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Do they actually think this is helpful? Have they considered this may be offensive to those of other faiths?

Surely this practice is only going to be of comfort to somebody who is also a Christian, iIn which case they have, surely, read the bible and it has not provided them with the answer to their question - repeating it probably isn't going to change anything.

For non-Christians, this is simply going to be either confusing, irrelevant, insulting, annoying - or any combination of these.

Is it that these people are so indoctrinated, they are unable to have a thought or emotion of their own? Or is it that they are so bigoted, they cannot comprehend the possibility that their personal belief system may not actually be the be all and end all of any action, thought or emotion experienced anywhere in the universe?

Certainly there is a place for qutation in reasoned discussion of the wider issues of the subject- but not everyone wants it.

Cue unsolicited biblical quotes..

2006-10-12 05:58:11 · 30 answers · asked by lickintonight 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

Yes this is the spirituality and religion section... But it's not called the "Copy and Paste the Bible" section...

You can give answers without copying and pasting.....

ITA-Why not give an answer from your own mind.. and then in the source section.. maybe provide the info so someone can look up the verse or whatever in the bible.. not copy and paste..

2006-10-12 06:10:55 · answer #1 · answered by SassySista 3 · 2 1

Hi there.

As this is a free - speech forum (of sorts) then there are bound to be expressions of thought which certain parties find irritating or even offensive. In your case, it's "unsolicited biblical quotes". In my case, it's Rajan S and his "question" regarding oral sex and a Christian girl (see today's questions). However, I would argue that "answers that consist solely of bible excerpts" are more appropriate to a Religion & Spirituality category than answers that appear to be designed with the sole purpose of provocation and causing offence.

As a committed Christian myself, I admit that I have found the tone of some (questions and) answers posted by professing Christians as disappointing, to say the least. My objection has been due more to a lack of civility rather than a lack of detail. Yet in their defence I would add that there may well be some among their number who although not being particularly knowledgeable or articulate, nevertheless have a sincere desire to communicate their faith to others with a view to saving their souls. On a free - speech forum they have the right to (politely) express their view, as do I, and so do you. I think that it is also helpful to bear in mind that a number of users on this site are probably quite young and / or immature. This may apply to people regardless of their religious beliefs, etc.

May God bless you.

- No scripture quotes ! -

2006-10-12 13:37:36 · answer #2 · answered by Carlito 3 · 2 1

if one shold post bible excerpts as answers they are entitled to think that this is helpful whowever feels offended has a right to whether that reaction is reasonable or not. though i don't see why my faiths scripture should offend someone one else's nor why theirs should offend my sensibilities.

scripture is quite sensible, unlike things like bigotry, lies, lack of logic & consideration.

asking a question isn't alway about comfort and not all christians have time or inclination to read bibles. opinions on things like religion rarely change & if one seeks to effect that Y!A isn't the best place to do that perhaps it might b better to evangelise (whatever creed or religion) on some other platform.

The point of Y!A is to share ideas whatever their effect, and because everyone has their own values, faiths, opinions and world-views and stage of development it is only right that they should be confused, sometimes see irrelevancies, face insults, annoyance or any combination of the above. It's only right.

Why come on here just to agree?

You can't dictate someone else's motivation, thoughts or opinion therefore they're are entitled to adopt or promote whatever viewpoint they like. that's what 'thumbs up', 'thumbs down & reporting's for.

Perhaps enlightenment can be found on Y!A & bigotry can be questioned and refuted in an individual. We only live on earth for the moment there's no reason to be so meladromatic.

everyone has their right to seek, tolerate or report whatever they like on Y!A that's what a public discussion forum's for

2006-10-12 13:08:28 · answer #3 · answered by Can I Be Your Pet? 6 · 0 1

Because they only know how to copy and paste. A lot can't think of a better answer so think God can answer the question for them. It's a cop out, people want an answer from a person not God

At a guess is it a person who quotes bible passages that's rating all the 'bad' answers badly!!
I am a Christian and I don't quote the bible just give my personal opinion be it wrong or right.

2006-10-12 13:01:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I've been reading this site for a while now and I have to really wonder what you find so upsetting about Christians.Why do you complain about the christian remarks that comes from the word of God in love.I have to thank you though.I,even as a christian USED to believe that most Christians must really be that way.Now,even though some are,I see the real truth.That most people just want to christian bash to make theirselves feel better and theres nothing I can do about that.I'll just keep on praying and praising God and you just keep bashing His people.I don't have to insult others to feel good.By the way,as far as your complaint,that is what this site is for.

2006-10-12 19:45:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I freely admit I post bible scriptural reference. when people ask "do you believe this or that"... or why do Christians believe this or that...... in order to answer that question i have to give a foundation of why we believe that... which comes from the bible. As for copy and pasting and not having a thought of their own... why is it offensive to have a Christian post from the Bible... but yet okay for an atheist to do a 4 page post from a evolution website... or one of their other favorite authors... that is offensive to people also .... but I havent seen any posts where people were complaining about it. They are exercising their freedom of choice and freedom of speech.... just as we are.

God bless you

2006-10-12 13:17:16 · answer #6 · answered by PreacherTim63(SFECU) 5 · 0 0

When charged by opposers with ‘making himself a god,’ Jesus’ reply was: “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said: “You are gods”’? If he called ‘gods’ those against whom the word of God came, and yet the Scripture cannot be nullified, do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and dispatched into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, I am God’s Son?” (Joh 10:31-37)

Jesus there quoted from Psalm 82, in which human judges, whom God condemned for not executing justice, were called “gods.” (Ps 82:1, 2, 6, 7) Thus, Jesus showed the unreasonableness of charging him with blasphemy for stating that he was, not God, but God’s Son.


YOU may not like this answer but it is the truth.

2006-10-12 13:10:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

For the Lord hath said...

Um, i can't really think of anything Biblical to say that's appropriate for the occasion. I'm pretty sure the internet wasn't invented until at least the New Testament, so there's not much for reference.

Shocking considering i'm an RS teacher.

2006-10-12 13:02:26 · answer #8 · answered by Dan 2 · 1 1

It is the difference between giving an unsupported personal opinion (a popular pastime around here) and stating something which has a foundation in Scriptural truth.

2006-10-12 16:04:00 · answer #9 · answered by waycyber 6 · 0 0

Well I do so, because often, it deals with the fact we're talking about Christian subjects. If you ask me why do I believe Christ is God, then, yeah, I'm gonna reply with Biblical quotations. If you ask me why do I believe in the Flood, I will give my opinions, backed with quotations. If you ask me why I like the color blue, I will give my opinions.

It would be the same way with atheists. Could the very thing you said about us Christians could be said about those atheists who love to cut and paste the 15-year-old and oft-answered "101 Objections to Christianity"? Could you answer any question dealing with evolution if I prevented you from using any knowledge you learned from all of your science books?

If you ask me about my experiences with my dad, I will share with you everything I know, my photos, memorabilia, old clothes, letters, gifts, everything. If you ask me about my experiences with my Father in Heaven, I will share everything I know, the Bible, personal experiences, memories, love, research, archaeology, history, science.

But, asking me about everything I know about my dad will get boring to you... the same with you asking about God. So, in both cases, I get right to the important stuff. All the wisdom given to me from my dad... and all the wisdom given to me from my Father.

It's just that God gave me a LOT more wisdom than my dad did, and God was nice enough to have people write it down for me, so that even if I forgot, I'd still have it handy.

2006-10-12 13:12:14 · answer #10 · answered by seraphim_pwns_u 5 · 0 0

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