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I may leave it for a while, but I always go back to it. Im not gonna lie, I really enjoy it, but at the same time I know its bad. Its a weird sensation of guilt and pleasure. 6 months is the most I've being without watching porn, but then I go back to it.

2006-10-12 08:44:56 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Many people struggle with the same problem...the root cause of the problem is that you have not yet decided to "truly repent"... when your desire to please the Lord becomes as desperate as the need to take your next breath, then you will be ready, willing, and able, to do whatever it takes to avoid putting yourself in a situation that will tempt you to indulge in pornography...if it means adjusting what u watch on television..."Just Do It" if it means changing who you hang out with, "Just Do It".... If it means participating in some kind of christian counseling.."Just Do It" And last but not least i suggest you get an accountability partner who you can trust, and knows you well enough to keep you encouraged to keep up the good work... Many people are not honest with themselves or their church enough to admit what their problems are, and many have to suffer unnecessarily because of it...That's why we have fellowship..because no sin has overtaken you except that which is common to man, we could encourage each other in our weakness...

2006-10-12 09:00:30 · answer #1 · answered by Common Sense 2 · 1 1

How to avoid porn addiction on the Internet

1. Consider installing porn content filtering software( Strongly Recommend NetDog ,you can get it from www.netdogsoft.com ) on your computer. it will help to protect you from stumbling into pornography by accident, That's important.

2. Do not try to guess what the address of a Web page is. Many pornographic sites have similar addresses of respectable sites. For example www . whitehouse . com is a porn site. The real address is www. whitehouse . gov

3. Never click on Web site addresses that you receive in an unsolicited email.

4. Do not open attachments that come in email that are unsolicited.

5. Use filtered search engines or reputable directories to find the information you need.

6. Do not search for terms like girls. Think before you enter a search term.

Stick with reputable sites.
If something looks questionable, don't let curiosity get the best of you. Delete it or close the window.

Internet Porn Filter Resource:

2006-10-12 16:40:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've experienced the same thing you have. The reason it's so addicting is because it causes your brain to release erototoxins, whichs forms your imagination into a lust machine. Fasting, prayer, and attending ALL church programs is the first thing to do.
When you see temptation, the first sign of it, RUN. Change the channel, leave the room, take a cold shower, whatever you can do
to get away from it. The more you look at it, the longer you think about it, The more it's growing, and desire gives birth to sin, and sin, when full-grown, becomes death. Go to these links.
Also, find someone to talk to about it. Confession is the first step to ending sin.

2006-10-12 08:56:42 · answer #3 · answered by Levi G 2 · 1 0

Picture Christ being there when you watch, can you envision the son of God there with you enjoying this? If you feel guilty, then don't do it. It is Satan, and that is the bottom line, you are buying into something that will tempt you to go with Satan. Block these channels from yourself, or throw away all the videos you have. It is like quitting alcohol, or cigarettes, you have to go "cold turkey".. After you do this, come up with something else you enjoy, and do it. But get down on your knees and ask the Holy Spirit to come to you and all your angels to help you fight this. I am repulsed, and I have not even seen porn, but I know that is what I would feel like. It is just not in me to enjoy this type of thing. Ask God to heal you from this addiction, and also heal the hole in your heart that you are trying to fill, with His love and presence. Also, say, "Satan, leave me alone", and mean it. God bless you, and good luck. You can overcome this. Every time you get the urge to look at porn, get the Bible out and randomly turn to a page, it will be a message for you.

2006-10-12 08:56:04 · answer #4 · answered by shardf 5 · 3 1

Pornograph is very powerful and it can take a stronghold in a persons life. You may not be able to overcome it on your own. There are many organizations that support men who have this problem. First thing is to look for help because it is out there. Finding christian men who have and continue to face this problem to give you encouragement and accountability can make all of the difference. There is technology available that will let someone else know if you have visited a site. That technology can help encourage you to abstain... knowing that others to whom you are in this fight with will learn of your failings. Its not pretty, or easy... but like Alcoholics Anonimous it does work.

