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Also what is the best way to get them not to chew on things?

2006-10-12 09:47:34 · 8 answers · asked by ? 2 in Pets Dogs

8 answers

The best way to train a puppy is using the crate method. When using this method you have to make the crate the puppy’s home and safe area. Dachshunds love to cuddle. If you put a bed in the crate with a blanket she will learn to love it. If you are not using a crate now, she will probably cry when placed in there at first. Make sure you feed her in the crate and put plenty of toys in there and within a week she will love it. Take her out of the crate every 2-3 hours and take her immediately outside UNTIL she uses the bathroom. It may take time for her to figure it out but a dog will naturally not use the bathroom where they sleep so this is absolutely the best method. When you take her outside do NOT play with her. Wait till she goes then take her back inside. After about 5 minutes you can take her back outside to play but DON'T play with her immediately before or after going. She must know she is to go to the bathroom. Also when you take her out to go, use a command over and over until she goes like, "POTTY". She will quickly learn that when you say "potty" she is to go. Then she goes back into the crate until you take her out again. After about a week or so, she should be getting the idea of going outside. You also don't want to carry her to the door unless you intend to do that for the rest of her life. Walk her to the door so that she learns the door is where you go when you want to go "POTTY". It's really not difficult, just time consuming. All puppies take time and dedication in any learning. They will have accidents because they are babies but Dachshunds are very smart dogs and your baby should learn quickly.

Chewing is another issue. All puppies chew. You need to redirect it using appropriate chew toys available from a pet supplier. Simply taking items away without giving a replacement will not work. Puppies are cutting teeth, losing teeth, and cutting them again. Just like a baby they need to work the gums during this process.

2006-10-12 09:50:18 · answer #1 · answered by TheresaE 2 · 1 1

When he chews on something he shouldn't say NO firmly and give him something he CAN chew on. Then tell him good boy when he chews on his toy.

1st of all NEVER use potty pads. Unless you want to train him to go in the house!
Potty training is easy if you set your timer for 20 mins. Take him out and praise him overly for being a good boy and going potty! Set the timer angain and so on and so on. As he gets used to going to the door to go out, you can teach him to speak, so you'll know he has to go out when you aren't in the room or looking at him. There really isn't any reason to use a crate unless you aren't home much.

Talk to your dog all the time. They do understand way more than you think they will! Best of luck with your little buddy!

2006-10-12 16:51:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please please please do not squirt water into your dogs ear, this could cause major medical problems going as far as loss of hearing! The best thing to do is to take them outside Frequently I'd say twice an hour. And everytime your pup goes potty outside make it the best thing they've ever done i.e. giving treats, lots of loving attention or just getting super excited with it. There's also a traing technique called "clicker training" and it's just like Pavlov's dog training in the 19th century, look it up on line, but it's basically you make a noise or click the clicker and give the dog a treat, this works wonders ( positive reinforcement) . Remember not to punish the dog if you come home and find a mess because the dog won't know why it's getting punished they'll just learn to associate that when you come home they get in trouble. If you catch them potting in the house VERY CALMLY say something like "uh uh" or you could say no (but it's not very nice...lol).
There's many different ways to train your dog not to chew, but the easiest is to get a spray called "bite not".
Have fun with your new pup!

2006-10-12 17:07:30 · answer #3 · answered by kane_rosebud 2 · 0 0

Use the crate method. When your home let him outside after he eats or drinks everything. It takes patience just like you have a baby. Praise him when he goes outside and scold him if he has an accident. Put him in the crate at night and when your not home but not longer than 8 hours. Dogs in general do not want to go potty in the area they sleep in so that also helps to train them. Don't think of the crate as being cruel because they really like it. I didn't crate train my dog for years because I thought it was terrible. My dog liked to pee on anything new in the house. When I moved I bought a crate and my dog loves it. Its like there little safe house. My dog even tells us when its time to go to bed by going to his crate. Its great and no more messes. Good Luck

2006-10-12 17:01:24 · answer #4 · answered by smile4u 5 · 0 0

The easiest way for me was to buy Four Paws Puppy Housebreaking Aid(liquid) and drop it on the bathroom pads. I had to do it this way because this breed is notorious for being stubborn.

As for chewing, when you catch him in the process, just say "NO" in a firm voice and don't give him any attention.

2006-10-13 00:54:49 · answer #5 · answered by mcavey 2 · 0 0

use puppy pads, take him out a lot.
chewing on things?? don't leave anything out for them to chew on. Give them toys so they dont' chew on your stuff. The dog is probably teething. There are numerous puppy toys for them to chew on when teething.

2006-10-12 16:49:24 · answer #6 · answered by twistedangel4023 2 · 0 1

crate training and getting the puppy on a routine. Take him out often and praise, praise, praise.

2006-10-12 16:51:53 · answer #7 · answered by alkenlem 2 · 0 0

You should potty where you want him to go, leave the turd alone and he will add his little turds to your big human sized one.

2006-10-12 16:50:57 · answer #8 · answered by hpneil 4 · 0 2

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