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Abortions: So you think your saving a life? Do you think your doing something good? Not all people who get abortions are sluts... Most of the time they spend there last dime on it so there child wouldn't have to suffer... Most children who are adopted are abused and treated horribly. But you don't care do you?

Gay marriage: Explain to me why this matters so much to you... you can't let people live happy lives? Did it ever hurt you? Does other peoples happiness not matter to you? How would you like it if I became president and tried to take away straight marriage? (not possible but a what if...)

Stem Cells: Why would you be against this of all things? They don't have to use fetuses they can use umbilical cords as well... Would you really take someones who IS born life away just for the cost of one that hasn't started? I know it may seem barbaric. If you had a chance to save someones life before you were born would you take it?

answer these questions with out using the bible

2006-10-12 09:01:59 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

and yes this is a copy of my original post i just want different opinions and the reason dont want any bible answers is that it has been a main if not only defence of some people.

And also not 2 word answers like "it's wrong" or any other short answer.

2006-10-12 09:04:57 · update #1

22 answers

Quite the soapbox speech.

I would not have paid to listen to the garbage. but..

Soapboxes are a dime a dozen.

2006-10-12 09:10:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Abortion: no matter how a child is going to be treated, he/she deserves to live. People were not supposed to be born and horribly treated, or abused, but that's another problem. Saying it would have been better if they had been killed in the womb is the same argument a murderer could use if he murdered a lame person, for example, saying he was saving that poor fellow from suffering. Your mother could have done it too, she would keep you from all the hard times that come together with life. Maybe you think she would have done you a favor?

Gay marriage: does that really make sense? Just think a little and see a man and a woman's bodies are made for each other. But a man and another man's bodies aren't... the same for two women. They cannot have children together, and even if they adopt one, what will be this poor child's ideas about family relationship, will he/she have two mothers or two fathers? What will happen when they discover how babies are born? And when they discover what 'being an homosexual' mean? If they somehow don't agree with that, will they hate their two fathers or two mothers? Well, if gays want to live together, that's their problem, and nobody can interfere, but to make that situation legal, would be nonsensical. If they want to make their situation legal, it's because they feel uneasy about the situation they are living in, but as they cannot find a way of getting 'covered' by the law, they simply make attempts to change it. Will that be worthy of any trust at all?

Stem cells: according to you, maybe if an adult has a terminal disease and the only way to save his life is by taking the life of a newborn baby, it's worth it. After all, that baby cannot speak, walk, think properly or even feed himself. He's useless to society.
If you think this is barbaric, just go back in time eight or nine months. Remeber that the embryo is not responsible for anyone's disease

2006-10-12 09:50:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Humans think they have all the answers and can play the creator...I am against abortion and stem cell (unless it is taken from the umbilical cord) life does start immediately..and no I am not a Christian..just a person...there are plenty of people who do not abuse their adopted children.. the majority..so your comment is simply not true. The world is messed up enough with all the tampering humans are doing, leave fetuses alone, they do have souls.
I could care less about gay marriage..people can love whoever they want and they are not physically hurting anyone, born or unborn, if they want to spend the rest of their lives together.

2006-10-12 09:17:58 · answer #3 · answered by daisy 4 · 1 2

Without using the Bible? Hmmm thats so hard! (i roll my eyes) Its a morality issue. If you believe that you have more influence on another person's life than God does then go on and commit a murder...but here's the catch go kill a newborn. What you cant do it? Why is that so hard? Oh wait its because the newborn is actually a person, right? The newborn is actually living right? You are a hypocrite. Suffering? Suffering? You think that you can justify vacumming out the contents of a woman's womb practical in preventing suffering?Or if the doctor injects saline into the uterus for the purpose of BURNING the face and placenta of the baby? You claim that by taking a life we are actually saving it? What about the mothers that cannot conceive that would dream of having a child grow within them? What about the women that risked their entire lives to make sure that their children had the best whether it be giving them to adoption agencies or not. Not KILLING them! Adopted children are abused and treated horribly, yes. So are children that were born into two parent homes...incest is more than likely to occur in homes with both parents also. So are you making a blind attempt that crime and negligence is more prevalent in foster care instituitions? Society shapes children into who and what they are and that includes you! http://www.bbc.co.uk/parenting/images/300/newborn_sleeping.jpg There's the newborn, http://www.masscitizensforlife.org/images/pagemaster/24weekfetus.jpg theres the fetus. Whats the difference? Both look like babies to me! They are not things to be thrown away!
About Gay marriage, i am in several clubs that support the issue. I am in social justice organizations that go around asking ppl to sign petitions that guarantee equal rights.
Stem cells: The same thing as abortion. No abortions no F u c k i n g stem cells! Everyone has the right to life! What if your mother aborted you or your brother and sister, huh? Does that make a difference? I care. I really care, its baby killers that piss me off!

2006-10-12 09:17:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I will answer your question. But you said without using the Bible, are you afraid of something? Are you afraid of the truth within the Word of the True and Living God?

I won't pester you any further. I will however take the time to address a few issues.

Abortion: I do believe it is killling therefore; yes, non-abortion is saving a life. Who said everyone that gets an abortion are "sluts"? I care about all children. It is not up to us to determine the outcome of another life. When a sperm and egg meets (they're living cells) thus, forming a "new" life. You can't make something out of nothing ... only GOD can do that.

