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In the long run would it not save more lives? Do you not think that America should adopt the laws of nature and apply the survival of the fittest principle. The weakest should perish and we are more technologically advanced. I think we should wipe off all the muslims and then the world will be peaceful. Am I the only person on here who supports the actions of our fantastic president?

2006-10-12 03:45:38 · 35 answers · asked by Brett S 1 in Politics & Government Military

China will never Nuke America. They would not have anwhere to sell there inferior goods. America is a CONSUMER economy. China's economy is built on MANUFACTURING goods. If there are no consumers then China will not survive. If China nuked us we would nuke them. We need each other but the world can live without Iran, North Korea, France and a few south American nations.

2006-10-12 03:55:45 · update #1

35 answers

Well unfortuanately we can't nuke them all. Granted it would be simpler, but unfortunately it would be morally wrong. Unfortunately, 911 convinced me (personally) that we DO have to police the rest of the world, or I am at risk of dying. So we have to do it exactly as Bush is doing it. Put our soldiers' (who get paid for putting their lives on the line - they are government property) lives at risk, by going in and only killing the bad guys. Unfortunately a war on terror is an unwinnable war. You have to kill the terrorists, those who support them, and basically anyone who thinks what they do is ok. The more we take out, the more that step up to fill their shoes. However, its wrong to kill them before they become terrorists, so we have to kill their friends until we push them over the edge, then we can kill them.

The question is, will they run out of terrorists before they run out of citizens? If yes (which I believe is the answer, I'm sure good muslims do exist), then the whole, ground-troops strategic strike business is the only course of action we can take.

We know we can't ever get all the terrorists out there... We can only hope to shake things up enough to keep them from organizing again.

2006-10-12 03:59:18 · answer #1 · answered by nitrojunkie78 4 · 2 1

One cannot beat Guerilla warfare look at Angola, Viet Nam, Rhodesia, French Algeria, the American Colonies or the Israelis.

Bombing Iran, North Korea would be the end. Bombing Iran would contaminate their and possible other middle East oil supplies; it would solidify the Islamic Movement it would make every other third world country turn against us (so to make sure we could not get the jump on them) we would have daily assassinations and bombing just like they have in Russia and Baghdad.?

God I hope not they kicked our butts the first time and will this time. Don't you all know weapons including nukes mean nothing if you have the people? During Nam the NVA overran base after base and all the weapons in our arsenal could not stop them. In October 1950, China entered the Korea war and kicked our butts. They dared us to drop the atomic bombs on them. They knew their population was so large that for us to be able to put a dent in it would have caused so much atomic energy to have been expended the world as we knew it would have ceased to exist. Well, they have even more people now; we would have a hard time using nukes on North Korea, as due to their proximity to South Koreas we would be killing an ally. The North Koreas rolled over the South in 1950 but would have a harder time this time but would prevail. Japan has a non-aggression Constitution but I believe they would have to come to the aid of the South. If not and the North wins and eventually rolling over Japan. I don't think American could stop them this time, too much political correctness plus bog brother China. No, North Korea would not be someone anyone should wake up!

No, only kids, literates and that bunch of professional losers believe that garbage of aggression. Have you ever wondered why China is everyone friend and why everyone in a political situation listens to them and takes their advise?

2006-10-12 04:19:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You really dont get it do you?

only a small minority of muslims (by the way i am not muslim) are terrorists, just the same as only a small percentage of americans are rapists and murderers. So you cant just wipe out an entire race just because you are having disagreements with a small minority. Your reasoning is exactly the same as the terrorists. They would like to see all christians killed because the governments of countries that are predominantly christian have hurt them in some way. Are you saying that their way of thinking is correct? Hmmm

To the main point of your question (if it could be said your question had any point), no you cant just nuke those countries. That would give all koreans, pakistanis and iranians around the world a valid reason to laucnh terrorists attacks on us. By the way in order to win in survival of the fittest, you also have to be smart, and i am afraid that your president just doesnt make the grade in that department, nor does anyone who blindly follows such a president.

2006-10-12 06:50:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a military wife, who lives next to a base where there a nukes present, that would be the dumbest thing ever. Between all of the countries who have nukes, there are enough to end civilization on earth.Plus have you ever heard of a thing called a treaty? We signed one at the end of the cold war, that says no one can have a nuclear weapon leave the ground.(yes there are some small print but that is the jist of it) We are the USA. We are a super power, we have to take the higher road on alot of issues to maintain that title. If we went down to there level of just blowing everything up they we would be no better than them.

2006-10-12 05:07:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

oh my god, you must be going to Church every sunday with Bush.... is it what they teach you? kill as many people as you want, as long as you are stronger? America applying the laws of nature? So you guys are animals, i can now understand everything!!!
just for the principle, even though i doubt it wil change naything in that stupid mind of yours, i will let you know that in those countries, pakistan, france, south america, n.korea, there are people like you who breathe, eat, go to school, have families and friends, have a life and a right to live that life, just like you.
You wonder why everybody hates America? because of people like you. you only get back what you give out.
Try to "bomb" people with Good, you will see it coming back... Try the Nuke, you will definitely not have the time to blink before evaporating yourself. I did not always agree with him, but i certainly miss Clinton...

2006-10-13 01:24:24 · answer #5 · answered by Lisa 3 · 0 0

China would launch it's nukes economies are second defense is always #1. Japan attacked us and we were its main supplier of oil. If we hit Pakistan they could hit our forces in the region especially those in Iraq are you writing them off? If you hit Iran then they will fire there cruise missiles into every refinery in the area and stop all oil out of the gulf for at least a decade. so I must ask are you suicidal or just very stupid and short sighted.

2006-10-12 06:18:01 · answer #6 · answered by brian L 6 · 1 0

Glad you included France and not the UK thank you for showing Mercy.Dont forget that even we have enough nukes to wipe out the USA heaven help us all if the Muslims come to power in the UK.

2006-10-12 05:27:29 · answer #7 · answered by Francis7 4 · 1 0

My son is just home from Iraq and yes we should wipe out the muslims but i do not think that the weakest should perish.

2006-10-12 04:51:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Kyoto protocol provides for the commies to pollute themselves to death anyway.
There is nothing to nuke in North Korea anyway.
Malicious rumours suggest the Sunnies are killing the Shiites and vice versa in muslim land and anyway if the Koreans need to do annother test it sounds like the first one did not work.

2006-10-12 03:57:43 · answer #9 · answered by "Call me Dave" 5 · 2 1

I'm anti terrorist but what your saying is wipe out innocent n.Koreans and Iraqis and Pakistan.
yes you might get the odd terrorist but killing all the innocents no way.
what we should do is target every known terrorist in one fowl swoop not the law abiding civilians, that would make the cure worse than the disease.
can you imagine our future generations saying what we have all said at some stage about Hiroshima and Nagasaki 2 bombs 100s thousands dead that's not war.

2006-10-12 04:00:48 · answer #10 · answered by tonyinspain 5 · 3 0

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