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I'm haveing a hard time right now. I hate my life and I'm always depreesd. My family is mean to me . I hate the way I'am. Sometimes I dont want to go on anymore. If god knew that I was depreesed all the time , Why did he make me. I always been told he wants to use me for other pepole . The only thing I'm liveing is my boyfriend who want's to marry me someday and have kids, and also I care about my kitten . Why does god hates me or loves to see me unhappy ? If he loved me so much would he just take me home with him? I dont know to till follow him or turn from him.Sometimes I feel I dont want to live anymore. I hate who I'am and I always look down at myself. Please advice.

2006-10-12 09:31:07 · 32 answers · asked by kitty 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I always do want he saids and I'm a nice careing person. Is he punsishing me?

2006-10-12 09:32:12 · update #1

Sometimes I think god hates me.

2006-10-12 09:33:07 · update #2

I tried drinking and everything to stop this .

2006-10-12 09:37:06 · update #3

My friend she died a few months a ago . We grew up since we were kids she was like a sister to me . I was angry at god for awhile cause he taken her. I dont know why god does this to me.

2006-10-12 10:05:05 · update #4

32 answers

God does not hate you he loves you! He gave his son so you can live with him forever in heaven. He doesn't want to use you for other people, He wants our help bringing people to Him so they don't end up in hell. The only thing he expects of you is to come to him for help. He wants us to be happy and blessed. Bad things happen because of life and the devil not God, he's just trying to open our eyes to him. Accept Jesus into your life and let Him take control. Bad things will still happen,but with God in your life things the mountains will seem a lot smaller and easier to climb. Read the bible and pray and He will listen. Good luck and God Bless you. I will be praying for you. You're not alone.

2006-10-12 10:07:02 · answer #1 · answered by Phoebe 4 · 1 0

Dear Shorty Baby,i am 50 yrs old and have had my dad abuse me my husband of 33 yrs do all kinds of evil things and i have asked why me.Even with all that to be alive is better than death could ever be.If you have ever seen a sick person die then you might change your mind about your own life and how you fit in.My grandaughter died a very long and painful illness (cancer)she was 7 when she passed away.Even though she was 6 when the doctors finally figured out she had cancer she went on everyday until she died even at this age she knew life was better than death.Everyone has the same thing its your job to make sure you show that GOD made you for one reason.Maybe your life was made just to protect that kitten or to have the kid who will save the world from itself.Please think there is someone just like me and even though i fIll like dying i must help someone else so they don't die.We are all here to help.THINK BEFORE U DO

2006-10-12 09:55:03 · answer #2 · answered by 2lvsrs 2 · 0 0

Ok, first of all let me say that almost everyone feels like this at one time or another. Just pray and ask God to help you through this hard time in your life. Just because you are depressed all the time God still made you for a reason and a purpose in life even if you don't see it now. Sometimes you won't see it for a long time. But that's because it is in God's timing not ours. God will take you home in his time not yours. And if you want to break out of depression start liking things you do. Don't pity yourself. Dance, sing, run, laugh louder anything to make you like yourself more. Don't care what other people think the only thing that matters is what God thinks of you.

2006-10-12 09:38:17 · answer #3 · answered by Yvone 1 · 1 0

i always remeber NICH - God's tests are Nothing I Can't Handle. These tests always seem to come at the wrong time, and in the subject you're worse at - exactly the same thing happens to me! But i know that this is because they aren't for His benefit but for mine, and the same is true for you. These tests and hardships you going through are to strengthen your mind and sharen you Spirit. they make sure you fully rely on Him. When you're right in the middle of a test, it seems like there's no point, like you'll never get through it but trust me you will. Once the test is over, you'll look back and see how it changed you for the better. The most important thing is that you turn TO Him, beacuse then you will really be able to grow. You CAN and WILL pass this test - He'll never, ever give you a test you can't pass, because where's the point in that?

Don't hate the way you are. In God's eyes you are amazing, beautiful and you have a great reason for being on this Earth at the moment - it's just gonna take some time to figure it out. In the meantime keep plodding on, and wait for that amazing moment of clarity that's soon to come. Don't hate yourself, you truly are special, you were made not because God had to but because He wanted to. the day you were born He smilied with sheer delight.

Don't give up on God. Keep going and you WILL pass this test. i hope this helps. Please don't hate yourself. Good luck and God bless, Liz xxx

2006-10-12 09:41:35 · answer #4 · answered by Liz H 1 · 0 0

you sound young ... like in your teens and being a teen can totally suck. your bod is doing all kinds of wacky things that causes self doubt and self esteem problems. and you're still living in your parent's house and YIKES! what a buttpain that can be.
well... hold on for awhile longer. it gets better as your body stabilizes and you can get out and get your own place.
oh and please don't get married and tied down to kids too young. travel and see new stuff first. have some cool experiences unique to yourself before you settle down and become a replication of your parents.

as far as God is concerned. well ... i think it might be up to you to
find your self worth and do something good with the life you've been given. seems tiresome, i know but sometimes happiness happens if you try just to open up to the possibility of happiness.

