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Well lets start off with the theory that these people do jobs that americans dont want

It is my belief that this is in fact wrong the reason i think this is wrong is because even people of color that migrate illegaly state that there almost slaves right? work for low pay right?
Does big BUISNESS Really need to pay so low? No my friend they dont they make huge profit off these people. Second thing is can big buisness afford to take regular workers or american citizens and still make profit? This is one of my biggest points....Yes big buisness in deed can make a profitable income off of your average joe american citizen even if they paid on the high end instead of 1.25 or 5 make it 10 dollars they still in deed would make a profit it might not be as big but it still would be a profit

so those who say we need them... Do we really my though is we dont but big buisness is greedy find a way to enforce a law on big buisness and bringing the minimum wage up and you have fixed one

2006-10-12 06:00:39 · 15 answers · asked by Thomas A 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

part of the problem. Will this ever happen? I hope so but i dont see it happening anytime soon because no party seems reluctant to take a step forward my appology for mispellings and grammer as i can not afford further education as my tax dollars go to medical and many other benifits of the illegal immigrant have a good day

2006-10-12 06:02:04 · update #1

PC ya i never said shoot them or mass deportation lol im just throwing out there one piece of the puzzle into solving illegal immigration. But you have some good thoughts :)

2006-10-12 06:14:39 · update #2

grave eldger i understand what your saying and as i stated before in my rant that this is just one piece of the puzzle i dont have enough room lol to write everything on here that i think would solve the problem i was just naming one thing in paticular as far as getting these things under controll

2006-10-12 06:38:48 · update #3

uncorrect woodland you forget that these people migrate where they know they can get jobs and undercut the american people for instense i live in omaha nebraska and yes you see some illegal immigrants but as you head further north where there are many packing houses such as grand island and skyler nebraska they are the majority all together because they have taken over those areas due to the jobs which indeed the american employer that hires them is full aware that they indeed are illegal

2006-10-12 06:41:32 · update #4

15 answers

You asked so here goes my whole kit and kaboodle. Before you start to read. I would like to thank you for such an openminded question that opens up a realm of debate. I have my own opinion and you have yours. I totally respect everyone...... with the exception of racial slurs and profanities.........Thanks for the opportunity to express myself.
(My question in layman's terms are u a racists or not in regards to illegals? Your defense?
I did not call anyone a bigot I just feel that when we have any type of an opinion towards any given subject, we have reasons for that. If the reason is pure hatred...so be it....everyone is entitled to their opinion.......if you truly feel that you dislike illegals because they are simply illegal and not for their color then that stance will be shown in your answer


There is much Racism in America. It is shameful. I agree that people being here illegal potentially cause a major national security problem. We need to know who resides here on our soil....but the have created the system that virtually makes it impossible to become legal. This system was left as such by our government to exploit and pilfer the people from Mexico.....our governments greed is what allowed the attacks of 911. In essence while trying to keep the North American Indians in their place where the white man still thinks they belong....... They created the perfect atmosphere for terrorist to come on our soil and kill. Possibly if the American Government had done right by our Neighboring Mexican Indians 911 would not have happened. I AM NOT A RACIST I AM A REALIST.


