is.... BUT.....same crap goes with every other race. HOW MANY HISPANIC SERIAL KILLERS HAVE YOU HEARD OF? How many Mexicans throw out their kids? How many of you that can't stand Mexicans live in a trailer park? How many of you are married to your brothers/sisters/cousins/aunts.. sucks to be judged doesn't it? Oh, wait... are all blondes IDIOTS? Here's another thing.... most of the illegals that are here working pay taxes... but do they file their returns???? NO. They don't. Who gets the money? The government. So when all you lazy asses decide to get jobs, go to school and get off of welfare... then you can talk. THIS GOES TO ANY RACE OUT THERE INCLUDING MY MEXICANS. Puro amor para mi gente latina! And to those latinos that can't stand their own people.... NO SEAN MAMONES.

2006-10-12 12:51:27 · answer #1 · answered by loverstornlovers 1 · 9 2

Annie, Look i can understand where you are coming from.
Yes, I have a major issue with illegal mexicans. But not legal mexicans. I think it is a right that people who enter illegally SHOULD respect our culture, i don't think this is a give and take thing, I think that we have been giving and the illegals have been taking.

Of course you are going to be offended, When illegal comes to mind, you think "illegal mexican".
Many hispanics just see people from their own culture being labelled on the news, caught, deported and the statistics of illegals and everything, Yes it could in someways be offensive, But you haven't done anything wrong, So don't worry about what the " Statistics" of illegals are doing.

I think thats kind of a two-sided questions, Because some illegal mexicans are insulting the culture and lifes of legal citizens.
When your people come through the fence, they are insulting legal citizens. So i can see that this goes both ways.

2006-10-12 12:06:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

To give a 100% HONEST answer, I am a little prejudiced against all Hispanics. It's not right. And it's something I'm trying to overcome because I know in my heart it's not right to judge someone based on their heritage. I have some wonderful Mexican neighbors (I have no idea if they are legal or not) and they have been a joy to live near. They are far better neighbors than some of the whites in my area.
But I'm a lot older than most people on here I think. Years and years of allowing illegals to come here, use our healthcare, schools, jails, welfare system has really burdened me and my tax money. I have to say I live in a state that borders Mexico so I'm sure I've had alot more problems with illegals than many other people from the US, at least historically.
Also, in my line of work an din my family's business, we've had many problems, economic and otherwise from specifically mexican illegals.
Everyone, except for the American Indians, has "arrived" at the US at one time or another. You're right, legal Mexicans should be respected and shouldn't have to put up with insults.
It would be nice if we could all just get along.

2006-10-12 12:28:47 · answer #3 · answered by PT C 2 · 5 3

No. If you support illegal immigration, I have a problem with that. Immigrants from all other countries come here the legal way. They fill out forms, get documentation wait for years and come here. Illegal immigrants are not "Privileged People". They have to come here like everyone else. Our laws are not going to be changed just for 'them'. If you are illegal, you should go back to your country and come back the right way. If you don't, I hope you get deported and never get to come back. Our ancestors were immigrants. Some came before there were any laws on immigration. Some came legally after there were laws passed. They became citizens and are no longer immigrants and are definitely not illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are wrong, they are criminals, freeloaders, trashy, lazy and are steadily being reported and deported.
What the heck does the fact there are more than Mexicans committing crimes have to do with the fact THEY commit crimes?? The very FIRST law they broke was the law of illegal entry, then every step they took from that day forward, every move they made, job they held, everything they did was ILLEGAL. If they don't leave this country, we will see an uprising that hasn't been seen in over 150 years. It's brewing and coming to a boil! Keep stoking the fire and it'll explode in the faces of every illegal and many legal immigrants who support them. I'm ready!! Bring it on!!

P.S. There is no such thing as a legal Mexican except in Mexico. If you are a legal citizens of the USA from Mexico you are a legal American immigrant or Mexican-American immigrant, if you want to go the hyphenated version. If you were born here legally you are an American (or Mexican-American) CITIZEN. So stop calling yourself a legal Mexican, or go back to Mexico.

2006-10-12 12:19:46 · answer #4 · answered by «»RUBY«» 4 · 2 4

I have No problems with anyone coming here Legally be it from Mexico, Japan, Anywhere else on earth. I do however Oppose Illegals. The sad thing is that as you just stated Legal Immigrants from Mexico sometimes get tossed to the Curb for the Crimes committed by ILLEGALS. I wish I could offer a solution to this problem but you can't tell if a persons Legal or Illegal simply by looking. Which causes people to make even Legals Quilty by association. Doesn't make it right but thats why it happens.

2006-10-12 12:10:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 9 0

I agree completely with you, I'm also a Mexican living legally here, and I'm amazed by most of the answers, why do they want us to stop loving the country were we were born? or forgetting our roots, just because we came to this country? I mean don't get me wrong I love this country and respect it, but if they only knew how great our country is, how loving are the families that we come from, i mean, my parents are still living there, I came here by myself 'cause fell in love with an american citizen and now I have a family of my own here, in this great country, but I never gonna forget my roots and that's final.

And for el duque, Salma hayek probably wishes not to be a mexican but she is, She probably has a different background, but in Mexico most of us do, and most of us come from spanish background.
Aunque te duela ignorante!!!

2006-10-12 13:32:26 · answer #6 · answered by Alma V 6 · 3 0

I certainly hope that I have not insulted your culture. If I have, that was not my intent, and I would offer my apology.

However, I would also hope that your culture is now American, not Mexican. I know your heritage will always be Mexican, but if you are now a U.S. citizen, shouldn't you be adapting to the culture here?

I love legal Mexicans.

But I think one of the issues with illegal immigrants is that they don't have respect for our culture...They come here, to essentially steal taxpayer dollars from the rest of us, then go around waving the Mexican flag. Honestly, I don't think that's fair. If they're so proud of Mexico, they should go there, and work - not only would it keep them in a place they theoretically love, it would actually help the Mexican government to have more people there working and paying taxes.

2006-10-12 12:13:48 · answer #7 · answered by abfabmom1 7 · 6 2

I have nothing against legal Mexicans. In fact I highly regard the Mexican culture. Some of my best friends have been Mexicans and they feel the same way I do about illegals.

2006-10-12 12:08:13 · answer #8 · answered by oldman 7 · 11 0

Welcome to the US. the US is free anybody who enters legally can practise whatever language, religion, culture he likes as long as he does not force others into it. There is a person here who asked you to "speak english at all times" may i remind him that since both of you are US citizens, you have exactly the same rights, and it is morally and legally wrong for him to force anything, including unasked for advice, on you.

2006-10-12 12:25:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I don't know who you have been talking to, but I don't know anyone who has or would demean a legal immigrant. In fact, we don't demean illegals either - we feel sorry for them. I also have yet to hear any American insult another culture. Country - if you mean "government" - yes. We are very critical of the Mexican govt. because of what it is doing to the common citizen. It is a class society, which we reject as being unfair as well as inefficient.

2006-10-12 12:18:39 · answer #10 · answered by Pete 4 · 4 2

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