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14 answers

At 9, my daughter was responsible for putting her dirty clothes in the laundry room, putting her clean clothes away, picking up her room and bathroom and being sure any toys she took out or projects she had going were put up by bed time. She also had to feed the bird every morning and cover the cage at night. I did not have her doing any more serious housework at the time as she was a bit un-co-ordinated and having her do dishes or handing her things like dust rags, brooms, etc. usually led to some of the dishes I got from Japan being broken. All her chores were, and still are, written in a contract she has signed. THe contract included what her punishments would be if she failed to live up to her end of the deal. At 9, any toys left out at bedtime went into a time out basket for a week. Any items not put away when she cleaned her room went into a green trash bag and went into my closet for two weeks. General discipline (for general acting out, fighting with her brother, etc.) were things like loss of tv for a night or more (depending on what she did), grounding (which meant no playing with friends for a few days) and writing a letter or note explaining what she did wrong and why. Now I have moved on to monetary fines as well. Her list of chores has grown (she is 12 and no longer clumsy) and if she fails to do a chore, she loses a certain amount off her bi-weekly allowance. Behavior such as arguing over school work, having to be reminded to do chores or asked repeatedly to do something are also susceptable to $1 fines. More sever behavior leads to loss of privelages..including having her CD player and gameboy put up for up to two weeks at a time.

2006-10-12 09:31:56 · answer #1 · answered by Annie 6 · 0 0

I have always enjoyed it when my daughter and I work together. She helps me cook (away from the stove) just prep stuff mostly, we do laundry together, not only do you get that one on one time but you show her the ways you like things done and she will do it that way. If you try to force her she may rebel, make excuses, or just blow you off. She is getting to the age where 1 on 1 talk times are more important than she even knows. We have been working like this for a couple of years and she feels comfortable talking to me about ANYTHING and at the same time she is getting structure and she's proud of some of the things we accomplish. My daughter is 11 now. For punishment early bedtime, xtra cleaning, read (no games, or tv) no friends for the week or what ever that all depends on what she likes and what she does. Just make sure she knows what she did wrong and maybe get some feed back from her so she understands why not to do it again, and that your not just being mean. Trust me keeping open and talking works in more ways than one and this is 1 thing you'll be happy you did. Mother daughter relationships should be special.

2006-10-12 09:19:54 · answer #2 · answered by liljewel 3 · 0 0

My 9 yr old's responsibilities are clearing the table, drying and putting away plates and cups (I have 3 kids so chores are equally divided depending on age), collecting dirty laundry, dusting (she hates that one), vaccuuming and keeping her room and her part of the bathroom cleaned, she also has to pick up after herself and any messes she makes. Discipline---she loves the phone, xbox, gamecube, computer, bratz dolls, going outside, her bike so when she gets in trouble, depending on the offense, she loses something for a week, sometimes she loses more than one, she also goes to bed early for a week, or sits on the couch (no playing) for the week,

2006-10-12 09:41:33 · answer #3 · answered by HappyGoLucky 3 · 0 0

Responsibilities- keeping own room tidy, making own bed, dishes, clearing and setting the dinner table, bathing pets or cleaning out their cage (if you have a pet).

Discipline- depends on what she has done.If she gets pocket money, you may hold some or all back if she has not done her chores. Not allowed to watch fave tv show. What ever you choose, make sure it is something you are prepared to follow through with.

2006-10-12 09:26:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Logical consequences: The discipline should be directly tied to the infraction. Take away privileges (having friends over, playing video games, listening to music, whatever it is she enjoys that is not necessary for life or learning).

As for responsibilities, helping to clean house, do yard work, take out the trash, take care of pets, set and clear the table, wash dishes or load/unload the dishwasher.

2006-10-12 09:14:11 · answer #5 · answered by fyrfly 3 · 1 0

Spanking is such a no-no these days - taking away the things she likes (TV, phone, priviledges,etc) should get her attention. Most of all, try to catch her doing something RIGHT & praise her up & down. Reward the good things...that will hopefully reinforce them. Chores like feeding pets, cleaning up her room, gathering her laundry, set table, etc. should be appropriate for her age. I also read that when you do praise, praise the behavior... For example: instead of "you're such a good girl" - say "what a good listener you are". Good Luck!

2006-10-12 09:14:52 · answer #6 · answered by nonerz2276 1 · 0 0

First, it would desire to no longer be a organic self-discipline undertaking. it would desire to be an techniques undertaking. discover out what she's apprehensive of, rather. What does she think of will take place if she sits on the lavatory, worst case? What made her think of that? pass from there, explaining the style you have sat on the lavatory for years, and by no ability had a concern with something. Make it sparkling that no longer something she says here gets her in any hassle. i detect that offering amnesty in this style of communicate helps plenty. yet for self-discipline... Carrot & stick; you each and every now and then want the two. Stick: make her sparkling it up, each and every time. She thinks that's gross? ok, freshen up your mess. Carrot : Make a deal for sitting on the lavatory; she does it each and every time for a week, and he or she gets that undertaking she needs (notwithstanding it rather is). Misses as quickly as, and the clock resets.

2016-10-02 05:52:11 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

age appropriate discipline and responsibilities for 9 year old boy

2014-09-15 04:53:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I expect mine to make her bed, clean up her room, do her school work, help out with a few light chores around the house (which varies), to behave and follow the rules of the house.

My primary discipline is spanking.

2006-10-12 13:09:24 · answer #9 · answered by beckychr007 6 · 2 1

responsibilities: clean her room, help with dishes, take the trash out, help with laundry, sweep the floor. She is a big girl and needs to learn it quick.
Discipline: It depends do you believe in spanking? Try time outs, in the cornor or in her room. Try taking things out of her room. No t.v. no friends, no play time. early bed.

2006-10-12 09:14:43 · answer #10 · answered by Melissa P 1 · 0 0

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