I am in agreement with many that we must control our borders. It is a national security issue and the drug lords freely pass drugs into the United States. Okay but we have problems on both sides of the "fence". The "fence" will not stop the corruption of US Officials who allow these drugs to be passed. These same officials will have a key to open that "border fence" to admit the drug lords but will not permit the passage of the poor illegal immigrant that came to clean up your buildings instead of blowing them up. Why do so many drugs come into the United States? The answer supply and demand. We need these illegal immigrants to work the jobs that our so drug addicted nation will not fill. WE NEED COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM. We do not need to repair the damaged levy by placing our finger in the hole. We need to repair the entire levy. DON'T let these politicians keep you ignorant....This whole smoke screen/border fence is just a ploy to get them reelected. These same politicians know that we need this "illegal" work force just as much as they need us.....Think.....if it were not true would it have taken them so long to do something about it. NO it wouldn't have. The 911 incident caused us all to think....but did the illegal alien mastermind that event. No, he didn't so why treat him or her as if they did do it. STOP RACISM. HUG AN ILLEGAL ALIEN TODAY
Who cares build the fence. The American public has clamored that they wish for this atrocity to be built. Then once all those billions of dollars are sunk into the building of this shameful wall......there will be no money for mass deportations...You see this is why the government is building this wall... We all know that it will not serve the purpose for which it is built....They didn't even build a levy that could protect New Orleans..... the illegals crossing are just as unpredictable.....Build the fence so they will be able to say later well we don't have the money now for deportations.......Also you will see discounts on ladders on the other side of the border. You just need a ladder to safely scale the wall without a scratch.

People say that we came as legal ones.....if you want to consider the atrocities committed to the North American Indians as our coming here legal do so......The Indian did not have the concept of owning land.......The saw land as on loan by mother nature. Mother nature owned the land they did not. So when the White Man came requesting to buy land the Indian so much wanted to share all of the bounty of the land with the white man......The white man tricked the Indians into entering into written contracts of land purchase.......lands of hundreds of acres purchased with little in exchange.....was not money.......Beaver pelts, deer antlers....beads...etc were the purchasing items. The Indians not understanding the concept of a man owning land......assumed that they were giving the white man the same rights as they had to hunt fish and camp .... The white man saw the Indian as stupid and dumb and savage and fraudulently acquired his lands..... So don't say we came here as legal.... we came as thieves.


What Racist America needs today is a reality show. Now if u are not racist don't be offended. I am talking to RACIST. If the shoe does not fit DO NOT PUT IT ON!!! The Americans are spoiled. I am talking about my own race. I am American born. I am Irish German, Cherokee. Considered white. The majority of white people are mutts with the majority of them not even knowing anything about from whence they truly came. The African American & the Hispanics have a more true blood line than "White America" I have strived to educate myself.... we must do so to understand the concept of anything so that we can intelligently assess situations and form opinions..... The majority of the Americans do not care about the plight of others.... they are greedy and spoiled... and continue to claim something of which truly is not theirs. Why do I say this.....You say that we came as legal ones.....if you want to consider the atrocities committed to the North American Indians as our coming here legal do so......The Indian did not have the concept of owning land.......The saw land as on loan by mother nature. Mother nature owned the land they did not. So when the White Man came requesting to buy land the Indian so much wanted to share all of the bounty of the land with the white man......The white man tricked the Indians into entering into written contracts of land purchase.......lands of hundreds of acres purchased with little in exchange.....NO money.......Beaver pelts, deer antlers....beads...etc were the purchasing items. The Indians not understanding the concept of a man owning land......assumed that they were giving the white man the same rights as they had to hunt fish and camp .... The white man saw the Indian as stupid dumb SAVAGES and fraudulently acquired his lands..... So don't say we came here as legal.... we came as thieves. YEA WE NEED A REALITY SHOW SO THAT I CAN SEE MY RACE HUMBLE THEMSELVES... AND CRY.... IN DESPERATION OF HUNGER AND LACK OF COMPASSION I can see at the end of the show when they are called to be picked up........They will say....... Mom, Dad I have made some really good friends over here. They took me in, they clothed me and fed me....They loved me..... Can you possibly bring a bus so that I can invite some of them back to my home with me so that I can begin to show them the same love they have shown me.....AMERICA HUMBLE YOURSELF BEFORE CIRCUMSTANCES FORCE YOU TO BE HUMBLE

The Fence.

Who cares build the fence. The American public has clamored that they wish for this atrocity to be built. Then once all those billions of dollars are sunk into the building of this shameful wall......there will be no money for mass deportations...You see this is why the government is building this wall... We all know that it will not serve the purpose for which it is built....They didn't even build a levy that could protect New Orleans..... the illegals crossing are just as unpredictable.....Build the fence so they will be able to say later well we don't have the money now for deportations.......Also you will see discounts on ladders on the other side of the border. You just need a ladder to safely scale the wall without a scratch.