Gay Marriage: It matters only in that gay couples can not procreate thus according to you ... if all the unborn children unwanted are aborted ... not even these couples can have kids. People have free choice to live they way they choose. Gay couples don't hurt or offend me. I would rather everyone live happy ... happy in the way of the Lord.

Stem Cells: If it kills life, then no I don't and will not approve of such a decision to save a life. If you had all the parts that a sick person needed in your body, and someone decided to take your life to allow someone else to live, what would you think about that ... think about it!

By the way, I used the Bible somewhat. It's what my life is based on! So ... enjoy your life. But most importantly, seek TRUTH!

2006-10-12 09:04:47 · answer #5 · answered by CuriousGirl 4 · 1 5

Abortion: Easy for you to support it since you weren't aborted. I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted to have been killed just because you parents failed to make responsible decisions. It's not the baby's fault, it's the parents and instead of making the baby go through excruciating pain by aborting it, send it to an adoption center!

Gay Marriage: I really don't care if they get married as long as they don't do it in the name of God. Not only is that insulting to God but they are hypocrites if they do so.

Stem cells: since they are not derived from a fertilized egg from a woman's body, I don't see why it's wrong BUT they can create tumours...might want to take that into consideration

2006-10-12 09:30:44 · answer #6 · answered by ♥JCluvsu2!♥ 3 · 0 2

Abortion, I'm against it because I've seen how it can damage the mother. My mom had an abortion when she was about 16 or so. She was forced into it by her family. She's still suffering, after all these years. I know she wishes she never did it. I've also volunteered at a pro-life organization and have met other people who suffered from an abortion. IT does more then just kill an innocent baby. It hurts the mothers.

Gay marriage: Honestly, put it to a vote. IF voted in, then let it be the church's descision to preform the ceremony but have it be legal by civil ceremony. Don't force a church to do something they dont' believe in. OTher then that, let them get married.

Stem Cells: I don't like the idea of starting a life just to end it. I've heard that you can get stem cells from teh imbilical cord. IF this is true, then I approve of that kind of stem cell research. I've had friends who, after giving birth, donate their imbilical cords to the hospital for this.

2006-10-12 09:11:00 · answer #7 · answered by sister steph 6 · 4 3

If you ever took the time to research how inhumanely abortions are performed, you wouldn't be so quick to preach that the child doesn't suffer, for goodness sakes! They are, in some cases, sucked out of the womb, PIECE by PIECE! I'd call that torture, my friend!
As for gays, I happen to know several people I care deeply about who are homosexual, but I draw the line when it comes to redefining the word marriage. As far as I'm concerned, I'm against homosexuality, as much as I'm against premarital sex, rape, incest, and any other sexual sin. One is not worse than the other. Even Christians seem to forget this, which troubles me greatly! Yet, showing love for the individual, without condoning what they're doing is the key to reaching someone for the Lord.
As for the stem cell research, if it can be done simply with the umbilical cords to save lives, and not through abortion, which is pre-meditated murder, than I don't see what the harm would be in that.

2006-10-12 09:20:38 · answer #8 · answered by lookn2cjc 6 · 2 3

Abortions: Not only do you MURDER somebody, you also can kill the woman who is pregnant. Also at the time abortion takes place, the baby can feel. It feels the pain of the abortion. It suffers in it's death. That is just plain horrible.
Gay Marriage: i believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I also believe there should be a legal "bonding" between gays. lets face it if your partner is terminally ill in the hospital they won't let you go see your partner you have been living with. That is wrong.

Stem Cells:During stem cell procedures, it injures the woman and can kill her. Terrible, huh. I am against harming other people to do research. Think about it, a lot of the women in stem cell research get harmed and sometimes become sterile.

2006-10-12 09:10:21 · answer #9 · answered by My dad ate my homework 3 · 1 4

Abortions: I believe that there should be some kind of screening process for abortions. Sometimes abortions are necessary. But a great number of girls who get abortions got pregnant by practicing unsafe sex, and they would be able to care for a baby. Those girls shouldn't be allowed to get abortions, because it's their own fault. And it is the ending of a life, which should not be taken lightly.

As for the last two, I totally agree. Gay people deserve the same rights as straight people. And if women have to have abortions, why not use the stem cells to do some good for other people?

2006-10-12 09:10:36 · answer #10 · answered by ....... 4 · 2 4

Abortions: I'm not against them if they are used properly. My problem is with women who have repeated, unprotected sex and continue to have abortions to avoid the responsibility of their actions the night before. It has nothing to do with the bible. It has to do with being a good person. Not all of the children who are adopted are "abused and treated horribly". I had a child and placed it for adoption (through an agency with an open adoption) and the parents that child of mine went to are the best things that ever happened to that little boy. He loves them very much and he still knows about me. I get letters and pictures regularly from these people. They are good people. You have obviously not ever been involved in a situation similar to that (either that or you have had a bad expernience and then I pity you and your anger).

You say that most women spend their last dime so the child won't have to suffer. What planet exactly are you on? Women who are irresponsible and get pregant because they are too lazy or too immature to use proper protection use abortion as a form of birth control and they don't spend their own money to have it done - they spend yours and mine when the expect the state to pay for it.

You have some anger management issues and it shows.

The others, I'm not against.

2006-10-12 09:12:42 · answer #11 · answered by hbennett76 3 · 3 5

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