PS. you might consider going to a doctor for your depression. true depression is a physical problem and is seldom self helped by attempts at attitude adjustment.

PPS. it's unlikley you're unhappiness will be cured by blaming your sadness on an invisable evil enemy. if you're clinicly despressed it's more likely a brain chemistry imbalance than Satan stalking your soul.

2006-10-12 09:47:55 · answer #5 · answered by nebtet 6 · 0 0

Hey sweeti, God DEFINITELY does NOT hate you, I can guarantee that one. Check this song out...
I spent my life learning to survive, walked down these roads, hoping each one might lead me home. I learned early on that trust can come undone, and leave your heart guarding its deepest part. But you got in through the marrow and bone, shed some light where none had shone. I lost, I found that I was missing love. I fought to stand my ground I was missing love. Can you teach me to love as one who's free from fear from shame and the lie that I'll never change. Help me to see myself through a lovers eyes, no more mask no disguise. You found me and made me whole again, my savior my friend.
God does that, He can do that for YOU because you are so awesome and precious. Talk to Him, turn to Him for everything last little thing. Tell Him how you feel, what you want. There's probably a lot of things that have happened to you that have made you feel the way you do, and remember that there's God, and there's the opposite of God. The opposite of God (devil) can come in through many open doors and mess with your mind, make you depressed, even talk to you in first person making you think that you're the one thinking these things about you. Pray hard darlin, even ask others to pray for you. Hang in there!

2006-10-12 09:41:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you are going through a difficult time. This is not punishment of any sort. But God can use this for your good. If you are able, perhaps you could talk with a school counselor or someone outside the situation. Sometimes depression should be medically treated. Other times it is situational or emotional. Either way, you need the right support.

God is with you. I have been through many rough times of feeling alone and very, very depressed. But God has shaped me and is shaping me for certain reasons. Trust the same is true for your own struggles.

Let us know how we can best help you find the right support. Email me through my avatar, if you wish.

2006-10-12 09:37:22 · answer #7 · answered by BABY 3 · 1 0

Bless your heart I totally understand how you feel but the only way how you can change that is to find your purpose in this life for example mine is to take care of the sick and elderly. That is the only way that I feel good about myself is knowing that I'm am doing something worthwhile and helping someone else who really needs me. I truly believe we are all put on this earth for one reason or another and it is up to us to figure out why. My advice is to get out and find something that you enjoy or something that you are good at. Sometimes I question God alot which we are not supposed to do but you just can't help but wonder why? Don't look down on yourself and don't take your life because you DO have a purpose and don't let anybody tell you different! Just keep believing even when you think things are at its worst just have faith and everything will start to fall into place. I will keep you in my prayers.

2006-10-12 09:42:01 · answer #8 · answered by LKJ 2 · 0 0

1st Peter 5:10 says that you have to suffer and you have to pass through hard things and then is when he strengthens you and makes you whole. Read that verse and you'll understand. God is just setting you up for something big. Just hang in there and never lose your faith because he will make things better for you he just wants to see how strong you are going to be. Read the story of Job. He was a rich man and God allowed the devil to take everything away from him to show the devil that Job was going to stay strong no matter what happened to him. He lost all of his riches, all of his children died, he became really sick and got boils all over his body, and all he could say was, "Though my flesh may be desroyed, with my eyes, I will see God" He said that he knows that his redeemer lives and in the end he will stand with God. And in the end because he stayed strong God gave him more children and more riches than he had before! Just hang in there!

2006-10-12 09:43:23 · answer #9 · answered by I smile because of them ♥ 5 · 0 0

I'm so sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I have been there myself, many times.

God does not hate you, he loves you. He loves you so much he took the punishment for all your sins upon Himself. And He loves you so much that He will not force you to love Him in return. The key to changing your life, however, is easily at hand. Accept that He loves you. Know that you are valuable to Him mearly because you are. jsut as your little kitten looks up to you, look up to Him. You sound like you have a few good things going for you, hold on to them. Remember that change happens. People soften. Relationships ebb and flow. Animals live, love, die, new ones are born. But in this sea of change, the unchangable God how loved you from before time still does and longs for you to come to Him.

2006-10-12 09:41:07 · answer #10 · answered by Tim 6 · 1 0

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