America on the white Horse

The land of plenty..... And wants to opress Mexico the impoverished ones for what just for the privilege of being our neighbor... come on get off of the white horse before it falls in a mud hole.


Yea they need to do this as a reality show. The Americans are spoiled. I am talking about my own race. I am American born. I am Irish German, Cherokee. Considered white. The majority of white people are mutts with the majority of them not even knowing anything about from whence they truly came. I have strived to educate myself.... we must do so to understand the concept of anything so that we can intelligently assess situations..... The majority of the Americans do not care about the plight of others.... they are greedy and spoiled... and continue to claim something of which truly is not theirs. Why do I say this.....You say that we came as legal ones.....if you want to consider the atrocities committed to the North American Indians as our coming here legal do so......The Indian did not have the concept of owning land.......The saw land as on loan by mother nature. Mother nature owned the land they did not. So when the White Man came requesting to buy land the Indian so much wanted to share all of the bounty of the land with the white man......The white man tricked the Indians into entering into written contracts of land purchase.......lands of hundreds of acres purchased with little in exchange.....was not money.......Beaver pelts, deer antlers....beads...etc were the purchasing items. The Indians not understanding the concept of a man owning land......assumed that they were giving the white man the same rights as they had to hunt fish and camp .... The white man saw the Indian as stupid and dumb and fraudulently acquired his lands..... So don't say we came here as legal.... we came as thieves. YEA WE NEED A REALITY SHOW SO THAT I CAN SEE MY RACE HUMBLE THEMSELVES... AND CRY.... IN DESPERATION OF HUNGER AND LACK OF COMPASSION

God and Borders
Question asked by:SealRBorders’s
Can you answer me this???? I've heard MANY of you?
on here say, "God doesn't believe in borders". Oh,YEAH??? Then WHY does God tell the Israelites in Genesis 15:18, " On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abraham, and said, "To your decendants i will give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates." Sounds like BORDERS to me!!!!!!
Genesis 13:15 "And the land that you SEE i will give to you and your offspring forever." How FAR can a person SEE???? NOT VERY!!!! Genesis 17:8 "the whole land of Canaan.....i will give,as an everlasting possession, to you and your decendants after you...." this is ONE country!!!!
Numbers 34:11 "The BOUNDARY will go down from Shepham to Riblah on the east side of Ain and continue along the slopes east of the sea of Kinnereth." Numbers 34:9 "continue to Ziphron and end at Hazar Enan. This will be your BOUNDARY to the north." SEE???? MORE borders!!!!!
"smack" yeah Jesus said to give the less fortunate a helping hand,but he did NOT say to give them everything they are DEMANDING, INCLUDING your country!!!

La Gueta answers:
Hey tell Ms. Biblical Scholaress did he also tell them to build fences, walls etc? I appreciate your question. God also said. "Love not the world neither the things of the world.... for if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him." I think love is mentioned more than land boundaries... and correct me but I think that land, territories would be considered "Worldly possessions" and when God says love not the world would not "LAND" be included as part of the things that we are not to store in our hearts as possessions. Man you just opened such a large can of worms.......

Bureaucratic monster IMMIGRATION

As I have mentioned many times before. ICE.... INS.... whatever they call themselves these days needs to be completely torn down and edified with specific departments with specific job details... They must be held accountable for their work ethics. You for example as a law abiding citizen (hopefully) do not have racist reasons for reporting someone does not even know who to report them too.... This bureaucratic monster of a department does not serve the Public in its work... nor does it serve its purpose in granting work permits for those who have applied.... what good are they? They have the attitude that I will get to them when I get to them not just to the people who they are supposed to serve .... But to the USA citizen who in essence supplies them with that paycheck that they do not earn..... Heads up...... Rebuild this monster of a department while building this wall across the border.

