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shouldn't christians spend most of their effort of their entire life actually, ACTUALLY, doing god's work. I know the bible says that just "recieving" christ in your heart is the only technical qualification to getting to heaven. But still, Jesus said to be fishers of men; not live life pretty much like everybody else, except go to church on sundays, participate at the church bake sale every once in while, and when people are skeptical of christianity or believe homosexuality is not a sin, pat yourself on the back for telling them that they are "lost" and that god is on YOUR side. If someone believes in Jesus, and they are to be rewarded eternally (as if FOREVER!!!!), but i am not (because i am a secularist) shouldn't they at least spend an AMAZING amount of their life helping the poor and helping the sick and evangelizing to people in third world countries who would never have heard of christ, except not because Jesus requires it, but only because they are so grateful to him?

2006-10-12 07:13:38 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Please do not write in your answer that you already live a life like that.
I’m not asking you to tell me that you donate money or that you have gone on a missionary trip that was funded by your church before. I am talking about almost not even having a career and that you just about dedicate your entire life to the works that Jesus spoke of his followers doing. I know that that may sound hard but an eternity in heaven is no small gift. An eternity is not just a thousand lifetimes. Its not even just a billion, trillion, quintillion amount of lifetimes. It’s infinity. It is heavenly bliss that never ends. You don’t mean to tell me that you can’t sacrifice almost all the worldly pleasures in this lifetime (75 years?) to do god’s work to show above and beyond to the Lord that you are grateful for that eternity, do you? And if you didn’t do all that, when in heaven, would you feel sad that you didn’t do all you could to bring as many people to eternal heaven as possible?

2006-10-12 07:13:47 · update #1

28 answers

Most people have commitments to home and family that prevent them from running off and pursuing the type of life that you describe.

God is OK with that.

We all do what we can.

There will be an eternity in which to to achieve true perfection.

2006-10-12 08:47:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am a Christian and I agree with a lot of what your saying. You need to remember that even though we confess ourselves as "saved" we are still sinners. The difference is that if we are truely saved we are moving away from our sinfull "worldly" nature. And what some Christians don't realize, or try and down play, that they will have to stand before the White Throne of Judgement and give an accounting of their life. We are told to build up our treasures in heaven not on earth. Christians that work deligantly for the Kingdon on earth will be rewarded in heaven. Those that don't, won't! There still saved but may live the life of a pauper for eternity. This doesn't mean that a devoted Christian must do nothing of the world, like work. By living a Godly life I can be a good witness to my co-workers. But I agree, a good Christian example is not living one life on Sunday and another the rest of the week. Christians shouldn't boast that they are better. We have the same struggles with sin and morality. The difference is we've confessed our sins and asked for forgiveness as we strive to live more like Christ with help from God.

2006-10-12 07:51:40 · answer #2 · answered by Rick D 4 · 0 0

First, I do believe that what you are stating is that more Christians should be a doer of the Word and I fully agree.

Too many are staying in a comfort zone. They do not want anyone or anything to make waves. One problem is that if we do not make waves, we are not doing anything. We are dead in the water.

Many Christians I know would not reply in Yahoo Answers because they can not take the heat of those who will ridicule them.

This will most likely fit the description of those who are Christians just to escape hell. There are however those who have made Christ their LORD and these people will tend to go all out. They often make a lot of waves. They have left their comfort zones in order to stand at the gates of hell and turn some away before the enter.

Check the links below for more information on this

2006-10-12 07:24:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You are talking in a sectarian view. The bible calls us 'fishers of men' , well at least who He was speaking to..... But other books tell us that we are not all called to do the same thing. Some are called to do what you ask, others are a little more narrowed than that, and all the way down, others are told to live their lives and be examples....to children, work, friends.

The portrait you painted was of a bad example. That person may not even be a called christian, or, maybe a lazy christian who will be called to do some work at a specific time...after being purified. Yes, those who truly ask, will be saved....but if they are as you say, they will go thru trials and experiences to get them to a point. It can take a month, year or most of their lives.

2006-10-12 07:20:36 · answer #4 · answered by TCFKAYM 4 · 1 0

You are assuming we don't or I don't...

Who do you think runs most (not all) orphanages? Many, many Christians. Who gives to the poor? Salvation army is one and they are a Christian organization...

My Church, which is a large Church, has a world wide missionary program. We do short term missions and have many, many programs to outreach to the community. Including going to New Orleans.

We don't have to do it. We do it because we love one another as Jesus has loved us. Will it get us into Heaven? No, it won't. That is a free gift of grace from God, not from man and certainly not from works.

