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19 answers

If you really have faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior then there will be evidence of Christ in our life, (The fruit of good works).

If someone doesn't seem to have any fruit (good works) in their life, then it might be evidence that their faith was not ever real.

Works does not save us and does not cover a multitude of sins. If there was anything we could do to save ourselves, we in our self-seeking nature would boast about what we did to save ourselves.

See below

2006-10-12 04:12:13 · answer #1 · answered by NONAME 4 · 1 0

This is very true statement. Faith in and of itself is nothing if the actions of the person professing the faith actually lives it. I say if a person claims faith in Christ haow does their actions measure up?

I see all the people wearing WWJD but that is a bunch of crap. It is not what would Jesus do but What Did Jesus Do. That we have the answer. Doesn't matter if you believe in the faith or not if you take the time to learn what Jesus did it is much more different than what many are claiming.

Things like putting others before yourself, treating others in the manner in which you want to be treated yourself, love your neighbor as yourself. Instead we are selfish instead of selfless. Makes one think. Faith when backed up with the model Jesus left will show in the actions of the person. By your actions the world will know. Actions, deeds, speak louder than any words. Just saying one is a Christian means nothing. Judge the actions and then you will know.

Faith without works is dead and Christians not following the model of Christ are dead also.

Since I do claim the faith I am to model my life after that of Christ and do as best I can the things that He taught. Having compassion (concerned passion or concerned love) for others. Working on becoming selfless instead of being selfish. That is the model, yet not easily done but still I try.

2006-10-12 04:26:07 · answer #2 · answered by Dead Man Walking 4 · 0 0

I am not a "born again" and thus may not be able to answer this question. However, does the Bible not say that "Faith without works is dead?" Of course it is through the Grace of God that anyone is saved, however, we can't cut out parts of the Bible simply because we don't like to talk about a certain aspect of our salvation. Perhaps instead of coming up with man made philosophies about why works isn't needed we should read all of the Bible and see how all the seemingly contradictory statements on this subject can simply be justified by saying, "We are saved by Grace, after all we can do."

2006-10-12 04:13:15 · answer #3 · answered by AT 5 · 0 1

Satan has faith, he believes God exists, but his works is evil, the same with Born Again Christians, We can say we believe, but our works or another word for works is deeds, If we don't portray it, Then all the words in this world will not make any difference. Just as for instance, I will use myself as an example, If I told you that I believe, then I would do what the bible says I need to do, Be Baptized & recieve the Holy Ghost, & live the life before the people, It would be useless for me to try to convince someone that I am a Christain If my life don't measure up to what I claim.

2006-10-12 04:17:00 · answer #4 · answered by birdsflies 7 · 0 0

James point is not that a person is saved by works (he has already strongly and clearly stated that salvation is a gracious gift from God; James 1:17,18). His point is that there is a kind of apparent faith that is dead and does not save. Just as professed compassion without action is phony, the kind of faith that is without works is mere empty profession, not genuine saving faith. Good works evidence true faith.

2006-10-12 04:20:20 · answer #5 · answered by Hope 5 · 2 0

Faith encompasses so many things -- but faith, above all in Christianity, comes first. If you believe in Christ (or a higher being), then you should want to do good works in honor of God and your faith in Him as he has given so much to us.

Secondly, I see this more as a question of the human condition rather than religion. All of us, as a society, have faith in something -- and it is a wonderfully human thing to do good for others, so yes, I do believe your faith is inevitably going to be tainted (I wouldn't say dead) if you are selfish and self-absorbed. (It's also karma :)

2006-10-12 04:18:21 · answer #6 · answered by Mag:) 2 · 0 0

Faith without works IS dead indeed. I am a born again Christian. We need to 1. have faith and then 2. do good works because of our faith. "Good works" covers many things.

2006-10-12 04:10:53 · answer #7 · answered by ccc4jesus 4 · 3 1

works are the fruit of salvation
works are not the root of salvation
works are the evidense of saving faith,
works not the prerequisite where you pull yourself up by your bootstraps
God loves us just as we are
God loves us too much to leave us as we are

take James own example used in Romans.
Abraham is declared righteous by believeing God will give a son Isaac - Paul in ROMANS Moses in Genesis as well
many decades later ISAAC is a teen and Abraham offers up Isaac and with work Vindicates the faith he had originally and where Moses was wthey first who said he was counted righteous and was a friend of God - JAMES

saving faith produces fruit, but we need to let Jesus serve us first Mark 8:45 The Son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.... we let Jesus serve us, change us by faith, adopt us, give us new hearts, put his spirit in us, raise us up, put us on a spiriual makeover and as a RESULT of the saving faith the writer of Hebrews can rightly say

"without Holiness no one will see the Lord" Hebrews
and faith is resulting in necessry fruit

they go together

2006-10-12 04:17:07 · answer #8 · answered by whirlingmerc 6 · 1 0

It flies with us because we believe that faith is the foundation of beleiving in Christ and works doesnt mean going and do things but just the action of holding on to the believe and faith. The action of walking in that faith that God is God and will do all he says he will do

2006-10-12 04:12:14 · answer #9 · answered by tgd_bb 1 · 0 0

True that has been said before,though we can't judge another persons works or lack of them. Most good works are a product of ones faith not the size of it.
Hope that helps take care ~A~

2006-10-12 04:10:50 · answer #10 · answered by momsapplepeye 6 · 1 0

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