Young People Who know nothing

The children on here do not know the difference between EU immigrants, illegal immigrants and asylum seekers?

I have been working together with 6th formers, who study A-level languages. In this context immigration and racism is being discussed. And most kids really haven't got a clue, just some vague opinions based on Sun headlines and preconceptions...

No that is really scary for a long time I have thought that there were a lot of young people at this site with a lot of time on their hands. No dictionary…maybe. They give very short answers often with horrible grammatical errors to debates which warrant much broader answers or explanations….maybe just for the competition in regards to points huh? But at the same time never get best answers from various people. They obviously do not have a clue. You are not alone


I don't wish to offend you but I do wish to inform you..... There is no TAX Free money in regards to the majority of the illegals.... unless they work in cash paying jobs ... like construction for example... Lots of people hide in the construction business for that very reason..... illegals are just working in construction. We have American dead beat dads who work in it too so they get easy money under the table as we call it so as not to pay child support. Most industries pay with payroll checks. If an illegal works in an industry that does pay with payroll checks then the appropriate federal and state taxes are removed. I recently did a spot check on payroll checks from the main industry in my town from 4 different illegal pay stubs..... 2 from poultry and 2 from restaurants. I did an estimate based on those 4 pay stubs in regards to the shifts worked at each one of those industries. I had an estimate of State taxes paid in to my state of $64,000.00. I did not figure up the Federal Taxes but you best believe that they have been raking it in also. Please keep in mind that the county that I live in is not ranked among the largest in my state. I would love to be able to do a State wide survey, but the problem is getting people to trust you not to use their information against them. You may be surprised to also be informed that at least 2 of these people had health insurance for which they paid for & utilized, they also had an additional voluntary $5.00 taken out each week as a donation for United Way Fund. I did no guesstimates on those donations, but just these 2 people alone donate a solid figure of $520.00 @ year which has to be noted as community service. IT WAS A REAL EYE OPENER TO ME. Please understand that the illegal does not file federal income taxes.... he does fall in a low income category and would be eligible to receive most of his tax money paid in as refunds... now do you really think that our government wants to make them legal so they have to give that money back ..... NO, of course not. The fence is going to be a joke. Who cares build the fence. The American public has clamored that they wish for this atrocity to be built. Then once all those billions of dollars are sunk into the building of this shameful wall......there will be no money for mass deportations...You seed this is why the government is building this wall... We all know that it will not serve the purpose for which it is built....They didn't even build a levy that could protect New Orleans..... the illegals crossing are just as unpredictable.....Build the fence so they will be able to say later well we don't have the money now for deportations.......Also you will see discounts on ladders on the other side of the border. You just need a ladder to safely scale the wall without a scratch. .THE POLITICIANS DO NOT WANT TO SEND THE ILLEGAL BACK