Perhaps you need not "assume" we aren't living the life you are speaking of...

You've outlined a few things, what are you doing to help? This is not only a Christian issue, this is a human issue as well.

Please don't be a part of the problem, be a part of the solution!

2006-10-12 07:27:13 · answer #5 · answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6 · 1 0

I was supposed to be catholic, but I am secular. My grandmother, once a choir-singing catholic cross-wearer, even gave up the church after she witnessed so many corrupted people ct in the nam e of god. I honestly cannot see how people who are prejudiced, drive SUV cadillacs and go to church once a week think they should have some entitlement to an eternity of happiness. If I did believe in Jesus and all that, I would say all christians would be the first sent to hell because they are the ones condemning others and launching attacks on anyone different(pretty much all eligions fall into this group)

2006-10-12 07:20:27 · answer #6 · answered by hockypuck23 1 · 0 1

I am personally thankful to every Christian who does NOT come knocking on my door trying to "save" me. If I were a Christian, I would help those same as I help them now, but I would never push my religion on them. Most religions teach the same things. If you say they don't, you obviously can't read between the lines. No religion should demand complete personal sacrifice. By sacrificing everything, you end up with addicts. Buddha taught to follow the golden mean. There is no profit (personally or spiritually) in complete self-sacrifice. You have to have a balance in your life in order to be complete, no matter what any God says. Just take a look in nature. If a perfect ecological does't exist, the ecosystem dies. It's the same in a human. If you don't maintain a balance of health, mental and spirtual happiness you won't live long. It's all about balance.

2006-10-12 07:25:45 · answer #7 · answered by Angel Baby 5 · 0 1

You are right. Our entire lives are supposed to be spent serving God.
But God gave me a family to take care of. So i go to work for God, in a sense. And i clean my house, and do laundry and cook dinner all for God.
Being part of a church family, and contributing there is just something we all should do. If you are a part of something, and you are getting something out of it, shouldnt you give something back to it also?
I think too many people beat certain subjects in the ground though. Like homosexuality. I have never met one homosexual online or in person that has not already been told they are living a sinful life. So, they know now, move on. Once you give someone the word, it is their responsibility to do something with it, and if they dont, you have taken the burden off yourself by sharing.
If you are doing good deeds to get into Heaven, you will be surprised when it comes time to actually go there. I serve God, because God has been so generous to me. He loves me, protects me, and my family, and does so much for me that im sure i dont even see. I love him, because he first loved me.
and what's with this helping the poor. Who says they need help? Didnt God himself say it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter Heaven? Maybe we should be helping the rich people?

But most of all, its not up to us to judge what others are doing for God. Maybe God told them to do what they are doing. Worry about what your doing for God, not what im doing.
God Bless, and i wish you many small paychecks! lol.

2006-10-12 07:22:28 · answer #8 · answered by Blonda 4 · 1 0

Hey I like your question .

I have been a Christian for 6 years now. & I have had the same type of question for myself and those that attend my church.

The truth is its a matter of compliancy that keeps christians from being as active as we should be.

Its also an american thing to be compliancent. In 2006 look at our lives we have it good and really dont have to struggle for anything.

Your question has alot of truth and its sad that I can not say that Iam doing my best to serve Jesus & many christians that live in this country will say the same.

2006-10-12 07:23:30 · answer #9 · answered by kalik 2 · 1 0

i'm going to assume which you at the instant are an Atheist, sure? As for no rely if Christ existed or not, or no rely if there became a resurrection or not, remains to be considered. You furnish no logical evidence that everyone this became a hoax, you in basic terms declare it extremely is a hoax. you weren't there in the time of Christ. For a narrative which includes this to be so customary, there a minimum of ought to have been some sort of individual that shook the non secular and political corporation throughout that factor. no rely if Christ, or could desire to I call him by using his real call, Yeshua, did miracles, remains to be considered. As for present day-day interpretations and traditions, those I evaluate the main important hoaxes in historic previous, which includes Christmas, Easter, etc. those are a mix of heathen practices, with a sprinkle of Biblical interpretations. organic Christianity grew to alter into corrupted whilst the final of the apostles ultimately died. From there on, this corruption has led to distress as much as at present time and age.

2016-10-16 03:02:57 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Where in the Bible does it say you'll go to Heaven if you're good? What happened to the resurrection and eternal life on earth ie the earth shall abide forever- lamb lays down with lion- ? I really don't believe we can judge good that is the Creators job and might be surprised at what he overlooks.

2006-10-12 07:20:18 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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