2006-10-12 08:55:28 · answer #5 · answered by zero 3 · 1 0

Do you want a relationship, or porn? God won't send you to hell for watching porn, but He has a plan for your life and that sin may be what's keeping you back from the great things He has in mind

2006-10-12 09:05:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First, you need to seek and pray to God about this addiction. "With God all things are possible!!!" He can break the strongest of wills and bonds, and He can loose the chains. Satan knows that it is one of your weaknesses, so he will constantly throw that temptation at you. When he does this, there are a few things that will overcome his temptation.

1. If you have the empowerment of the baptisim of the Holy Spirit(speaking in tongues) then start to pray in that. PRAY TO GOD!!!

2. Quote Bible scriptures, here is a good one, "Greater is HE(GOD) that is in me, than he(Satan) that is in the world."

3. Find something else to do(call a friend, go to the mall, read your Bible, pray, get something to eat) anything that will take your mind off of the porn.

4. Seek Professional help, call an elder in your church or your pastor.

Before I was born, my mom struggled with smoking. Everytime my mom went out with a friend, her friend would offer her a cigarette. My mom would pray in the Holy Spirit(speaking in tongues) in her head. She would refuse. Well Satan kept coming back with that temptation everytime she went out. my mom kept refusing, finally it got to the point where Satan knew that my mom had overcome that urge for a smoke, which HE GAVE UP and did not tempt her any longer with smoking.

My brother always told me, if you don't want to get involved into something, then stay away from it. Some people alcohol does not phase them if they take a sip of beer, others it may trigger a gene in there body that wants more and more of it. Bascially a family curse. Keep at it and seek help from GOD and elders.

TELL SATAN OFF or the demonic spirit that is tempting you, but do it in Jesus' name

It is written in the Bible, that Satan and the demonic spirits must flee in the name of Jesus, because there is no power when we do it on our own, only in the name of Jesus.

2006-10-12 09:19:03 · answer #7 · answered by sanctusreal77 3 · 1 0

Well welcome to the world,We are all sinners saved by Grace.And that is exactly why Jesus did what He did.But don't get too down on yourself,you need to forgive yourself and love yourself because that just explains what Jesus was talking about when He stated,"Apart from Me you can do nothing." Now if you ask Jesus to help you it will be done but it will not happen overnight.In fact it will probably take years,but it will happen.You see that is how He works,Slowly.And if you try to do it by yourself you will be held over the edge until you give it to Him.And spend time with Him during the day talking to Him in your thoughts.He loves you just as you are,But He will not leave you in that condition forever.Praise Jesus! May God Bless You.

2006-10-12 08:56:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Hi, you can use contentwatch to protect your PC from porn site.

ContentProtect Internet Filtering Software provides top rated internet filtering and protection for homes & businesses. Find out why thousands of parents and businesses including Disney have chosen ContentProtect as their Internet Filter of choice.

you can get more information about ContentWatch.


Good Luck && Best Wishes!

2006-10-15 20:44:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your sensitivity to the sensationalization of sensual sights needs to be reined in and the sensitivity to GOD not just substituted in its place, but the sensitivity to GODLIness turned loose, exploited,enhanced through Holy Spirit enablement. Find more time to fellowship with believers,prayer and prayer partnering, applying your GOD-given talents,toiling in HIS vineyard on Earth(seek the lost daily), making a JOYful noise hourly,study not just read the BIBLE(get a journal started/retained),Attend any Revival services in your community! Are you attending a Bible-study /can you hold one in your home twice-a-week! Have you considered training to become a Deacon? Sometimes we just get too relaxed in our workday bizziness! Leave off work at worksite and get on with your GODly goals thereafter! God will increase your usefulness to HIM! Bless you!

2006-10-12 09:11:54 · answer #10 · answered by K9 4 · 0 0

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