The Illegals and Low Wages, Chicken $10.00 a lb., no tax break

No the illegals did not create low wage jobs. They have always been here. Furthermore if we raise all of the low paying jobs salaries up to $10.00 an hour you will wipe out middle class America. Who could afford to pay $10.00 a lb for chicken? I don't wish to offend you but I do wish to inform you..... There is no TAX Free money in regards to the majority of the illegals.... unless they work in cash paying jobs ... like construction for example... Lots of people hide in the construction business for that very reason..... illegals are just working in construction. We have American dead beat dads who work in it too so they get easy money under the table as we call it so as not to pay child support. Most industries pay with payroll checks. If an illegal works in an industry that does pay with payroll checks then the appropriate federal and state taxes are removed. I recently did a spot check on payroll checks from the main industry in my town from 4 different illegal pa stubs..... 2 from poultry and 2 from restaurants. I did an estimate based on those 4 pay stubs in regards to the shifts worked at each one of those industries. I had an estimate of State taxes paid in to my state of $64,000.00. I did not figure up the Federal Taxes but you best believe that they have been raking it in also. Please keep in mind that the county that I live in is not ranked among the largest in my state. I would love to be able to do a State wide survey, but the problem is getting people to trust you not to use their information against them. You may be surprised to also be informed that at least 2 of these people had health insurance for which they paid for & utilized, they also had an additional voluntary $5.00 taken out each week as a donation for United Way Fund. I did no guesstimates on those donations, but just these 2 people alone donate a solid figure of $520.00 @ year which has to be noted as community service. IT WAS A REAL EYE OPENER TO ME. Please understand that the illegal does not file federal income taxes.... he does fall in a low income category and would be eligible to receive most of his tax money paid in as refunds... now do you really think that our government wants to make them legal so they have to give that money back ..... NO, of course not. The fence is going to be a joke. Who cares build the fence. The American public has clamored that they wish for this atrocity to be built. Then once all those billions of dollars are sunk into the building of this shameful wall......there will be no money for mass deportations...You see this is why the government is building this wall... We all know that it will not serve the purpose for which it is built....They didn't even build a levy that could protect New Orleans..... the illegals crossing are just as unpredictable.....Build the fence so they will be able to say later well we don't have the money now for deportations.......Also you will see discounts on ladders on the other side of the border. You just need a ladder to safely scale the wall without a scratch. .THE POLITICIANS DO NOT WANT TO SEND THE ILLEGAL BACK

White Racist….. Hispanic Gangs.

I can't even pretend to be an expert on immigration matters but sometimes I do know the answer. I consider myself a humanitarian who loves all color and races. I am "WHITE" American which is only a skin color not a race and often times am ashamed of what America has become. There are good and bad in all races. I just know that I cannot look at skin color to judge if a person is good or bad. I also know that we have problems on both sides of the fence.. For instance the "Whites" in this year of 2006 are still racists... not all.... but a vast majority......... The illegal came & I am highly Pro Immigration but we have some major problems in relation to gang assembly among the children of the Hispanic families that were born here.... why wouldn't we look at "WHITE" children they are killing other children in school.... Sometimes I wonder if it were all worth it for the Hispanic families to lose their children to this culture.

2006-10-12 07:43:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

The minimum wage is what causes illegal immigrants to enter the country, not the other way around.
Because the pay differential between low-skill jobs in the United States and Mexico rises due to the fact that we have a set minimum wage at all.

While the minimum wage has not increased since 1997, executive pay has grown dramatically over the same time period. According to the Economic Policy Institute's Minimum Wage Issue Guide, in 1975, CEOs earned only 78 times the minimum wage earners of their day. But today's average Chief Executive earns 821 times what a minimum wage worker earns.

The reason federal minimum wage hovers at $5.15 an hour rests on the shoulders of your states congressional representatives and the lobbyists that influence them. When the wages go up, so does immigration, as the pay for illegal immigrants will also rise while the pay in their own country will remain stagnant.

2006-10-12 14:50:40 · answer #2 · answered by Barrett G 6 · 1 0

The fact is that big business are not the bad guys here. Business in general will pay what our government has decided to be the minimum wage or more. Now most of the workers that businesses hire are "legal immigrants" and only some business hire illegal immigrants which they claim they are not expert INS agents to know the difference. The other and the MAIN reason that some businesses prefer to hire Hispanics is that they are better workers and they do not complain and demand to much to the Business owner. I had speak with some people in construction and they claim they already lost some businesses when they had too many white people and here are the reasons; they are not as productive, they think they have more right than the owner, they usually miss work on Monday, they want to get union rights which is the beginning to the end for small developers and most of the time they end up with false disability claims.

