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you came to the door nude. wouldnt that teach them to stop coming around

2006-10-12 11:58:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

It certainly would not be original or even particularly interesting.

The typical Jehovah's Witness knocks at hundreds of doors each year. He has already experienced degrading behavior from householders, some of whom: stand there naked, mimic Satanists, proposition lewd acts, brandish weapons, sic dogs, scream profanities, accuse crimes, and call Witnesses anti-American (inside the USA) or pro-American (outside the USA).

Haven't you ever heard of 'hedging your bets'? Simple risk vs. reward analysis should make anyone very reluctant to abuse these ministers.

(Acts 5:38,39) I say to you, Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them;) otherwise, you may perhaps be found fighters actually against God.”

Jehovah's Witnesses are going to knock on your door unless you specifically and unequivocally tell them that you do not want them knocking, or if they fear for their own safety. Nothing else will really deter them, so you would be going to a lot of effort to accomplish nothing but pleasing Satan.

Really, if someone goes out of their way to disregard Christian preachers and preaching, what is he saying about himself?

(Luke 10:1-17) After these things the Lord designated seventy others and sent them forth by twos... “He that listens to you listens to me too. And he that disregards you disregards me too. Moreover, he that disregards me disregards also him that sent me forth.”

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2006-10-13 10:05:25 · answer #1 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 1 0

In all my years in the Ministry, going from house to house, I have never encounter a hostile disagreement face-to-face, as in your explanations that you give when a Witness comes to your door. You people have a fantasy mind, Hyponym: bubble, dream, fairyland, fantasy life, fantasy world, ignis fatuus, phantasy life, phantasy world, pipe dream, science fiction, will-o'-the-wisp, wishful thinking. Most of your explanations are nothing more than untruths. Which you have never said or did, you just like to toot your horn.

When I go from house to house, someone may tell me that they are on the phone, busy, or not interested, I simply say, “maybe some other time” and have a nice day, go to the next home, there is always someone that is nice & wants to talk about God's Word.

For those that say they come to the door “nude” all I would say is “you must be missing some brain cells” because no one in their right mind would deliberately come to the front door because of a Religious Organization knocking or ringing doorbell. By the way, each State has facilities, a building or place that provides a particular service, that take care of people like this, they are called a “Mental Institute.”

2006-10-12 20:26:30 · answer #2 · answered by BJ 7 · 1 0

Why would it be funny? And why would you think we'd stop coming around? Sure, it would be an awkward situation, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't continue to share the Bible's message with you or doing our Christ-given assignment of preaching from door to door. I've personally had people come to the door in barely anything more than shorts, and one woman came to the door in just a bra and underwear. The point is, nothing a person can do short of threatening us with a gun will deter us from doing what God wants us to do, and that's sound the warning to those in our territory.

2006-10-12 19:07:31 · answer #3 · answered by X 7 · 2 0

They think they should go to every door and bother everyone when most people are not interested in their inane "gai si" (as my Chinese lover says about their silly utterances). I may put up a sign "No Trepasing! No Solicitors! No Jehovah's Witnesses! Atheist Lives Here!" If anyone ignores my signs, I'll toss them out and prosecute them. One may assault me, and I'll defend myself. Let such a person spend some time in a cell with Bubba and tell him about their stuff.

2006-10-12 19:29:18 · answer #4 · answered by miyuki & kyojin 7 · 0 0

Yep, that would be funny! And if one of them was a member of the opposite sex, it might turn them on. (You know how people in those sexually repressed religions think about nothing else.)

Seriously, I once knew a lady who got so tired of them knocking on her door that she drained some blood from a steak into a crystal glass. When they knocked on her door, she answered it with glass in hand and told them to go away while she was enjoying her blood-drinking ritual. One of them said, "That is not blood!" and to prove his point, took the glass, drank from it...and then promptly handed it back to her, turned around and never came back!

As for me, I finally told them the truth...and met them at the door with my pentacle in plain view. Whenever any new JW's come by, they are quickly told not to mess with me. After all, I'm into "spiritism" and can cause the devil to harass them. (Puh-leeze! There's a big difference between nature worship and spiritism. And the devil? I don't even believe in him. But if it keeps them away from me, I'll go along.)

2006-10-12 19:19:51 · answer #5 · answered by Avie 7 · 0 0

I actually came to the door in a towel and they stood right there on my steps and talked. Sheesh! One time they came to my door and I asked them if I could share my beliefs with them. Then I invited them to a Pagan Full Moon Ritual. They politely declined and never came back.

2006-10-12 19:05:54 · answer #6 · answered by Bridghid 4 · 0 0

I go to the door nude ALL the time. in my yard home. were ever.I wish . that were ever wont land me in jail. I will have you know. you have something to say about it? you think it s unusual?, you seem to imply that that is something, well, off beat. are different. no. if they do not like the cloths that GOD gave me,None. then they are NOT true christians in my way of thinking, so they can just go on there way, you have a nice day now. and please keep on at least thinking in the right way about the way GOD made us, naked.and NO when someone sees me naked they do not laugh, they are truly empressed with what god gave me. ahahaha

2006-10-12 19:04:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

BEEN THERE... DONE THAT!!! In fact I told this story last week on Yahoo answers. You're just a week too late to be clever!!

2006-10-12 19:03:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, they would probably just bring their friends next time because they would figure you need extra help.

2006-10-12 19:16:50 · answer #9 · answered by mortgagegirl101 6 · 0 0

Maybe to your house but they would still visit your neighbors!

2006-10-12 19:02:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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