2006-10-12 13:37:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

OK, you asked for it, here it goes:

Youre right, perhaps big business doesnt NEED to pay so low but the point is that they do. And as long as they do there will be illegal immigrants here more than willing to take on a job that even at 4-5 bucks an hour is 4-5 times more than what they can make at home. Now before you all start going ballistic on me let me say that I know and understand and even for the most part agree that ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL!! I was born and educated here therefore I am not an idiot, but realistically speaking, lets all take a moment to admit to ourselves that they are already here and radical solutions such as deporting them ALL and shooting those attempting to get in are not only unrealistic but probably impossible. First of all and this is only my opinion but thats what you asked for right?!, how would you deport them all, would you put up a notice that every illegal should meet at their local HOME DEPOT and climb onto the bus?! I dont think so! Snipers at the border, if you shoot those attempting to come in, technically arent they still in their own country and killing them would only make you a murderer?! Or if lets say that by chance they find a way in so you feel you can shoot at them but doesnt that just mean that your attempts at keeping them out failed and so because you couldnt do your job right they have to die?! Im not saying lets just let them all in, but why not make the process of becoming legal easier and shorter and legalize the ones actually working and attempting to buy homes and contribute to society in a positive way??!! Just some food for thought!

2006-10-12 13:11:00 · answer #4 · answered by SittinPretty! 4 · 1 0

Big business and this globalization do-da is no good.

If we grant amnesty AGAIN....then why not legalize pot and all drugs, forget speed limits, and any other law anyone doesn't like. I mean there's thieves that steal to feed their families. there's people that deal drugs to feed their families, there's people that speed (driving) because they don't want to risk being late and loosing their job that they need to feed their families. Women and men prostitute themselves to feed families. People steal identies to "get a better life". There's a nice new car down the street and mines not so hot so I think I might just go down and take it because I'm a hard worker and I deserve a better car. If they grant amnesty and seal the borders then.....what, the next round isn't as deserving as this first wave? They aren't all hard workers just wanting a better life? What about maybe Somalians that might make it across the oceans and land on our shore? Their stories are alot more horrific than a trek across the border. They're hard workers just looking for a better life too. Gonna tell them no?
They all need to be deported and our laws enforced. It can be done. Not overnight.....but can and should be done. Otherwise why have any laws at all......every criminal has a good reason for why they did what they did. I'm sure there's tons of children that are torn apart because mommy or daddy is in jail and we know the children need their parents. Where's your compassion and understanding for them? Let's just give ALL law breakers a pardon, unlock those cells and we can all sit around the camp fire and sing songs together.

2006-10-12 14:00:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First of all I agree that americans want jobs. For example 10 years ago teenagers were working at the fast food, building and landscape companies in the summer, now it is impossible for a 16-17 y/o kid to find a job, noone wants a teen who will quit in the fall, and has rights, instead illigals are hired. So YES we want jobs.

My biggest problem was ith all this demonstrations that we had earlier. If this people want to be americans, WHY do they wave mexican flags? and why don't they want to speak english? As a new american, I think there is a lot of descrimination going on. Descimination against immegrants that speak other than spanish. Why my 65 y/old Mother had to learn english to be able to pass citizenship test, and they don't even want to speak a bit of english in the gaz station, or a store for God's sake? Last time I checked English was official Lang here.

To PC Snob (love it): Border is border, sure you can't shoot people no-matter who they are. But to arrest them and send them back with some sunctions.. i donno, i'm no law maker, but there should be some kinda punishment. Otherwise why do we even have border? what a joke it is.

2006-10-12 13:15:30 · answer #6 · answered by alkak1 3 · 1 2

Wow, what a mouthful. American industry is greedy and burstin at the seams. How much more money can this country earn on other populations' misery? The more it makes the more it wants. I am so sick of hearing this one-sided diatribe about the underpaid illegal alien. When blacks were working for below minimum wage we were not illegal, but the argument was that we were taking the jobs that whites could have (as if it was presumptuous of us to "ever" expect to get paid for our labor). Before that, we were bought like property from tribesmen who defeated other tribes in war (POWs) and sold into slavery which industry "really" profited on. So, know that their greed has nothing to do with the feasibility of whether they can withstand paying the fair wage for fair work - big business has had more than 100 years free labor! The illegals are not hurting the masses for jobs, and even they should get more than minimum wage - they work through lunch and show up every day. The incentive to feed and clothe their family supercedes America's spoiled image of buying designer water or clothing.

By now, all of you should realize that it does not matter how you vote. The Republicans have shrewdly found a way to render votes useless, with an age old law that should have been removed from the books, as should the law "allowing black people the right to vote."

It does not matter anymore. Not because of any apocalypse, but the chickens are coming home to roost and we all know that people of color are far more resilient than caucasians, the war in Iraq will escalate as will the N. Korean threat of using missiles and the moot point of the day will be how much profit will big business earn - enough to pay an honest day's wage? Sure, enough to front the Drug Cartels and the misery drug addition brings. Sure, enough to hedge their losses with the investment in gun running, their lack of respect for human life is daunting. Sure, enough to push agendas on foreign soil, so that pharmaceutical companies are making a killing on AIDs cures, Cancer cures, stem cell research, medication to the elderly and poor. What do you think?

The trend is for new hirees to be Multi-taskers, working twice as hard for half as much as you earned 15 years ago for half the tasks than you're expected to complete now. Baby Boomers dying of heart attacks all chasing that dollar bill. American families reduced to single parent households chasing the dollar bills.

Pregnant women slaughtered, all for fear of having to pay the dreaded dollar bill for child support arears ('She never told me she was pregnant - its been 7 years") Suspended licenses for arears can cause people to lose jobs and prevent them from paying any child support. Only an unbalanced mind would consider killing the source and the problem goes away, but you can see in papers and press the mass exodus of men killing pregnant women or "babies mommas". as they call them to sever the bond between them forever.

Greed is on every level. Some people would sell their children on the black market for a million dollars and swear that someone stole their baby from them at a bus station. Others kill their children to save money? (that one still evades reason for me).

All I'm saying is don't stop with big business. If I was driving a lawn mower and it cut off your wild daisies even "you" would make a case that although the daisies are wild they had a special meaning for you and now they are ruined and I should be sued to the tune of millions of dollars." There's nothing you can do about Mass Hysteria and Greed in America has already jumped to Epidemic proportions.

2006-10-12 13:35:04 · answer #7 · answered by gravelgertiesgems 3 · 1 0

This whole thing is mind boggling. If a person speaks out against illegals they are accused of being racist. Two different things entirely! I am not racist. I believe immigrants are the backbone of this once great country. Immigrants brought knowledge, skills and a wonderful diversity. Illegals on the other hand bleed us dry. Our laws need to be inforced. Our politicians need to get their heads out of their butts and inforce our exisiting laws.

2006-10-12 14:04:47 · answer #8 · answered by Stick to Pet Rocks 7 · 1 0

If illegal aliens work so hard why are Americans paying $11 - $22 BILLION dollars for Welfare for them to have free housing, medical and a monthly check?
They are the largest group using welfare in America today!

And we spend another $2.2 BILLION DOLLARS for food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

And with all that energy they showed to demonstrate.

Why didn't they take that energy to apply for citizenship at their local immigration office to become legal?

2006-10-12 13:32:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Big businesses can still make a profit but they would rater make 75 million a year in stead of 60 million so the American worker suffers and wages stay LOW.

2006-10-12 13:10:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

You are missing the point that Mexican farm hands are out of work because the USA subsidizes its exports of corn, rice, cotton, etc. and under NAFTA Mexico can't keep them out and can't tax them.

So farm hands are out of a job, and their families starve.

Meanwhile American workers' jobs went not to Mexico as Ross Perot predicted, but to China.

And American subsidized cotton goes to Africa, and field workers there, starving, try to get to Europe.

Who profits? You figure it out. People do not leave their homes without reason. It remains to be seen how the instability created in the first place by government intervention in the market plays itself out. As to the issue you raised (American workers unwilling or unable to work in the fields) see the link. What is true is that the US mididle class is shrinking.

2006-10-12 13:06:34 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

fedest.com, questions and answers